Buy Temtem Accounts

Temtem Accounts
Temtem is one of the most awaited 2020 games and one of the biggest Steam releases ever. It is also a buy-to-play MMORPG. There are two ways that can get you into this title - one is buying it for your Steam account and another is buying Steam account from players who have already played it before. If you are opting to get for the second option here at our marketplace you will be able to find the best deals at Temtem accounts. Find the cheapest offers and see for yourself what you can get added with the game. Maybe it is a perfect 7/7 Temtem? Or maybe that’s a very rare Luma? See for yourself what others are selling or post something on your own to make additional money on your unused accounts. Start trading with MMOAuctions today!
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About a colorful world of Temtem
Temtem is an MMORPG title and a spiritual predecessor to the ongoing Pokemon game series. Temtem puts players into a fantasy world of Airborne Archipelago where they can collect cute creatures called Temtem. Those have special abilities and various forms of powers that can be used during brawls against other Temtems. Players can find those in the wild where they can be aggressive and attack Temtem collectors but they also can be found in other players / NPCs collection. Inhabitants of the Airborne Archipelago challenge each other to battles to see who has the strongest creatures at their disposal so the ultimate desire of the game is to collect all types of Temtem with all kinds of moves that can help trainers achieve victories in all possible duels. The world of the game is beautiful. Graphics are colorful and the music theme is cheerful. The gameplay is entertaining however it lacks a bit of content during the endgame. There were only 160 Temtems included in the original game release and most if not all of them could be caught within the first few days of the game time. In the end, Temtem is a surprisingly good game and a strong competitor for Nintendo’s Pokemon series. If the Crema studio can keep adding to the game huge patch releases that will expand this product we believe that Temtem will become as good as Pokemon.