Rust is an online Survival game that was created to pursue after the players who left overcomplicated and bugged DayZ. Facepunch Studio did deliver a brand new game that quickly raised in popularity bringing millions of players into their product. In Rust, players are put into the open world where they can explore various lands and biomes, build constructions like houses or bases and craft weapons that will help them hunt not only wild animals but also other players. The game focuses heavily on the survival aspect since during the gameplay survivors have to maintain a high level of warmth, hydration, and food satiation so their character could survive changes in meteorological conditions. Since everybody starts the game “butt-naked” it is not an easy task to gather resources, collect items, and become strong enough to challenge other players. This might be the main reason why many Rust players buy items for the game instead of farming those on their own. If you want to get immediately stronger and enjoy the game right-away - buy what you need at our market!

MMOAuctions - a marketplace for gamers!

Here on our website, we give our users an easy way of trading what they have and what they want to acquire. You can easily create a new account through a simple registration process that won’t take you longer and a couple of seconds. With that, you will be able to use all features that MMOAuctions has - you can buy, sell and trade at the market with thousands of players from almost every country in the world. Read hundreds of guides that our writers prepared for you on the blog page. You will be also able to contact us on the live chat to talk about any issues that you may have come across. 

We are a complex solution to all of your problems with trading. On MMOAuctions you will be able to safely buy and sell gaming items, currencies, accounts, services, bots, cheats, and other things. With the Scam - Killer program and moderation team at your disposal, you can be certain that all of your transactions are secure and every scammer that registers at our website is instantly banned.

Why you should invest in Rust 

By buying items, accounts, boosting services, bots, and cheats for your Rust game here on MMOAuctions you can instantly get better in the game. Rust is a survival where weaker players are the prey for better-equipped survivors. Without a base, team, or decent items, you will be quickly killed by more experienced gamers who are ready to attack anybody at sight. If you have tried Rust already you probably know how hard it is to start from scratch. You will have to spend many hours trying to get better gear and still for most of the time you will get shot in the head losing all of your belongings before returning to the base. Find the best Rust deals at our market, gear up your characters, and don’t let anybody take your loot without a fight!