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WOW Items
Looking to buy WoW gear? Excellent! The term “items” in World of Warcraft refers to all the things that can be carried by the character in their inventory, or worn as an element of equipment. Characters can buy wow gear from NPC vendors, receive items as rewards for quests, or loot them from corpses of killed monsters. Most items can be sold to NPC vendors or on the marketplace, providing the player with extra cash.
Various WoW Items that can be worn by a character are called equipment and consist of jewelry, armors and weapons. They come in seven rarity tiers which are, respectively: poor, common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary and artifact. The equipment provides players with certain bonuses to their character's statistics, increasing their combat capabilities. Looking for virtual goods connected with World of Warcraft? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual offers from players and traders worldwide!
Save yourself the hours or even days of grinding and instead spend them on your favorite WoW gaming activities! Get that sword, shield, ring or anything else that you want and improve your gear score! This can push you over the line and make you powerful enough to finish even the most difficult dungeons and raids!
Plenty of powerful WoW items are bound on pickup, which means they can’t be traded in the most conventional way. That doesn’t stop the sellers though. There are two delivery methods of those objects. The first one is letting the seller play on your account until they acquire the item that you want. The other one is joining a party with the sellers, who will then carry you through the dungeon or another location and give you the item when it drops. Of course, there also are worthwhile items that are tradeable, which makes the whole process much easier.
Buy and sell virtual goods on MMOAuctions
All you have to do to buy WoW items on MMOAuctions is searching through the offers to find the product (weapon, piece of armor or anything else) that’s perfect for you. Make sure that the item is available on your WoW server. After that, you can contact the seller and set up payment and delivery.
If you’re interested in selling some of your WoW items, or basically any kind of in-game content, you’re in the right place! You can sign up and post your own offers on our site for completely free, without any provisions from the transactions! All you need to register is an email address or a Facebook, Twitter or Google+ profile. Make some extra money on selling game content.
You can also find a lot of other interesting offers of in-game content on MMOAuctions. There’s the game currency of any sort – you can buy cheap WoW gold, FFXIV Gil, BDO silver, Lineage 2 Adena, SWTOR credits and plenty more! Trade goods on MMOAuctions – the global market for gamers!
There are items, gems, third-party tools, boosting and power leveling services and much more for over 100 top multiplayer online titles, including: Final Fantasy XIV, Path of Exile, Rocket League, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Final Fantasy XI, Hearthstone, FIFA Mobile, Fortnite, Overwatch, Runescape, Revelation Online, Archeage, Heroes of the Storm, Dota 2 and Diablo 3 are just a fraction!
To make all the online trading even more secure, we created a tool called Scam Killer. It’s a database that stores contact information of past scammers. We recommend checking every potential trading partner with this tool. Just type their email and/or Skype ID and check if any record pops up. Remain safe throughout your trading ventures!
WoW Legendary items guide
From the very first day, World of Warcraft had an item grading system in which the quality of the item was defined by color. Grey for poor quality items, white for normal items, green for uncommon ones, blue for rare items, epic items were signed in purple and legendary ones were orange.
Legendary wow items are the most difficult items to get and require quite a bit of an effort. It can take the form of crafting, questing, doing dungeons and raids or pvp. Before Legion, getting a legendary involved a huge time investment and often group effort (and a little bit of luck as well).
Remember, on MMOAuctions you can put your wow gear for sale without any fee whatsoever! You can create and post your offer within 60 seconds! You can also try to find buyers, to do that type buy wow gear or buy wow items in our search engine and find the best offers. Remember that the legendaries are bound on pickup, so buying or selling them requires some creativity.
History of WoW Legendary items
Before WoW Legion, there were only a few legendary items that existed in loot tables as ready-to-use drops without any prerequisites, crafting, quests and combining elements. One of them being Talisman of Binding Shard that has been dropped only ONCE in the history of WoW by a player named Noktyn from Baron Geddon, a raid boss in the Molten Core. It turned out that it was never meant to drop and Blizzard removed it from the loot table on the same day it got looted making this necklace the rarest legendary in existence.
