Valorant Jett Guide - As Quick as deadly!

Welcome to another guide in the MMOAuctions series of guides for the Valorant. In this one, we will be describing Jett - the most nimble of all the Agents available in the game. Her agility allows her to run circles around enemies before they have a chance to even react at what happens. She always takes risks by dashing into the heat of the battle and jumping over obstacles. With deadly Kunai at her disposal, Jett is as quick as deadly. If you want to learn how to win as this Agent - this Valorant Jett guide was written for you.
"Think you can keep up? Who am I kidding... You know you can't keep up."
Who is Jett
Jett is a Korean girl that uses her agility and deadly Kunai to win battles against opponents. She is exceptionally agile and elusive, so even if you catch Jett at open space doesn't mean that you will be able to land a clean shot on her. Jett can avoid bullets, close gaps, jump into the air, dash as quickly as teleportation, and fly like Buzz-Astral from ToyStory. If you are looking for a quick Agent that can do jaw-dropping plays, then Jett is what you are searching for!
jett’s abilities
Jett's toolkit revolves around movement skills that give her the ability to jump between covers, over the obstacles, away from the danger, or straight at the enemy. Jett's ultimate allows her to become a walking killing-machine that shoots very accurate Kunai that can one-hit opponents when aimed well. She can also block the enemy's vision for a brief moment with Smoke Clouds. Jett also has a signature passive ability that gives her a chance to float on the air falling way more slowly.
C - Cloudburst / Costs: 100 Credits / Uses: three
Clicking on the C key allows Jett to instantly throw a smoke cloud that can also be curved mid-air by moving crosshair and holding the C key. Cloudburst blocks the vision for a short time.(Around 10 seconds) and is the only team utility in her toolkit.
How to use: Cloudburst is probably the worst smoke in the game as it lasts only for seven seconds; however, that's usually good enough for a quick change of cover or a rush to the bomb site area. While throwing Cloudburst in the straight line may put you at risk of getting shot - curving the cloud can be a much safer option. Learn how to curve Cloudburst on the training mode, and you will quickly realize that this ability is a nice addition to Jett's toolkit.
Q - Updraft / Costs: 100 Credits / Uses: two
Clicking on the Q button allows Jett to propel into the air instantly. When mid-air holding space will allow her to fall slowly which is Jett`s unique passive ability.
How to use: Updraft is Jett`s second ability that allows her to surprise enemies that hide behind walls and covers as she can easily jump over them. It is also fantastic for skipping Sage's wall and peeking over the smokes. Use it to jump over obstacles and to position yourself in unexpected locations - on every map there are some very good spots that you can reach with Updraft ability.
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E - Tailwind / Costs: Free / Uses: one
Clicking on the E key allows Jett to burst quickly towards the direction of her movement. This is also her signature ability.
How to use: Tailwind can be used in combination with Updraft to fly over large zones and close the gap between you and the enemy. It is great for passing quickly from one cover to another. As with all of Jett's abilities, it can be used aggressively and defensively. Since this skill is free, you should use it in every round when you play Jett.
X - Blade Storm / Costs: 6 charges
Clicking on the X key allows Jett to equip a set of five extremely-accurate Kunai. By clicking on the LMB, she can shoot one of the Kunai straight at her crosshair location. Alternative fire (RMB) will launch all of the throwing knives at the same time. If you lose some of your Kunai with inaccurate shooting, you can use remaining daggers to regain lost ones by killing enemies. Daggers can still be equipped and unequipped with an X key after the initial use of the ability.
How to use: Blade Storm is terrific at every range. One knife could deal 100 damage to the head and 50 damage to the torso, but they can be shot quickly one after another or all at once. Because of this, you can use this ability as a long range sniper (with left click throws) and as a short distance shotgun (with right click). Since it doesn't lose accuracy when moving, combine it with your other abilities to strike enemies from unexpected locations.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- She's quick and nimble - she can enter the bombsite at will and get back from there faster than anybody
- Her Ultimate Ability is not only useful but also spectacular
- Blade Storm is the best line of defense when you are using a sniper rifle, and someone comes at you.
- Jett's Cloudburst is much worse than Brimstone's or Omen's smokes
- Needs a great aim to use Blade Storm effectively
- Her toolkit is mostly mobility and very little of anything besides that.
How to win as a Jett
Jett excels at using sniper rifles. She is the best sniper in the game as she has the only ability in Valorant that lets Agent equip a new weapon entirely for free. Blade Storm is amazing at both short-range and high-range as it is an extremely accurate skill. It means that when someone comes at you while using Operator or while reloading, you will be able to pull it off quickly and to one-shot the guy with a single click.
Moreover, Blade Storm is also great at ECO rounds when you want to save money while remaining dangerous. Jett's toolkit allows her to be very aggressive - dashing through the smokes and peeking over obstacles that work great with weapons like Frenzy, Judge, Bucky, Spectre, Stinger, and Shorty. Consider those choices when you plan to cut through the smokes and rush the location of the opponent. When you’re a Jett, consider opting for one of the playstyles every round - surprise enemies with a quick rush around corners or play passively with Sniper Rifles. You’ll not regret it - you are among the best duelist in the game.
Even though your Kunai travels in a straight line it is not an easy projectile to throw. Among Jett tips, the best one that we can give you is to use your boost in form of the Updraft to lift yourself from the ground at the start of the fight if you plan to take out your Blade Storm. Every player is used to aim only towards the level of his own. When you jump to the air you have an advantage because it feels unnatural to aim above your natural angle and Jett's Blade Storm won't lose it’s accuracy even while she floats on the air. Use that to your advantage.
That's it for our Riot Games Valorant's guide for the Jett Agent. We hope that it was enough to give you some insight on how to play this character, and with our tips and tricks, you will be able to become more dangerous than ever! If you have liked this guide, we strongly encourage you to get familiar with other articles about Valorant characters that we have written on our blog page. Read them to learn how to become better in the game and how to climb to the highest ratings to become the master of the ranked ladder!
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Is Jett good in Valorant?
Of course, she is! Jett is a tier A Agent.
How many knives does Jett have?
She can have up to 5 knives that recharge on kill.
How do you curve a Cloudburst skill?
By holding down C and moving crosshair at the same time.