• How to start - What is MMOAuctions ?

    You always wanted to find a place where you could put your virtual goods on sale?

    From any MMO that you can imagine. Buy, Sell and Trade with MMOAuctions - the best place for online gamers.
    Watch the video and you will find out in few minutes how does it work and why we are so awesome! Cheers :-)!

  • TOOLS - Smart Vendor - Why it's such a powerfull tool & how to use it?

    Smart Vendor is an MMOAuctions tool to keep you updated on every new offer that appears on our site!

    You don't need to waste time and check all the Categories, Servers for the specific offer - we will do it for you and inform you via MMOAuctions inbox!
    Live notifications, Game/Server/Category follow. Smart Vendor helps you with contacting clients faster than ever before

    What can you subscribe?
    - One or Many Games
    - One / Many Regions (in selected games)
    - All or selected categories ( Gold Accounts etc )
    - All or selected categories (WTS, WTB, WTT)

    'Sell smart, get profit, be on top!'

  • EXTRA How the mmoauctions.com search engine works?

    We have two types of search tool on mmoauctions.com

    1) Standard search tool
    It can be used by everyone. Starting from NEW members up to MMOStandard. The search engine is checking only the offer titles so it's not inspecting the descriptions. 

    2) Advanced search tool
    It can be used only by users that have bought a subscription (MMO Pro and MMO SuperSeller). The search engine is checking offer titles and descriptions. If there are any words that we are looking for, in the offer title or the description, the search engine will find it and give us the results. 

    How does it work?
    If You put in the STANDARD SEARCH TOOL words "Lineage 2" - the search engine will ONLY check if there is "Lineage" or "2" in all of the OFFER TITLES (for all users).

    If You put in the ADVANCED SEARCH TOOL words "Lineage 2" - the search engine will check if there is "Lineage" or "2" in all of the OFFER TITLES AND DESCRIPTIONS (only for MMO Pro and MMO SuperSeller).

    That's why it's worth to put specific phrases or single words related to the game, in the offer description.

  • EXTRA - How to check Skypes at Scam Killer database?

    Only logged users are able to use Scam Killer. 

    1. Go to the main page of MMOAuctions and click on ScamKiller tab
    2. There are 2 options that you can use for searching
    2.1. Search by: payment details, contact info, nickname
    2.2. Search by IP
    3. Fill up the search box and check if the user you are dealing with is a scammer or not 
    4. Don't forget to support our ScamKiller project :-) Adding Scammers to the database to protect MMO Community.

  • EXTRA - How to find out did you add the correct Skype user?

    To be 100% sure if you added correct Skype user:

    1. Open you Skype application
    2. Right-click on selected U
    ser> View Profile
    3. Check with Contact info from MMOAuctions if the Skype is correct (always use on-site "Skype" button to add people)

  • EXTRA - How to check my Skype ID?

    If you want to check your Skype ID:

    1. Open Skype Application
    2. Go to Skype>Profile>Edit Your profile (or press CTRL+I)
    3. Under the Name of your account, there's Skype ID (it does not have spacebar between words)


  • UPGARDE ACCOUNT - Badge "Middleman". How to get it and what are the benefits?

    Badge Middleman is given ONLY to the MMOAuction users that bought SuperSeller subscription

    The Middleman badge is given manually by MMOAuctions administration

    - MMO
    Super Seller account
    - Trusted status
    - 50+ Positive feedback (without negatives)
    - Feedback verification by MMOAuctions administration
    - Member for 60 days

    - "MIDDLEMAN" badge
    - Able to add 2 users associated with specific deal to the on-site 3-person chat
    - Able to add "WTS Middleman service" offer type in any game

    If you meet the requirements:

    1. Go to your account
    2. Click on the "Upgrade account" button under profile picture
    3. Go to "Upgrade badges" > Trusted > and press Request badge
    4. After successful verification of your feedback, MMOAuctions Admin will add you the badge

    After you will receive Middleman badge you will be able to add 2 users associated with 
    specific deal to the on-site 3-person chat.
    Also, you will be able to add an offer about "WTS Middleman service" on MMOAuctions

  • UPGARDE ACCOUNT - Badge "Trusted". How to get it?

