Humanity needs a greener approach to the future if we want to prevail as a species. The path to creating a sustainable planet begins when we stop producing plastics, paper, and overusing limited resources of the nature to get some fuel and electricity. This is why companies all over the world are implementing digital resources so we can get rid of the physical format once and for all. Electronic Arts, one of the most famous and enormous companies in the gaming industry, released Origin, a fully digital platform where players all over the world can experience the best EA games in a fully digital format.
MMOAuctions knows the big importance that digital services have in the present and will also have in the near future. It is known that movie’s retail stores are pretty much dead, well, the same is expected to happen with video game stores. This is not bad, is part of an always evolving industry looking to survive while providing the best price and quality relationship to their loyal customers.
Need some Origin accounts? Buy them here, at our marketplace!
First, you need to know what MMOAuctions is. We are the most powerful and complete gaming platform online to trade, sell, buy, and share all of your favorites virtual goods, in-game currencies, or game services. Just like Electronic Arts did with Origin, we are sticking to the all-digital principle. The things we find in games are as important as the objects we own in real life.
Nonetheless, this depends on each player’s taste and his level of commitment to a certain game. As you might guess, we are MMORPG lovers. We honestly believe this is the best game genre out there, but we also have space on our hearts for shooters, MOBAs, fighting games, and digital platforms such as Origin, of course.
But, what are the advantages of Origin? First of all, you get to play many of the best EA games out there. Some people hate EA due to its aggressive microtransaction policies, but we can’t deny they have created some masterpieces that every player in the world should totally experience. Some of these games are the Mass Effect saga, Crysis 3, Star Wars Battlefront, the Dragon Age Saga, FIFA games, Dead Space, and much more.
The best thing about Electronic Arts is they have games for everyone. Do you like shooters? They have a shooter for you! Do you prefer to go on adventures? You can choose between exploring outer space or going through medieval times! It’s all up to you.
So with just a monthly subscription, users can enjoy all of the wonderful titles created by this company. Do you want to buy an Origin Account? Check the offers posted on our site! Use the Scam Killer before you buy anything so you can prevent being scammed. Either way, we can confirm that MMOAuction’s platform is the safest of them all, so if you need anything else from us don’t ever hesitate to leave us a message.