FFXIV Weaver Guide - Make Yourself Bespoke Robes!

FFXIV Weaver Guide
raphael 11.12.2019 0

FFXIV Weaver Guide

Weaver is one of the crafting classes that are mainly focused on creating armors. This Discipline of Hand specializes in cloth armor that’s used by healers and DPS casters. They can also produce some useful equipment for crafting and gathering classes as well as some vanity items. Weavers can use various plants gathered by Botanists, as well as skins and other materials that can be looted from monsters. This class uses needles and spinning wheels as crafting tools.

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Weaver Class Quests

To unlock Weaver, you need to be at least level 10 on one of your combat classes. If you meet these criteria, you can go to Weaver’s Guild in Ul’dah and accept the initial quest called Way of the Weaver. It will reward you with a Rusty Needle, as well as the possibility to play as the Weaver.

The remaining Weaver advancement quests are:


Required Level

Quest Name

Quest Objective



My First Needle

Hempen Yarn



Once More Unto The Breeches

3x Hempen Breeches



Alternative Applications

12x Undyed Hempen Cloth



Practical Needs

Cotton Scarf, Cotton Shepherd’s Slops



Materia Concerns

Materia-enhanced Cotton Acton



That Velveteen Dress

HQ Undyed Velveteen



Miner on a Mission

HQ Velveteen Gaiters



Designed by Committee

HQ Linen Shirt



A Subtle Inquiry

HQ Woolen Thighs



The Intervention

HQ Woolen Beret, HQ Woolen Gown, HQ Woolen Gaskins 



A Miner Reborn

HQ Patrician’s Wedge Cap, HQ Patrician’s Coatee, HQ Patrician’s Bottoms



Tomboy Foolery

HQ Holy Rainbow Gloves



For Lover and Country

HQ Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing



Spinning the Truth

3x HQ Crawler Silk



Never Leave Without a Good-bye

Chivalric Doublet of Healing



When East Meets West




The Butterfly Effect

HQ Elegant Bustle



The Crane’s Caveat

HQ Winsome Spring Dress



A Geiko for All Seasons

HQ Seductive Bustier



Send Me an Angel

HQ Tennyo Hagoromo


Crafting Attributes

There are three vital stats that you can get from your crafting gear.

Craftsmanship – it increases the progress that you generate with your basic crafting actions. It's the most fundamental attribute that's needed to produce items successfully.

Control – it empowers your actions that are responsible for increasing the quality of crafted items. The stat becomes useful when you're going for HQ products.

Crafting Points (CP) – they're the resource that you spend to use various crafting actions. It's just like going through your MP when casting spells.

Crafting Process

You can start this process by pressing Synthesize on the desired item in your Crafting Log. It will open a special dialogue box with several pieces of important information.

Progression Bar – shows how close you are to craft an item successfully. You can increase its value with actions related to Craftsmanship (most of them have "synthesis" in their names).

Quality Bar – indicates your efforts in making a high-quality item. You can see a percentage current chance of getting an HQ product when you finish the process below. When crafting collectibles, quality is replaced with collectability.

Durability – tells you how many crafting actions you can perform before the process fails. Most skills reduce the item's durability by 1, but some of them can also recover it. This statistic does not affect the final product.

Condition – tells you how effective your next quality-increasing skill will be. It's an additional factor to keep in mind when crafting HQ items — the condition changes after every crafting action.

If you ever find yourself running out of CP, or being unable to complete the desired crafting process in the way that you want, you might need to upgrade your gear. The class quests will quite often reward you with some useful items, but they might not always be enough. Regular upgrades of your crafting equipment are really important in order to keep up with the increasing difficulty of higher-level recipes. Remember, as a Weaver, you're actually able to create a lot of crafting equipment!

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Weaver leveling guide

During your whole leveling journey, you're going to utilize multiple sources of crafting experience. The most standard one is the reward that you get for creating an item. Theoretically, you could go all the way to level 80 just by crafting an absurd amount of items and completing the class quests when you have to. However, that would be completely inefficient, both in terms of spent Gil and the wasted time, so we're not going to do that.

There are some other, more worthwhile sources of experience. First of all, you can (and you should) complete levequests. They're repeatable assignments that provide significant rewards (even better if you bring HQ items) for relatively low cost and effort. That being said, the amount of levequests (or simply leves) that you can get, is limited by the allowance system. Each FFXIV character receives three allowances every 12 hours – they can be stored up to 100. It's a good idea to have a full stock of them before jumping into a leveling process of any crafting or gathering class. The levequests and class quests don't really care about who crafted the objective. You can turn in products created by other players. However, it will make you miss out on the experience from the process. Moreover, it will cost more Gil – not many players give out their items for free. 