    Badge Trusted is given to the MMOAuction users who met the requirements listed below:

    - 50+ Positive feedback (without negatives)
    - Feedback verification by MMOAuctions administration
    - MMO PRO or MMO SuperSeller Only
    - Member for 60 days

    - "TRUSTED" badge
    - 1 Extra STAR on profile

    If you meet the requirements:

    1. Go to your account
    2. Click on the "Upgrade account" button under profile picture
    3. Go to "Upgrade badges" > Trusted > and press Request badge
    4. After successful verification of your feedback, MMOAuctions Admin will add you the badge

  • UPGARDE ACCOUNT - Badge "Verified", Silver VIP and Gold VIP status. How to get them?

    There are 3 extra Badges at MMOAuctions (they are given automatically when you meet the requirements)

    1. Verified - you get it after a successful verification process of at least one payment method. (check How to verify payment methods)

    - Adding Unlimited Feedback
    - Badge Verified

    2. Silver VIP - donated more than 50 USD for ScamKiller project
    - Silver VIP Badge

    3. Golden VIP - donated more than 250 USD for ScamKiller project
    - Golden VIP Badge


  • UPGARDE ACCOUNT - Benefits of upgrading to MMO SUPERSELLER

    MMO Super Seller is a subscription-based account type. (check How to upgrade my account to MMO PRO)

    Becoming an MMO Super Seller user increases your reliability on MMOAuctions. With a verified account you are gaining a higher trust level that will surely help you with making successful deals.

    Benefits of upgrading your account to MMO Super Seller

    - Account status: 5 STARS are being displayed
    - Unlimited number of Buy/Sell/Trade offers
    - NO delay between adding offers
    - You can add payment methods and verify them
    - Profile modifications (Avatars, Descriptions, Extra info)
    - You can receive Unlimited number of Feedback
    - Giving feedback WITHOUT LIMITS
    - UNLIMITED messages in the inbox
    - UNLIMITED offers
    - Advanced search tool (titles & descriptions)
    - ScamKiller search tool (including reverse IP search)

    Every subscriber is getting a FREE bonus for offer promoting:

    - You can set 2 offer as PROMOTED (COLORED TITLE FONT with BACKLIGHT) for FREE
    - 20% discount for Offer promoting

  • UPGRADE ACCOUNT - Benefits of upgrading to MMO PRO.

    MMO Pro is a subscription-based account type. (check How to upgrade my account to MMO PRO)

    Becoming an MMO Pro user increases your reliability on MMOAuctions. With a verified account you are gaining a higher trust level that will surely help you with making successful deals.

    Benefits of upgrading your account to MMO PRO

    - Account status: 3 STARS are being displayed
    - Unlimited number of Buy/Sell/Trade offers
    - NO delay between adding offers
    - You can add payment methods and verify them
    - Profile modifications (Avatars, Descriptions, Extra info)
    - You can receive Unlimited number of Feedback
    - Giving feedback WITHOUT LIMITS
    - Maximum 500 messages in the inbox
    - UNLIMITED offers
    - Standard search tool (Only via offer titles)
    - ScamKiller search tool (excluding reverse IP search)

    Every subscriber is getting a FREE bonus for offer promoting:

    - You can set 2 offers as PROMOTED (COLORED TITLE FONT with BACKLIGHT) for FREE
    - 20% discount for Offer promoting



    How to upgrade my account to MMO Standard?

    MMO Standard is a free account type (check Benefits of MMO Standard account)

    - Verified phone number

    1. Go to your account
    2. Click on Profile>Contact
    3. Add new contact method: Phone number and verify it (check How to verify a contact method)
    4. Click on the "Upgrade account" under your profile picture
    5. If you met the requirements, click on the "Select" button
    6. Congratulations! You have now an MMO Standard account.

    How to upgrade my account to MMO Pro?

