Buy Elsword Account

Elsword Accounts
Elsword utilizes skill-based action-oriented gameplay paired alongside with typical features of an MMORPG – guilds, chat and in-game item trading. You can play it using either a keyboard and mouse combo or a gamepad. It's fashioned in style of arcade Beat'em up games and requires the player to execute combos and special moves with the specific range of their character, much like in the fighting game.
Players choose classes by picking a character, each with their own set of characteristics. Each one is able to choose one from three job paths, each with their own fighting model and personalities.
All classes have the option to advance to the 'Transcendence mode” which allows them to gain two new passive, one active, and three special actives starting from level 70, and two additional skill slots. Additionally, Transcendence is considered to be a third job advancement, despite being the same class.
Most of 1st Class, 2nd Class and Transcendence mode are available to players from all countries and continents with the game server, Ain is the only character with not all classes and modes available in Europe.
Different skills are automatically unlocked as the player's character levels up. The player also can choose skill traits for a specific skill (only Special Active, Active and Buff), which provides additional buff like damage increase, mana usage decrease, and anti – mana break skill, with some cost, a sacrifice like cooldown skill or mana usage increase.
Player vs Player mode takes place in a special fighting arena designed for a different number of combatants – up to 8 players can brawl at the same time. Both “survival” (i.e. everyone vs. everyone) and team modes are available with team battles supporting up to 4 vs 4 mode. is sellers blade
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Elsword is an MMORPG delevoped by KOG Studios - a South Korean developer. It's a 2.5D game, which features both PvP and PvE gameplay modes. There are 13 characters to play as in the roster. Each character has a story to tell, and each one has unique abilities to use in combat. The game is absolutely free, and there is a premium item shop, that players can use to boost thier characters in the game
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So do not wait any longer. Search and make some scrolls down through the site, sort through, and select options with the best top content, better description and make your perfect, safe, and secure purchase. So sign up, log in, and do it today. After you do - you will wish you’ve done that yesterday. Check out our other offers quick, and enjoy the game exactly how you should enjoy it - by being the best.