Another drop and go Legendary dropped from Kil’Jaeden in Sunwell Plateau - Thori’Dal, The Stars’ Fury bow that was unique because it removed the requirement for hunters to carry ammo with them (back in the day you needed ammunition to use ranged weapons like bows and guns). Probably the most sought-after legendaries before Legion were The Twin Blades of Azzinoth that dropped separately from Illidan Stormrage in the Black Temple Raid.
In Legion, Blizzard has made nearly every legendary item possible to drop from monsters, albeit with a very low chance. The only exceptions to that rule are the four craftable legendaries that were introduced in Patch 7.2, Aman’Thul’s wisdom that drops ONLY from Argus the Unmaker and a quest reward Insignia of the Grand Army.
Sources of legendaries
There are few sources for random legendary wow items like dungeon bosses, raid bosses, world bosses, emissary cache (world quests reward), arena victories, battleground victories, mythic+ weekly rewards, rare mobs, treasures, Blingtron 6000 gift package, gear tokens, paragon reputation bags, invasion point bosses and so on.
Patch 7.3.5 also introduced a new method of obtaining Legendaries in WoW Legion. The Purified Titan Essence that can be purchased for 1000 Wakening Essences from Arcanomancer Vridiel in Dalaran will grant a random legendary item.
Aman’Thul’s Vision is the only legendary item with a single drop source and it does not count towards the 2-legendary-items cap. It’s also important to know that drops depend on the selected loot spec so as a Shaman you will not be able to drop legendaries for a Death Knight etc.
Apart from various activities that can grant you Legendaries, there is also a unique “bad luck protection” system in place. For every legendary eligible activity, you do your chances of actually getting a legendary item increase. Patch 7.2 however made some changes to the system making it separate for each spec and each character. So, for example, if you have 4 Elemental Shaman legendaries and switch your loot specialization to Enhancement the game will treat your character as if it has no legendary items and will modify the drop rates. Non-specialization specific legendaries such as Uncertain Reminder dropping for ANY Shaman spec and shared legendaries that can drop to any class and any spec will count towards the system. Having an Uncertain Reminder on you will count as having a single legendary on every Shaman spec.
It is worth mentioning that legendary follower upgrades, crafted legendaries and purified titan essence (just the essence not the item from the essence) will not count towards the bad luck protection so will not affect your drop rates.
Why even bother getting them?
So why are the legendaries so special? Legendaries in Legion have a class-specific effect that enhances the overall gameplay and sometimes can even influence your talent selection. Some legendaries will directly influence your damage/healing output, others will help your survivability, most legendary buffs are set off passively instead of being on use (with an exception for legendary trinkets). Each specialization in WoW has 8-9 legendary items available to them and, there are also 6 shared ones scoring a total 13-14 legendary items that can drop per spec (+1 crafted and 1 quest).
There is a way to target specific slots for legendaries by obtaining Relinquished Armor Tokens that are sold for 650 Veiled Argunite from Thaumaturge Ashreen aboard the Vindicaar. Each of the tokens produces gear for a certain slot that is appropriate to your chosen loot specialization with a slight chance of creating a legendary item.
There are also four crafted legendaries for each armor class which are: cloth, leather, mail, and plate. The quest to get the recipe begins by Armorcrafter’s Commendation obtained from Nether Disruptor building is built at the Broken Shore. To get it you’ll need if level 800 skill level in the adequate crafting profession, as well as the knowledge of the legendary pattern available from the profession trainers in Dalaran. Once you have your Commendation a series of quests will begin that will require you gathering lots of materials.
How many legendary items you’ll need
Currently, you can only have 2 legendaries equipped at the same time. Every character has only one available to them, but you can gain extra slot with order hall upgrade (it will require 14,650 Order Resources). Currently, all the legendaries will be at item level 1000. Since the opening of Antorus, The Burning Throne raid old wow legendaries (ilvl 910, 940, 970) can be upgraded to ilvl 1000 with Awoken Titan Essence.
Awoken Titan Essence and Purified Titan Essence can be both purchased at Arcanomancer Viridiel for, accordingly 300 and 1000 Wakening Essences. There is a wide variety of activities you can perform to obtain Wakening Essences. From Antorus raid bosses you can get between 18 and 36 in all difficulties, but there is per-boss lockout which means that it can drop one per boss regardless of difficulty so repeating the raid on a different difficulty setting wont net you more essences. Other than that: weekly mythic keystone cache will get you 120 of these, emissary caches will grant you between 24 and 42 wakening essences, first random daily heroic and battleground will both get you 30 and PvP weekly quests will get you 42 Wakening Essences per bracket.