    MMO Pro is a subscription-based account type. (check Benefits of MMO Pro account)

    - Verified phone number
    - Verified at least one payment method

    1. Go to your account
    2. Click on Profile>Contact
    3. Add new contact method: Phone number and verify it (check How to verify a contact method)
    4. Click on Offers>Payments
    5. Add new payment method and verify it (check How to verify a payment method)
    6. Click on the "Upgrade account" under your profile picture
    7. If you met the requirements for MMO Pro, click on the "Select" button and 
    8. Congratulations! You have now an MMO Pro account.

    How to upgrade my account to MMO Super Seller?

    MMO Super Seller is a subscription-based account type. (check Benefits of MMO Super Seller account)

    - Verified phone number
    - Verified at least two payment methods

    1. Go to your account
    2. Click on Profile>Contact
    3. Add new contact method: Phone number and verify it (check How to verify a contact method)
    4. Click on Offers>Payments
    5. Add 2 new payment methods and verify them (check How to verify a payment method)
    6. Click on the "Upgrade account" under your profile picture
    7. If you met the requirements for MMO Super Seller, click on the "Select" button and 
    8. Congratulations! You have now an MMO
    Super Selleraccount.

  • HELP - Support Tickets - How to create a ticket?

    Support tickets are used in case of:

    1. Scam report
    2. Offer report
    3. Feedback report
    4. Help
    5. Bugs & errors

    Sending false evidence might get you in account suspension or permanent ban (for Scam report, Offer report and Feedback report)

    How to create a support ticket? There are few ways of doing that:
    1. Go to My Account
    1.1. On your account go to Help>Tickets
    1.2. Select a category of your problem
    1.3. Fill up the form and send it

    2. Go to Offer page
    2.1. Click on the "Report offer" under the profile picture, system will automatically redirect you to ticket form with the link to the offer
    2.2  Fill up the form and send it

    3. Go to MMO User profile
    3.1. Go to the user profile that created an offer.
    3.2. Click on "Report user button"
    3.3  Select category fill up the form and send us a ticket.

    MMOAuctions Administrations is usually replying on every ticket up to 24h.

  • MESSAGES - How does middleman chat works?

    Middleman chat is a 3-way conversation between the SuperSeller having Middleman status, Buyer and the Seller. (Check Account upgrade - Middleman)

    If you would like to open a Middleman chat:
    1. Go to your Account
    2. Open Messages>Middleman Chat
    3. Add 2 users that you would like to deal with
    4. Proceed with the deal :-)
    5. Don't forget to give feedback to each other


  • MESSAGES - How to contact sellers & buyers. Why should i use "Ask for payment details" button during transaction?

    You have found a suitable offer. What now? How to contact your seller or buyer?

    There are few ways of doing that:
    1. Click on the "Send message" button under the profile picture
    2. Go to "Contact" tab to the offer page and pick a form of contact with the seller or buyer
    2.1. You can send a message on MMOAuctions directly - it's the safest method of contact (Using any other method of contact than on-site message puts you in the higher risk of getting scammed. Please always use on-site chat for trades)
    2.2. You can also add Skype, check website or call on a mobile phone 

    After contacting your seller or buyer via MMOAuctions u can ask about payment details via chat.

    "Ask for payment details" is a special MMOAuctions feature that makes the transactions safer than ever before!
    Every MMOAuctions member that added and verified a payment method can be asked with "Ask for payment details" for his details during the transaction.
    A verified payment method is increasing the reliability of the vendor. If his payment method is verified it means he's not located in the ScamKiller database.


  • PROFILE - How to configure and verify contact informations?

    1. Go to the main page of MMOAuctions and log on your account.
    2. Open Offer>Payments
    3. Add contact info that you are using for trades
    4. Configure it (REMEMBER! You cannot change contact method data after configuration so fill up the form CAREFULLY)

    How to verify a contact method?
    Verification process is needed to upgrade your account to a higher rank (check the Benefits from MMO Pro&MMO SuperSeller)
    A verified account is more reliable. Your payment methods are automatically checked in ScamKiller if you are not in the database.
    Also, you will be able to send payment method details after your buyer uses "Ask for payment details" button on MMOAuctions Chat.

