Starbase Marketplace

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MMOAuctions is a digital platform that guarantees secure player-to-player trading for buyers and sellers of online gaming products. Our advanced security systems prevent any fraud, protecting both sides of the transaction. MMOAuctions features marketplaces for top MMORPG games, including Starbase!

Starbase is a long-awaited game by all the fans of the cosmic universe. The game Early Access has been finally released on July 29th. Since then, players have had tons of fun building spaceships and stations, exploring the never-ending universe, gathering resources, participating in battles, and trading their hard-earned goods.

How do the market and trading work in Starbase? You’ll find out below.

Trading in Starbase

As in the majority of MMORPG games, there are two different methods of trading in Starbase:

  • Vendors. You can sell your ores, items, materials, etc., to an NPC (vendor) at a fixed price. The main advantage of this option is that you get credits for the goods instantly. However, the downside is that vendors usually offer lower prices than real players. But that’s not always the case. If the market is flooded with certain goods, selling at vendors might be even more profitable.
  • Trading with other players. In Starbase, there’s an Auction House that lets you buy and sell your goods. There, you can browse through various categories of items, see offers placed by other players, or create an auction yourself. 

How to Access the Auction House in Starbase

To access the Starbase Auction House, you need to be on the Station and not inside a ship. Then, press the “,” key on your keyboard. Next, you’ll see the Auction House window with several different tabs and categories. 

Under the buy tab, you can look at Equipment, Parts, Materials, and Ore categories. If you are looking for a specific item, feel free to use the search bar. 

To create an auction for your goods, head to the sell tab in the Station Storage. 

The Auction House is also accessible whenever you visit the Marketplace at the space station. If you have any issues opening AH with the “,” key, go to your Control Settings. Then, make sure that your default key doesn’t differ from the one described above.

Quick Trading Tips

  • Always compare the price at the vendor and the amount you can get from the Auction House. Sometimes, the market is full of a particular item, which lowers its cost. Then, you might be getting even less than if you sell the items directly to the vendor.
  • Remember about the tax. Every time you sell something, you have to pay a fee of 10%. Take this into account when comparing the AH and vendor prices.
  • If you need some extra Credits, you may try flipping. Check the price of a specific item and then compare it to the cost of its components. If you could craft it for a lower price, it might be an excellent opportunity to earn some money.

What Is Starbase?

Starbase is a Sci-Fi MMO with gameplay focused on traversing the vast universe, performing various tasks (building spaceships, crafting, mining), and exploration missions during which players discover the secrets of the never-ending galaxy. 

Join the world of Starbase and collaborate with other players to develop your space fleet, collect precious items, and search for treasures in the endless space! 

In Starbase, players can unlimitedly influence the game world with their actions. Repair ship defects, assemble awe-inspiring weapons, fight enemy robots, or design technologically advanced spaceships – everything depends on your choices. Just don’t forget that cooperation with other space conquerors may be crucial to achieving big things!

Sign Up to MMOAuctions – A Marketplace for Gamers

If you are looking for Starbase goods, you have arrived at the right place! We invite you to join the community of players trading on our site. Registration and placing auctions are entirely free. What’s more, we don’t charge any provisions when a transaction is being completed. Thanks to our advanced security systems, you can be completely sure about getting your Starbase goods fast and safe!