Patch 7.3.5 introduced Purified Titan Essences from Arcanomancer Viridiel in Legion Dalaran as a catch-up mechanism as Purified Titan Essence will generate a random legendary item or token for your currently chosen loot spec. Titan Essence will only grant you legendaries that you do not own. If you have all possible legendaries for your current loot setting, the essence will give you a random wow legendary for another spec and if you have all possible legendaries for your class you will be granted bind-to-account legendary token for a different class.
Furthermore, it’s worth noting that using Purified Titan Essence does not count towards bad luck protection so they do not reset your increased loot chance. It is also important to remember that legendaries can only fully work for PvE content. All instanced PvP like battlegrounds and arenas have their passive effects turned off and in world pvp the passives from the items have reduced effectiveness. Below we’ll list some of the best legendary items for the most popular classes and specializations.
Al’Akir’s Acrimony: Chain Lightning gains 5% damage on each jump
Echoes Of The Great Sundering: Earth Shock has up to a 50% chance (based on Maelstrom spent) to cause your next Earthquake to be free and deal 100% more damage
Eye of the Twisting Nether: Damaging enemies with your Fire, Frost or Nature abilities increases all damage you deal by 1,5% for 8seconds. Each element adds a separate application
Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle: Lava Burst deals additional (54% of spell power) damage over 6 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
Soul of the Farseer: Gain one of the following talents based on specialization (elemental and resto get Echo of the Elements which is extremely situational)
The Deceiver's Blood Pact: Earth Shock has a 20% chance to refund all of the Maelstrom spent (great with smoldering heart gloves)
Smoldering Heart: You have a 0.12 (for enhancement) and 0.10% chance per spent Maelstrom to gain Ascendant Form for 10 seconds
Uncertain Reminder: Bloodlust effects last 75% longer on you
Hood of Eternal Disdain: Agony deals its full damage 10% faster
Power Cord of Lethtendris: Casting Unstable Affliction on a target who is not yet affected by Unstable Affliction has 25% chance to refund Soul Shard cost
Soul of the Netherlord: Gives the following talent depending on class: Affliction and Demonology: Soul Conduit, Destruction: Eradication
Reap and Sow: Increases the duration of Reap Souls effect from the Tormented Souls skill (Ulthalesh) from 5 to 7 seconds and also increases the overall damage output of your abilities by 3%
Streten’s Sleepless Shackles: Each enemy afflicted with your Unstable Affliction increases all damage you deal by 4%
The Master Harvester gives a chance per soul-shard spent to trigger Soul Harvest for 8 seconds (Demonology 3%, Destruction 6%, Affliction 9%)
Norganon’s Foresight: Grants you Foresight buff if you stand still for 6 seconds straight. Foresight allows you to cast while moving for 4 seconds, the buff duration begins when you start moving.
Celumbra, the Night’s Dichotomy (craftable): When the enemy is within 12 yards you conceal yourself in the shadows reducing the damage taken by 5% and increases movement speed by 10%. When no enemies are within 12 yards Celumbra starts healing you for 1% of your max health every 1 sec.
Sin’dorei Spite: WARNING: For some odd reason this can be looted only by a Demonology Warlock. For 25 seconds after casting Summon Doomguard or Summon Infernal you, and your minions, deal 15% increased damage.
Sacrolash’s Dark Strike: Corruption deals 15% increased damage and slows enemy movement speed by 60%
Kil’Jaeden’s Burning Wish: USE: Launch a vortex of destruction that seeks your current target. When it reaches your enemy it explodes dealing a critical strike to all enemies within 10 yards
Anger of the Half-Giants: Demon’s Bite generates an additional 1 to 14 fury
Chaos Theory: Blade Dance has a 10% chance to grant you Chaos Blades for 6 seconds
Cinidaria, the Symbiote: Your attacks cause an additional 30% damage to enemies above 90% health and heal you for 100% of the damage done
Delusions of Grandeur: The remaining cooldown on Metamorphosis is reduced by 1 second for every 30 Fury you spend.