    1. Go to the main page of MMOAuctions and log on your account.
    2. Open Profile>Contact info
    3. Select the contact info that you would like to verify.
    4. Configure it (REMEMBER! You cannot change contact details after configuration so fill up the form CAREFULLY)
    4.1. Skype: MMOAuctions will automatically generate a token that you need to send to MMOAuctions Administrator Skype for verification (Click on Skype button to add us!)
    4.2. Facebook: Copy the facebook URL of your profile
    4.3. Website: Add your website URL
    4.4. Phone number: Pick the country your phone is registered in (it will automatically add phone number prefix) and add fill the form with your number.  
           MMOAuctions will send you a message with a special code for the verification process.  Type it in the "Code from SMS" box to verify your phone number.

  • TIPS & TRICKS - How to sell more and faster on MMOAuctions? Simple tips & tricks how to increase your sales.

    How to increase your sales in few simple moves!

    Welcome, everyone.
    Today I will teach You how to highly increase your sales on MMOAuctions.com and other websites like forums/facebook trade groups etc. Some of You probably know these techniques already, but I'm recommending to read this article as a reminder ;). I'm using all these Tips & Tricks on various forums and sites. Thanks to this knowledge I had promoted and became one of the most known Virtual Goods Sale Services (sellersandfriends.com) - you can check our feedback on sites like trustpilot.com.

    1) Offer title - one of the most important parts of an offer. Remember that the Standard Search Tool at MMOAuctions.com is showing results found only in offer titles. You just need to specify what you're selling and where. Don't waste title space for some special symbols like *** $$$ and other silly things and surely your offer will be visited by more customers. Want an example? Here you go:

    *** [$$$TOP PRICE$$$] ***[ ##FAST & SAFE##] ** [CHEAPER ONLY HERE] *** [24/7 DELIVERY FAST] O_(^_^)_O ***


    In your opinion which of these 2 titles will get more visits? Of course, the second one and you know why? Simply: in theory, almost everyone who will come to MMOAuctions to buy something will pick specific Region and category (f.e. World of Warcraft / North America / Gold). But there will be people that will write in the search tool on the main page what exactly they are looking for: AKAMA (server name) WOW (game) GOLD (specific item/currency). That kind of movement saves a lot of time for the buyer. He doesn't need to pick a game, region, server and finally a category. That's why your offer title is such an important matter. Remember to not make any mistakes in the title (f.e. letter switch like AKMAA instead of AKAMA).

    2) Offer description - this is the basic stuff but you need to remember about some important details. How to create a good offer description? The key to success is RICH CONTENT. Nowadays people don't have the
    time or just simply don't want to read long texts. That's why you need to make your description short but it needs to have all the essential information about the virtual good that you are selling. Information that might be irrelevant for you are very often important for the buyer. Reliable, full information is always 100 times better than some residual ones. Additionally, you need to remember that the search tool for MMO Pro and MMO SuperSeller is searching also in the offer descriptions. That's why it's so important to put as many keywords in your offer.

    3) Screenshots / Images - Most of the people are attracted by pictures, commercials, etc. That's why adding screenshots or images of the stuff you're selling is so important. If you are selling gold, an account or other things, put in the offer some nice looking images (connected to things you got for sale). Make sure that all your images are in the best possible quality. If you're selling accounts, items or gold - prepare some images that will differentiate you from other sellers. If you're a Salesman - DON'T FORGET about an avatar. It might be shocking for you but there are Avatars that attract or repulse potential customers. You don't believe in that? I have read a couple of books about sales and e-commerce so you can trust me on this - Avatar matters. You can compare it to a profile picture on some dating site but the difference is that you're not going for a date, instead of that you want to SELL something. The best Avatars are those with happy, smiling people (f.e. Your photo in some nice shirt). People rather buy from those who are existing physically. If you're a company representative you can use a LOGO. Avoid strange, vulgar and unpleasant photos. Remember that something that's funny for you might be offensive and stupid for others. You can lose a deal just 'cause of an avatar.
    Summarizing: Add a couple of good quality images to your offer and put a suitable Profile Avatar. Remember that you can zoom in on all the images in the offer and there is a slider that moves all the photos automatically so try to keep the photos in same resolution - it looks more professional. 


