Gaia Online Hack, Gaia Cheat, Gaia Bot

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Gaia Online Bots & Cheats

Buy Hacks and Bots at MMOAuctions

Browse our website and you’ll be able to find all types of virtual goods associated with video games. Besides hacks, there also are accounts, items, various in-game currencies, boosting services and more! We have categories and offers for over 150 most popular online MMO games and all the new hot titles are getting added as they get released.

Trading at MMOAuctions is really simple – you just have to find an interesting offer, read it carefully and contact the seller. Then, you can set up the delivery and payment methods together. In order to keep all the transactions as safe as possible try buying from users with the MMO Super Seller title as often as possible. Moreover, you can use our tool called Scam Killer to test all your potential trading partners. It only takes a few seconds!

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Botting in Gaia

As you probably know, Gaia Online is not exactly a traditional MMO game. It started as a website for people to share links and create discussions about their favorite anime. Later on, it received a lot of extra features – most of them have been related to gamification.

Players can create their customizable avatars that can freely move around different locations, interact with other characters and explore the world. These features are great to keep the player base engaged, but Gaia still remains mostly a platform for social interactions and the items that you can acquire are purely cosmetic. That’s why botting in Gaia is slightly different than in other games – you’re not getting an unfair advantage over the remaining players as there’s no advantage to be had. The endgame (if you can even use that word) entirely revolves around getting the coolest glamour items and making your avatar look exactly as you want it to look.

The users can earn Gaia Gold by engaging in multiple different activities available on the website. Creating forum posts, leaving comments, voting in polls, lurking on the website, participating in minigames and much more. Some of these things can be easily performed by bots while you’re not able to play and actively spend your time on the website. Let’s take a look at a few types of third party software used in Gaia Online:

Lurker Bot – the most basic tool that you can use to earn Gaia Gold. All it does is browsing different pages on Gaia and slowly accumulating currency. It may also have a function to automatically vote in polls and some other small improvements.

Dumpster Dive Bot – Dumpster Dive is a very simple minigame implemented to Gaia. The players can donate the items that they don’t want to use by placing them into the dumpster. Other players can later Dumpster Dive and find these items. Dumpster Dive Bot allows you to automatically perform this action and collect various items from the dumpster.

Fishing Bot – a simple tool that lets you catch fish in your downtime. You can later sell these fish to earn some gold.

zOMG Bots – zOMG is the MMORPG feature in Gaia. You can get a bot that will pilot your character and automatically farm monsters in zOMG. This way, you’ll receive some valuable loot while you’re AFK.

Back in the day, some players also used a gold generation hack, but most likely it’s not possible anymore.  

Get yourself a good Gaia Online bot and farm for all your favorite items even faster!