RuneScape goes mobile!

Announced earlier this year, RuneScape is going mobile and during London's RuneFest 2017 players could get their hands on early builds of both the latest RuneScape 3 build and Oldschool Runescape.
Surprisingly, according to the devs, Oldschool Runescape will be launching on mobile-first in late 2017 with "core game" launching "shortly after" in 2018. The "true-school" will launch with Dragon Slayer II GM quest in January and new raid Theatre of Blood in June while the RuneScape "proper" players will be introduced to a PvE event where they will be transported to an alternate dimension where the dead walk across Gielinor and your job is to survive as long as possible.
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Apart from the mobile launch, RuneFest 2017 announced clue scroll rework, cosmetic overhaul, reward footprints, collection log, off-hand weapon skill, skilling combat pets and final part of Fifth Age pirate quest, deep-sea fishing, slayer killing, a new zone called "The Lost Grove", new boss "Solak", new Dimension of the Damned mode, hold on there is more, cracking safes, bank overhaul, group Ironman Challenge, and Novtumberfest beer festival.
Jagex also said mining and smithing system is being worked on now, guild systems, and more major changes in the future but they don't want to push it if it's not polished to perfection. Players were also ensured that developers will continue with their in-game polls to determine future changes.
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