    4) Offer promoting and duration - Is it worth it? In my opinion: YES. For many years I have put my offers on various forums as promoted ones (bold, colored titles, pinned up on the header of the website). You may ask why?
    There are a couple of simple reasons:

    Fist of all you need to be noticeable in the 'jungle' of other offers. It's not only about being easier noticed, it's also about reliability. Yup, RELIABILITY. Scammers and thieves are surely not spending money to offer to promote 'cause of a simple reason: they might get banned soon so there's not point of doing that. On MMOAuctions every new auction starts at the bottom of the page and it's moving higher and higher depending on the time left on the auction. It means that if you set an offer (A) for 7 days and after 2 days you will put the other offer (B) for 3 days it will keep the offer (B) higher in the list than the offer (A). Time till the end of an auction is a condition for the place where is the offer in the list. That's why it's much better to make the offers duration as short as possible and just relist them each time they end.
    When it comes to promoting offers I usually put them for 7 days to be higher than promoted offers set for 14 days and non-promoted ones. 

    5) Account appearance - If you have attracted successfully a customer, now you need to keep him near you! How to do it? Stay reliable. Some time ago I made an experiment - I have checked how many people are willing to pay a bit more from a reliable source than save couple dollars and risk buying from some shady vendor. The vast majority have chosen safety and reliability. Surely it's not worth to risk the money. It's much better to pay some extra cash than lose everything after getting scammed. That is the main reason why you should invest in your account - build prestige. Big amount of verified information on your account (that require sending your personal details) is increasing the trust level of your customers. Remember to gain as much feedback as you can. When it will come to a deal be sure that your customer goes aways fully satisfied and happy with the purchase. 
    Remember about the details like account avatar and extra info (tell something about yourself, about what you do etc.). Adding a phone number and facebook account to your contact info increases the reliability and provides faster contact with your clients. Don't forget that it's a 2-way deal. If you add your client to facebook, you can say in touch with him (most of the people are 70% time on social media nowadays) and give him info about latest promotions etc. Ask for feedback after every transaction. Get a premium account and show everyone that you're NOT some occasional seller but a professional salesman that sells frequently. When you will combine all these advice and stick to them all the time I can guarantee you 100% Success :) 

    SellersAndFriends CEO
    Sale Manager & Sale Specialist Coach


  • Offers - How to give or recive feedback?

    Giving feedback on MMOAuctions is really easy.

    There are 3 types of feedback:

    - Positive (when all went OK with the deal, and you are happy with your purchase/sale/trade)
    - Neutral (when the deal haven't
    goneexactly as intended - longer delivery/ different price/ poor contact with seller/buyer)
    - Negative (when you got scammed, zero contact with the seller/buyer, item not as described)

    How to give a feedback?
    1. Go to MMOAuctions main site and log on your account
    2. Go to your buyer/seller offer and press "Add feedback button"
    3. Pick what kind of feedback you would like to add and leave a note.

    Use feedbacks wisely! Never give Negative feedback under the influence of emotions. Always try to find a solution with seller/buyer.
    Giving fake feedback for transactions that have not 
    occurred will be punished with account suspension or permanent ban from MMOAuctions.

    How to receive a feedback?
    Ask the person you were dealing with, for a feedback.
    Collecting Positive feedback makes you more reliable, creates higher trust.


  • Offers - Payment methods & verification

    Before you will add an offer you should add at least one payment method.

    1. Go to the main page of MMOAuctions and log on your account.
    2. Open Offer>Payments
    3. Add a payment method that you are using for trades
    4. Configure it (REMEMBER! You cannot change payment method data after configuration so fill up the form CAREFULLY)

    How to verify a payment method?

    There are few verifiable payment methods at MMOAuctions.
    Verification process is needed to upgrade your account to a higher rank (check the Benefits or MMO Pro & MMO SuperSeller)
    A verified account is more reliable. Your payment methods are automatically checked in Scam Killer if you are not in the database.
    Also, you will be able to send payment method details after your buyer uses "Ask for payment details" button on MMOAuctions Chat.