Beyond that, there are multiple turn-ins systems. They all work similarly. You check what items are currently in demand, so you can craft them and turn them in for rewards. In the early levels, you can deliver items to Grand Company – the rewards aren't breathtaking, but they're decent. Later on, you'll get access to many custom deliveries – they require collectible items and reward you with Gil, experience, and other valuable rewards, but we're going to go deeper into it later on. The Disciples of Hand can also get experience from daily beast tribes quests that you can unlock after level 50.

Level 1-15

As we mentioned, there's a limited amount of leve allowances that you can have. That makes them even more valuable. Getting to level 15 is quite easy, even without levequests, so we recommend saving them for later.

In order to get the experience, you can focus on the Grand Company turn-ins. Make sure always to choose the highest level item that you can craft without failing. The other option for these early levels is merely buying an engineering manual and crafting as many items as possible. This consumable will temporarily increase the amount of EXP that you get for crafting (it doesn't affect the rewards from quests or turn-ins). You don't need that much experience to progress through early levels – it makes grinding a viable option.

At the same time, don't forget about the class quests. You should be able to pre-craft some of their objectives before you're even allowed to accept the assignment. We recommend doing that, if it's possible – you can save some time this way. The level one quest asks you to bring a Hempen Yarn – it's crafted from 1 Lightning Shard and 2x Moko Grass.

FFXIV Weaver

At level 5, you're going to need three pairs of Hempen Breeches. Each one consists of 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Hempen Cloth, 1 Hempen Yarn and 1 Leather. The next class quest requires 12x Undyed Hempen Cloth. The recipe is really simple: 1 Lightning Shard and 2 Hempen Yarns. Finally, at level 15, you'll have to deliver two items: a Cotton Scarf and Cotton Shepherd's Slops. The former is made of 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, and 1 Cotton Yarn. To craft the latter, you'll need 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Undyed Hempen Cloth.

Level 15-20

At this moment, we recommend jumping onto the levequest train to get the experience necessary for leveling. Each level tier offers multiple leves. Some of them are usually more lucrative than the others (the three main factors are: reward, price of materials, and difficulty of the craft itself).

At these levels, we recommend two worthwhile options. A Drag of a Doublet requires an Initiate's Doublet Vest – the item consists of 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn, 1 Hard Leather, and 1 Brass Ingot. To complete the second one – Better Shroud Than Sorry, you're going to need a Cotton Kurta. Its recipe is 1 Lighting Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 3x Undyed Cotton Cloth, and 1 Cotton Yarn.

The level 20 class quest asks for an item enhanced with materia. That's why you probably should complete another task first. It's called Waking the Spirit, and you can get it from F'hobhas in The Bonfire. When you complete it, you'll be able to meld materia onto items without having to use the NPC Materia Melder. Then, you can make the class quest's objective - Cotton Acton. It builds from 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Dodo Feather.

Level 20-25

At level 20, we're going to start looking at a particular type of levequests, called triple turn-ins. These tasks let you get three times the value for a single allowance. They do require more crafting, but more often than not, it's worth it. They don't have the highest singular rewards, but the quantity usually beats quality in this case.

The best triple leve in this tier is located in Quarrymill, and it's called The Telltale Tress. It asks you to bring a Cotton Coif of Gathering. The item is made of 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn and 1 Hard Leather. Of course, you can also stick with single leves, they can often be more time-efficient while wasting more allowances. The best one here is Whatchoo Talking About, and it requires a Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting that's made of 2 Lightning Shards, 1 Wind Shard, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn, 1 Hard Leather, and 1 Brass Ingot.

The level 25 class quest is the first one that requires a high-quality product. You probably already had a significant amount of Control in your crafting gear since it's useful for levequests, but from now on, you will also need it for your class advancement assignments. This one's objective is an HQ Undyed Velveteen. It's made of 2 Lightning Shards, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Dew Thread.

Level 25-30

In this tier, we recommend skipping the triple leves, since they're a bit annoying. There's one levequest that we believe is significantly better than the others, and it's called Pantser Corps. To complete it, you'll have to bring Initiate's Slops. They can be crafted with 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Beast Sinew.

For the next class quest, you're going to need HQ Velveteen Gaiters. You can synthesize them using 3 Lightning Shards, 2 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Velveteen, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, and 1 Rubber.