Raddon’s Cascading Eyes: The remaining cooldown on Eye Beam is reduced each time it hits and enemy.
Sephuz’s Secret: Gain 10% increased movement speed and 2% haste. Successfully applying a loss of control effect to an enemy, interrupting an enemy or dispelling any target increases this effect to 70% increased movement speed and 25% haste for 10 seconds, This increase can occur once every 30 seconds.
Mo’arg Bionic Stabilizers: Throw Glaive deals 25% increased damage for each enemy hit
Achor, The Eternal Hunger: Vengeful Retreat heals you for 25% of your maximum health and grants you 20% leech for 8seconds
Loramus Thalipedes’ Sacrifice: Fel Rush deals 10% damage for each target hit
The Sentinel’s Eternal Refuge: Each time you kill an enemy you gain 5% movement speed for 1 minute stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, while you are out of combat, you turn into a Wisp increasing your movement speed and granting you the ability to fly.
Call of the Wild: Reduces the cooldown of all aspects by 35%
Frizzo’s Fingertap: When you cast Carve on an enemy affected by Lacerate, Lacerate spreads to 1 other target hit by Carve
Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder: The first time Harpoon hits a target, your damage done to that specific target is increased by up to 30% for 10 seconds, damage buff depends on the distance traveled.
Nesingwary’s Trapping Treads: Gain 25 focus when one of your traps is triggered
The Shadow Hunter’s VooDoo Mask- Heal for 20% of your max health when you activate Feign Deat, then heal for an additional 5% of your max health every second for 10 seconds while still in Feign Death
Butcher’s Bone Apron: Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next carve by 10%. Stacks up to 10 times.
Soul of the Huntmaster - Gain one of the following talents based on spec: Beast Mastery: Bestial Fury, Marksmanship: Lock and Load, Survival: Serpent Sting
Unseen Predators Cloak - Gain 10% increased Critical Strike chance against enemies burning from your Explosive Trap
Marquee Bindings of the Sun King: Grants a 15% chance to boost Pyroblast after using Hot Streak, the next Pyroblast after that (non-instance) will deal 300% more damage.
Koralon’s Burning Touch - Increases Scorch’s Damage by 350% against target below 30% health. This legendary item makes Scorch deal more damage than Fireball
Shard of the Exodar: If you cast Time Warp it does not cause Temporal Displacement and Exhaustion, effectively giving the mage ability to use two Time Warp effects in a row.
Contained Infernal Core - Cast one Meteor for every 30 fireball/pyroblast casts.
Soul of the Archmage - Gain one of the following talents based on your specialization” Temporal Flux for Arcane, Flame On for Fire, Frozen Touch for Frost.
Pyrotex Ignition Cloth - Phoenix Flames reduces the remaining Combustion cooldown by 9 seconds
Darckli’s Dragonfire Diadem: Doubles the Dragon’s Breath damage and range
Insignia of the Grand Army: Increases the effect of the Light and Shadow powers granted by the Netherlight Crucible by 50%
Aman’Thul’s Vision: Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 49 speed, Avoidance and Leech for 12 seconds
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG in history. Part of its success was creating the two conflicting factions with separate storylines – Alliance and Horde. They have assigned races (Pandaren are the only race that can choose between the Factions) and each side also has an exclusive class.
The playable races for Alliance are: Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Dark Iron Dwarf, Gnome, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Kul Tiran Human, and Worgen.
The members oh Horde are: Orc, Tauren, Goblin, Troll, Forsaken Undead, Blood Elf, Nightborne, Mag’Har Orc, Zandalari Troll and Highmountain Tauren.
The classes available to player are: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior.
They can later pick specializations to complement different aspects of their combat playstyle and develop numerous crafting and gathering professions.
The game is being constantly updated with a new expansion coming out every year or two. Blizzard already released seven of them: The Burning Crusade, The Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion and finally Battle for Azeroth.
There’s also plenty of new content coming out in the regular updates. The patch 8.2 - Rise of Azshara introduced the underwater city of Nazjatar and Mechagon – the community of Gnomes living inside a vault. Experience all the new zones, raids and dungeons in World of Warcraft!