    1. Go to the main page of MMOAuctions and log on your account.
    2. Open Offer>Payments
    3. Select the payment method you would like to verify and send us a verification payment (1 USD)
    4. Your payment method will be verified after MMOAuctions Administration will receive the "Verification payment"
    5. Congratulations! You have verified your payment method.

  • Offers - How to create your first offer. Promoting, editing, relististing & ending offers.

    Adding offers at MMOAuctions is easy!

    1. Go to main page www.mmoauctions.com
    2. Click on the "Add offer" button
    3. Select Game>Region>Server that you want to buy/sell or trade at.
    4. Create a title that will describe what are you selling (How to sell more - Tips & Tricks)
    5. Select if you want to buy, sell or trade.
    6. Pick a category (f.e. Gold)
    7. Select how long the offer should last on site
    8. Pick the currency and payment methods that you are using.
    9. Describe what are you selling, buying or trading
    10. Upload some screenshots....
    11. ...and you are DONE! Congratulations you made your 1st offer at MMOAuctions

    Maybe now you would like to PROMOTE your offer(s)?

    1. Go to your Account (upper right corner after you log in)
    2. Open Offer>My Offers.
    3. Click on the selected offer the "PROMOTE" button
    4. Pick what kind of offer promoting you would like to use and go to payment page (Benefits of MMO PRO, Benefits of MMO SuperSeller)
    5. After payment, your offer will be automatically promoted

    You miss typed something in your offer and you need to make some changes? EDIT the offer

    1. Go to your Account (upper right corner after you log in)
    2. Open Offer>My Offers.
    3. Click on the selected offer the "EDIT" button
    4. Make the changes and save them.

    Your offer is not actual anymore because you sold/bought/traded your goods or you changed your mind? END the offer

    1. Go to your Account (upper right corner after you log in)
    2. Open Offer>My Offers.
    3. Click on the selected offer the "END" button
    4. Your offer is no longer active at MMOAuctions (if you want to relist it, go to ENDED tab)

    Do you want to activate an offer again? RELIST the offer(s)

    1. Go to your Account (upper right corner after you log in)
    2. Open Offer>My Offers.
    3. Click on the selected offer the "RELIST" button
    4. Your offer is now active at MMOAuctions


  • Safety - Why should I verify my payment methods? Is it safe?

    On MMOAuctions we care about the safety of everyone
    Verifying your account makes you more reliable as a vendor. People more likely sell/buy stuff from verified users. 
    Most of the scammers don't want to provide any of their personal details because they know it will go badly for them after fraud actions. All their email and contact info will go to ScamKiller database.

    That's why it's worth it to verify an account and show that way to your customers that you're reliable sellers.

    All ID's, Driver's License data provided for verification is automatically deleted after the verification process.
    The process is fully automatical and we're not keeping any of your document information or pictures. In that case, potential hackers don't have anything to look for on our site - there is nothing to steal ;). Anyway, we got insurance and we protect our database.

    Our security specialists (company that we co-operate with) are taking care of MMOAuctions, stress-testing our website with every new update/feature that we add. 

    You are SAFE with us. 
    MMOAuctions is not sharing and will never share the personal information of our users with anyone


  • Safety - What's Scam Killer and how to use it?

    MMOAuctions Scam Killeris a project that allows you to check all the gathered data about known Scammers Contact Information (SCI) and their Payment methods.
    You can simply check if the vendor/buyer that you are dealing with have scammed anyone in the past. Put any kind of information that you got from your seller/buyer in the Scam Killer and check if he's not in the database. If yes, report him to the administration of MMOAuctions.

    Remember that the information that you're copy-pasting need to be identical like those in the database. Recheck if there is no extra space or dot etc. Always copy the Skype ID from the user's profile. Here's an explainer how it should be done. Most of the people confuse Skype Name with Skype ID - those are 2 different things. Scammers often use that for their benefit.

    Check out the video how to use ScamKiller. It's really simple in use. If you like the project, feel free to support us. All the money from donations we're using to upgrade the database (we're buying Scammer info from other Forums etc.)


  • Safety - How to avoid scammers ?

    You want to sell or buy your virtual goods but you are scared that someone might scam you? Watch this short video and learn how to avoid scammers. Don't be a fool - sell wisely with MMOAuctions.

