GOG Galaxy Accounts
How to buy gog accounts at MMOAuctions?
Trading on our website is incredibly easy. You just have to search through the categories that you’re interested in and look at the offers. When you find something worthwhile, click on the auctions and read the description. If everything looks fine and dandy, contact the seller and discuss the delivery as well as payment methods. Feel free to ask them some additional questions if there are things that require to be clarified. When buying any type of accounts, always make sure to change the login credentials as soon as possible. You don’t want to lose the product that you just got.
MMOAuctions is not a shop - it’s an open platform for video game enthusiasts around the world that enables them to trade with each other. However, there are some additional safety measures implemented on our site. First of all, we have a ranking system for all our users. If you trade a lot and your customers are happy – your status will increase. If you want to make sure that you’re dealing with a trustworthy trader, only buy from people who have the MMO Super Seller or MMO Elite Seller rank.
Of course, it might not always be possible. That’s why, there’s another great tool at your disposal – the Scam Killer. It’s a database that stores contact information of multiple dishonest traders. As you approach a new transaction, make sure to type your trading partner’s email address and Skype ID into the Scam Killer and press the Search button. It will then cross-reference these accounts with all the instances of fraudulency in its database. If you see any records of misbehavior associated with the trader in question, just break off the deal. Better safe than sorry.
GOG Galaxy – a great gaming client
GOG Galaxy is the official application of GOG.com – a gaming platform that deals with digital distribution of video games and occasionally, other products. The original launch of the website took place in 2008. The first version of the GOG Galaxy client became available quite a few years later – in 2014. Buying a GOG account can give you access to multiple great games that the previous owner had unlocked.
GOG is an abbreviation of the old name of this platform – Good Old Games. It used to (and to an extent still does) specialize in the classic PC games. These titles were very difficult to find at the time that GOG has been established. Later on, the selection has been expanded to include multiple newer titles – both the Triple-A game and many interesting indie releases. This platform prides itself on providing most of the games DRM-free, allowing the players to enjoy their favorite games offline and without any annoying limitations.
GOG is a subsidiary of CD Projekt – a famous Polish video game developer, publisher and distributor. It’s a successful platform that gains more and more users around the world. Get yourself a good GOG Galaxy account with multiple amazing games and have even more fun while gaming!