Valorant Cypher guide - Knowledge is power!

valorant cypher guide
p3ter 09.07.2020 0

cypher guide

Welcome to another guide in MMOAuctions series of guides for the Valorant game. This article will be dedicated to an all-knowing mysterious man that goes by the name of Cypher. If you want to master his abilities, learn how to take advantage of his toolkit, and see his strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to read about it. Let's take a look at the topic of how to play the next Valorant Agent - Welcome in Valorant Cypher Guide!

Valorant Cypher

"'They're scared, I don't need cameras to see that.'"


Who is Cypher

Do you know that one person that spies over you, watches your every step from the dark, sets up a trap, and strikes when you are completely defenseless? No! We are not talking about your mother-in-law but Cypher! This Maroccan Invigilator is a master of collecting information about the enemy team. Just as his look might suggest, he is a spy. The pointed hat, long coat, and a shawl that covers most of his face are pointing out his profession, which he is the best at.

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Most of Cypher's abilities are defensive which makes him a perfect Agent for holding bombsites, however, lack of aggressive abilities might make him less effective on the attack. He has a lot of crowd-control and ways to slow down the push which is why he can defend one spot on his own. With the Spy Cam signature ability, he also has the skill to have a peek at certain locations without revealing his position. Here are all of the Cypher's abilities: 

C - TrApwire / Costs: 200 Credits / Uses: two

Valorant Cypher Trip WireWhen you press the C key, Cypher equips a Tripwire. Using it on the wall, he places an invisible but destructive trap between two walls that slow down enemies that go through it. When the opponent is slowed, he has around three seconds to destroy the trap, which will daze him if he won't succeed. Trap becomes visible when the enemy comes close to it or when he touches the wire.

Tripwire is a nightmare for the players at lower ranks. It is hardly noticeable and can stop pushes before those could begin. A well-placed tripwire and Cypher nearby is almost a guaranteed easy kill.

How to use it: In the beta of Valorant, the meta was to place the wires at the entry corridors that lead to the bombsite. It is not the case anymore since everybody knows what Cypher does. We advise placing Tripwires at unexpected points of bombsites to avoid their destruction. On attack, try using them to cover the back of your team.


W - Cyber Cage / Cost: 100 Credits / Uses: twoValorant Cypher Cyber Cage

When you press the W key, Cypher instantly throws a device in front of him. The device is inactive, but when you press W key once again while looking at it (even through the wall), you will detonate it creating a cage that slows enemies on contact. Walls of the cage act like a cloud of smoke. The cage slows enemies who pass through its walls, but this doesn't affect allies. Active Cyber Cage lasts around twenty seconds. 

Cyber Cage is a mediocre defensive ability that puts a wall in the form of a circle around it. Enemies who enter or leave that zone are slowed down, but members of the Cypher team are not. Usually, it is used to delay pushes.

How to use it: This ability should be used at the beginning of the round. You can throw one or both of the cages at narrow corridors to stop incoming pushes. Activate them only when you are sure that someone goes in the direction where they are placed. Try to remain close to them since you can easily hear when someone goes inside and peek to land a frag quickly.


E - Spycam / Cost: none / Uses: one

Valorant Cypher SpycamWhen you press the E key, Cypher equips a Spycam. By pressing LMB, he can place it on the walls. Reusing this ability will activate the Camera, giving a Cypher the ability to view the video recorded. Then he will also be able to click on the LMB to shoot a dart that will reveal the location of the enemy hit by it until the enemy removes the tracking dart from the body.

Spycam can be easily shot down as soon as it is used since enemies can see as you place it. It also becomes visible when you are watching through it.

How to use it: Try to set the cam before the enemy team is able to enter the site and use it when they are already past it. This way, you wont give away your position and you will be able to fire at them easily without being noticed. Since this skill doesn't cost you - you should keep using it every time it's available.

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X - Neural Theft / Cost: 7 Charges / Uses: one

Valorant Cypher Neural TheftWhen you press the X key while looking at the enemy team member's dead body, Cypher will be able to gather the intel about the other enemy team members with the use of his ultimate ability. Their locations will be revealed for a short amount of time after a brief delay. 

Among Cypher's abilities, we can find ultimate that has two big downsides to it - you need to find a body of the enemy, and the opposing team will be able to see that they got detected. Nonetheless, it's still one of the best skills in the game.

How to use it: Save this skill for rounds that you can win. It's pointless to throw it around when you are in 1v4 situation as even with the slight help of a wallhack, you are unlikely to clutch. Neural Theft is very easy to use, and showing the location of enemy players might be game-changing when used in the right situations.


Strengths and Weaknesses


- Astounding Crowd-Control in defence (the best defender in the game)

- Spycam lets you take a much needed quick peek at the enemy team without risking anything

- Game-changing ultimate that wins round when used correctly.



- No offensive abilities - pretty mediocre on the attacking team

- His ultimate is excellent, but you need a dead body of the enemy to use it

- Tripwires can be skipped when misplaced and destroyed when noticed.


How to win as a Cypher

Cypher is a sentinel of Valorant. In every game, you should make sure that among the Agents found on your team there is also a Cypher. Experience of this character is invaluable in the defence since he can protect the bomb site on his own. Cypher’s abilities are useful in more than just the defence. Playing this Valorant Agent can be a great way of saving your team from harm. Through the use of Spy Cam, you will be able to watch the battlefield with "additional pair of eyes". Every enemy player caught off-guard will receive a marking dart from you giving both you and rest of the team a chance for the quick frag. 

Cypher shines when played defensively - the amount of traps with the addition of SpyCam lets him hold multiple sites and areas without the help from the team. It gives other members of your squad an ability to rotate to other places on the map. Cypher Valorant is the last agent that should push. His role is to postpone incoming attacks and to create a space for rotations. 

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In defence, all of the traps should be used before the game starts and activated only when you are certain that enemies are about to force their way on the bombsite. On the attack, use Tripwire to cover the back of your team and Cyber Cage to deny the enemy's vision. It doesn't mean that you should run through it - rather throw it on the sides so nobody will be able to see through it. The sight of the remote camera will be crucial for easy pickoffs, so use it as often as you can. With those tips and tricks, you will easily defend and attack when needed.

Through the release of Cypher Riot give players unique Agent with weapons in the form of the intel and knowledge. Unlike other characters in the Valorant Cypher's gameplay is not that dynamic which may be the reason why he isn't picked that often. Player that wants to main this Agent has to take into consideration that most of his rounds Cypher spends on waiting for opponents at one place. You'll have to think if that's what you like to do if you are about to play Cypher. If it’s not then choose other Agents instead.


That's it for our Cypher's esports guide for the Valorant game. We hope that you could learn how this agent works and what you should do to win games as a Cypher. If you’re interested in reading additional articles that will make you better in the Valorant game for free, you can do that by visiting our blog page. There we have written hundreds of guides on topics like levelling, gold-making, gearing up, etc. about the most iconic online multiplayer games.

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Is Cypher a good agent?

Cypher is the best defender in the game and a decent attacker.

Is Cypher good for competitive?

Cypher works well on ranked games.

Where is Cypher at the tier list?

Solely on defense, he's an S, but when we combine defense and attack, he should be at A.


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