    How to not get cheated? How to avoid scammers?

    After several years in e-commerce of virtual goods in various games, after thousand deals we have created a list of most perfidious and most common scammers. Our team would like to share all the knowledge that we got over the years.
    There's a really simple technique that works just perfectly. Just need to check how your buyer/seller reacts so you can evaluate the situation quickly. We have noticed that during transactions, thief react in same schemes and they have same personality traits. We have prepared a list of them:

    1) Time - the person you are dealing with is always in a rush. Needs to make the transactions As Fast As Possible. Making him wait or moving the deal for another day makes him nervous and he begs and rushes you to finalize ASAP. It destroys totally the conversation. All is more chaotic. At this point, you should start seeing something fishy. 
    He will try to offer you more money (sometimes even a sick amount), to make the deal faster. The scammer will try to do everything to get your gold/items or money. 
    Of course, he will come up with many, strange reasons why you should hurry up.
    This is the most common behavior for scammers - they are sending fake Invoices (request to pay) that look like payments. Forcing You to give him items, gold or account.

    How to check him? -Ask him for his Skype, Payment ID (email) and simply Google it. Check if he's not in ScammKiller @ www.mmoauctions.com. If he wants to buy something, tell him that You will send him an Invoice (request for payment) that he will need to pay for. You can also CALL on their support line and ask for his account if he's a verified user - tell them that You are selling something and don't want to get charged back (record the conversation). If You will have the possibility to ask about facebook account - do it. Check his profile, if it's a new account - does he have any pictures etc. 

    2) Aggression- they will always force and push You to do all things faster. If it goes not like they want - they get totally mad. They are also making fun of the "competition" and offending them. It's in 90% a scammer. Check all the info about him - use the ScamKiller and check on forums like EpicNPC etc. Try him, how he will react after you gonna ask him for using a middleman. If he will agree, check 10 times and be really careful with FAKE middleman (check if the skype is correct)

    3)Best offer EVER - mostly sickly high prices end up badly. Overpriced offer without negotiations leads to a scammer in 90% of cases. Quite often they are using FAKE Middleman (scammers 2nd Skype most of the cases - sometimes they work as a 2-3 person scamming groups), that has the task of credible the deal. 
    It's also important to watch out on "Cool story bro, tell me more about it" situations when the buyer convinces You about a number of deals he has done in the past and how high is his reputation. It's really easy to verify that. Just ask him to provide any site that he has feedback on, plus ask him to contact you with that account via the website (he might send you fake link with someone else account).

    5) Fake Middleman - a really sneaky scam that thieves are using to get items, gold and accounts for free. How does it work? In same moment they are chatting with you from two SKYPES or FACEBOOK accounts.

    * one of the accounts is a FAKE Middleman that looks almost identical like the REAL one that is well known on some forums or website. The difference in SKYPE ID is mostly a { ,. }  or one letter - at first look it's practically unnoticeable. 
    * he will enter the conversation and tell you that he will provide safety of the transaction (for example sellers.andfriends (REAL) and sellers,andfriends (FAKE) - as you can see the only difference is " , " instead of a " ." in the name - would you notice it @ fist check ?)
    * copy-paste his SKYPE ID to ScamKiller and check if he's not in the database
    * Try to find the Middleman that he's impersonating and PM him and ask is if it's his SKYPE or just recheck with the ID that he's providing on his topic (in most cases they add buttons [ADD TO SKYPE])

    6) There are a couple of ways how scammers find their victims:
    *  Forums
    * In game
    * via Facebook -Fanpage and Groups

    The easiest way to Scam is via SKYPE. That's why u should try to avoid using Skype for deals with random people. It's much better to use Facebook for a chat. There is also a safer way - mmoauctions.com on-site messenger. The Security module (ScamKiller) unable scammers to create new accounts with payment method details that are already in the database. You should notice also the Green Leaf badge at someone's profile. It means that it's a new account created less than 30 days ago. 

    "Stay sharp and be careful. Precaution is the key to success on every deal ;)"

    SellersAndFriends CEO
    Sale Specialist and one of the creators of ScamKiller


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