Wakfu Market
Looking for a boost that will help you in the world of Wakfu? We have just what you need! Here on the MMOAuctions marketplace, you can purchase Gold and Items and other things for your favorite strategic game. Browse through the offers places by the real players and find equipment pieces that will boost the strength of your account or just invest in some additional gold to have enough for anything that your heart might desire. With our services, you will be able to safely trade with other players and find the audience that will watch what you have for sale. Post whatever you don’t need anymore and make money on your gaming.
What is Wakfu about
Wakfu is a tactical strategy MMORPG created by the Ankama Games and released back in 2012. It is also a sequel to the famous Dofus that took place 1000 years before the events from the Wakfu game. Upon a character, creation players are given a choice of a class where they can select one of 17 paths of development. In the Wakfu just like in almost every MMO you can fight, gain experience, socialize with others, and explore the world however, there are also features that distinguish this title from others that originate at this genre. During the game, the player is in control of the game’s ecosystem, politics, and economy which adds a lot of content into the game’s original story. If you like the concept of the game give it a spin and come back to our marketplace whenever you will be in the need of gold or additional items.
Join the gaming community
Here at MMOAuctions, we can offer you a secure marketplace where players from all across the globe can post their goods for sale. Because of that, you should be able to always find what you are looking for easily and without a hustle. Noting will also disrupt you from posting your own goods so make sure to get rid of old accounts and unused in-game currencies - maybe someone will be interested in those. Everything is completely safe as we have implemented numerous safety measures to protect you from fraudsters. With the Scam-Killer database and a team of moderators that watch over your trades, you can always be certain that you won’t lose anything. The registration process is quick and simple and shouldn’t take you longer than a minute so make sure to sign up. This will grant you access to all features of our website completely free of charge. Join our website to see what we have made for you in terms of gaming guides on our blog page, offers at our market, and other things that might improve your gameplay!