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Level 30-35

This tier features another great "single" levequest – By the Seat of the Pants. To complete it, you have to craft Linen Chausses out of 4 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, 3x Undyed Linen and 1 Linen Yarn. You can also consider triple leves. Our Man in Ul'dah is the right choice. It requires Velveteen Work Gloves that consists of 3 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Velveteen, 1 Dew Thread, and 1 Cotton Ball. A lot this tier's leves take place in Costa Del Sol. 

To complete the level 35 Weaver quest, you're going to have to craft an HQ Linen Shirt. The needed materials are 4 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Linen, 1 Linen Yarn, and 2 Aldgoat Leathers.

Level 35-40

We're still hanging onto levequests as the main source of crafting experience. This tier offers a great triple leve – A Leg Up on the Cold. Its objective is crafting Linen Tights that consists of 4 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Linen, and 1 Linen Yarn. If you prefer a single levequest, you can go with The Wages of Sin. To complete it, you have to deliver a Linen Coatee of Crafting. This item is made of 4 Lightning Shards, 4 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Linen, 2 Linen Yarns, and 1 Electrum Ingot.

For the next class quest, you'll need high-quality Woolen Tights. You can craft them with 5 Lightning Shards, 4 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Woolen Cloth, and 1 Woolen Yarn. You can have some trouble with pre-crafting this one, as it includes wool – a higher tier material. This jump always makes the process a bit more demanding.

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Level 40-45

As for levequests at this level range, we recommend sticking to the ones that use lower tier materials. The items are easier to make, and you can get the components cheaper and more convenient. The best triple is called Party Animals, and it asks you to bring a Linen Deerstalker. This chestpiece can be made with 5 Lightning Shards, 4 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Linen, 1 Undyed Velveteen, and 2 Linen Yarns.

Meanwhile, a great single leve would be After the Smock-down. It has Linen Smock as its objective. This item consists of 5 Lightning Shards, 4 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Linen, 1 Linen Yarn, 1 Undyed Velveteen, and 1 Lanolin.

The level 45 Weaver quest requires three high-quality items. Woolen Beret is made of 5 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Apkallu Down, and 1 Chocobo Feather. The next item - Woolen Gown, consists of 5 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Woolen Cloth, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Undyed Linen, and 1 Mythril Ingot. Finally, a pair of Woolen Gaskins can be crafted with 5 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 1 Dew Thread, and 2 Toad Leathers. 

Level 45-50

It is the last level range when we depend on levequests so heavily. This time a lot of them are located in Mor Dhona. Sadly, both triples in this tier are bad, so we're forced to stick with singles. Full Moon Fever has Felt Chausses as its objective. This item consists of 6 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Felt, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, and 1 Woolen Yarn. The other viable option is called Glad As a Hatter, and it requires crafting a Felt Hat. You can do it with 6 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Felt, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, and 1 Woolen Yarn.

The class quest once again has a three-item objective. All of them have to be of high quality. Patrician's Wedge Cap is made of 6 Lightning Shards, 6 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Felt, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Linen Yarn, and 1 Electrum Ingot. The second item is Patrician's Coatee. It has a recipe of 6 Lightning Shards, 6 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Felt, 2 Woolen Yarns, 1 Linen Yarn, and 1 Electrum Ingot. Finally, you can craft Patrician Bottoms with 6 Lightning Shards, 6 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Felt, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Linen Yarn, and 1 Electrum Ingot. Completing this quest will reward you with an excellent Weaver crafting tool.

Level 50-60

Gaining experience after level 50 changes a lot. After all, it used to be the game's level cap. Luckily, some great new ways of progressing crafters and gatherers have been introduced when it has been increased. We already mentioned them earlier. By the way, there are new, higher-level levequests – they pale in comparison to beast tribe dailies and custom deliveries.

Moogle Beast Tribe Quests

Beast tribe daily quests are an easy source of experience for your Weaver and other crafting classes that are over level 50. The dailies themselves are very simple and cheap to complete, but the unlocking process is quite a hassle. To access them, you have to finish a long and tiresome 20-sidequests chain. The first one is called A Pebble for Your Thoughts, and the last one is Tricks and Stones. We know - it's a lot of quests, but you only have to do them once per character, and the dailies are useful.

The Splendors Exchange

Rowena's House of Splendors is the first custom delivery system in the game. It works really similar to the Grand Company turn-ins, but it requires collectibles instead of regular items. You can create them with the level 50 ability called Collectable Synthesis. The Splendors Exchange is located in the Foundation inside the city of Ishgard. It can be unlocked with a single quest – Inscrutable Tastes. All custom deliveries reward the players with high amounts of Gil and experience, as well as the Crafting Scrips. They're unique tokens that can be exchanged for many useful items.

Level 50-60 class quests

From now on, the advancement quests will be made available a bit more often. At level 53, you're going to need HQ Holy Rainbow Gloves. They are made of 4 Lightning Crystals, 3 Wind Crystals, 2x Holy Rainbow Cloth, and 1 Rainbow Thread. You can take the next quest at level 55. Its objective is an HQ Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing. You can craft it with 4 Lightning Crystals, 3 Wind Crystals, 3x Holy Rainbow Cloth, 1 Rainbow Thread, and 1 Mythrite Nugget. For level 58, you're going to need 3x HQ Crawler Silk. Each one consists of 5 Lightning Crystals, 3 Crawler Cocoons, 2 Silkworm Cocoons, and 1 Effervescent Water. Finally, the level 60 quest requires a Chivalric Doublet of Healing. This chestpiece has quite a complicated recipe: 2 Lightning Clusters, 1 Wind Cluster, 3x Chimerical Felt, 1 Aurum Regis Nugget, 1 Holy Ramie Cloth, 1 Crawler Silk, 2x Dawnborne Aethersand and 2x Grade 1 Mind Dissolvent.

Level 60-70

After level 60, the leveling process stays relatively unchanged. There's a new set of beast tribe dailies and some more options regarding the custom deliveries. You can get access to Namazu Beast Tribe Dailies, by completing another chain of quests. Luckily, this one consists of "only" 12 tasks. It starts with Courage the Cowardly Lupin and finishes on Something Fishy This Way Comes. The dailies themselves are quite similar to Moogle's. They're very cheap and easy to do.

The collectible delivery system gets expanded. At level 60, you can complete a quest called None Forgotten, None Forsaken. It gives you access to M'naago's Custom Deliveries. Later, at level 62, you can unlock Kurenai's deliveries and at 66 Adkiragh's ones. Each new establishment can offer you better rewards than the previous one. Once again, you're not only getting experience and Gil, but also the precious Crafting Scrips.

Level 60-70 Class Quests

At this point, class quests become a formality. The employers will provide you with all the necessary unique materials. You have to get some Lightning Crystals and Wind Crystals and craft the objectives. At level 63, you'll make an HQ Elegant Bustle, the next quest's goal is an HQ Winsome Spring Dress. For the level 68 assignment, you'll need an HQ Seductive Bustier. Finally, at level, you're going to craft an HQ Tennyo Hagoromo.

Level 70-80

The Shadowbringers update increased the level cap by another 10. It didn't provide that much more leveling content for crafting and gathering classes. There are no more traditional class quests in this range. Moreover, players don't get a new beast tribe with a set of daily quests. Instead, the developers introduced a new custom deliveries establishment in Eulmore – you can unlock it with a quest called Oh, Beehive Yourself.

There's also a new feature – Crystarium Deliveries. It works similarly to other deliveries, and it also rewards you with Crafter's Scrips. However, they group certain crafting classes in facets and provide them with a shared pool of assignments. As a Weaver, you're going to belong to the Facet of Crafting alongside Carpenter and Leatherworker.

To get through these levels as quickly as possible, we recommend crafting high-level collectible items for all the custom delivery services. There is a certain amount of time-gating, but it shouldn't be that frustrating. If you want to do more, you can also complete some levequests and Namazu dailies.

FFXIV Weaver

FF14 Weaver Guide

At level 80, with sufficient gear, you should be able to craft pretty much anything that you want. Weaver can produce a lot of crafting and gathering equipment, so make sure to make use of that possibility whenever it's necessary. You can also make cloth armors for your caster jobs. Finally, at this moment you should be able to get some profit from your Weaver. Check what items are currently demanded by other players to later craft and sell them! What other guides would you like to see on our blog? Let us know in the comments below!

If you're interested in another FFXIV class or job, make sure to search through our blog – there are plenty of guides for crafting, gathering, and combat professions. We also post tons of content related to all the most popular MMORPGs and other hit online games.  

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a thriving MMORPG, developed by Square Enix. It has achieved massive success, while also creating a vast and loyal community of players. It's the second time that this legendary game series tackles the MMORPG genre. FF14 has already received three major expansions: Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers. Each new location adds more great experiences to the exploration of Eorzea!

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