Guild Wars 2 Leatherworker Guide - Craft Gear for Adventurers!

GW2 Leatherworker Guide
GW2 Leatherworker is one of the armor crafting classes in Guild Wars 2. It creates equipment for the adventurer professions. They are Engineer, Ranger, and Thief. These characters wear the medium armor category. The primary material categories used by Leatherworkers are leathers and cloths. Besides the armor pieces, Leatherworkers can also synthesize bags and runes. Furthermore, they’re able to refine crafting materials and make various crafting components.
The role of a Leatherworker
Sadly, in Guild Wars 2, early game crafting is pretty much non-existent. After choosing your crafting class, you have to rush to at least level 400 to get any real use of it. The leveling process of the combat professions is so easy and fast that there’s simply no reason ever to craft or buy gear for lower-level characters. At the same time, GW2 players have multiple options of further accelerating their leveling – veterans often have access to a lot of Tomes of Knowledge that can level up their new characters instantly.
Meanwhile, players have to produce low-level items in order to max out their crafters. There are no special quests or any other ways that can provide you with crafting experience. You will have to make a ton of pretty much useless junk items. On the one hand, there are very few players who want low-level gear. On the other hand, the market gets overflowed by the stuff made by all the characters that level the crafting classes.
All these things combined create a situation where crafting is only useful for endgame items. It makes players want to max out their Leatherworker and other crafting classes as fast and cheap as possible. You’re not going to get much value from your early products, so instead of trying, you can just cut your losses and get to the good part quickly. It will require some investment, but it’s undoubtedly worth it. That being said, crafting in GW2 is a bit of a luxury, since you have to go all the way to get any profit.
High-Level Leatherworking
Equipment crafters like Leatherworkers have two critical milestones in their leveling process. At level 400, they get access to Master Recipes and the possibility to craft Exotic armors. In the case of the Leatherworker, the most important one is called Emblazoned Armor. You should probably make it for your Ranger, Thief, or Engineer (there’s not much reason to develop a Leatherworker if you’re not playing any of these professions).
Every armor piece that you craft can provide slightly different stats. It's determined by a special part called insignias. Depending on your build, you might want to go with: assassin, carrion, berserker, rampager, cleric, malign, valkyrie, vigorous and the list goes much longer.
At crafting level 400, you will also get access to making superior runes. All three armor crafters share most of their recipes, but there are some useful ones exclusive to Leatherworkers. For example, Superior Rune of the Ogre is great for increasing direct and critical damage, while Superior Rune of the Adventurer is a tremendous general offensive choice.
The second necessary threshold is the level cap of 500. It allows you to synthesize the best in slot Ascended items and their components. The Illustrious Medium Armor requires a long time to craft, and you’ll have to buy special recipe items for an NPC Master Leatherworker. The Ascended crafting is time-gated – each GW2 character is only allowed to make a single item in this tier – it also applies to components. Crafting the whole armor set from scratch would take as much as 36 days.
The amount of time required for this process makes the Ascended components quite valuable. They are tradable, so you can try to make and sell them through the Trading Post. At the same time, the difference in power level between Exotic and Ascended items is not that significant. A lot of players stick with the Exotic tier for quite some time, since it’s more than enough for dungeons and fractals.
Besides the armors and runes, an endgame, Leatherworker can also create some gifts – these items are used as components for legendary weapons that can be created in the Mystic Forge. Gift of Nature is one of the many elements used to synthesize a longbow called Kudzu. Gift of Stealth is used in the process of creating a legendary rifle – The Predator. Finally, the Wolf Statue is a component, that along with many others is necessary to make Howler – a legendary warhorn.
Leatherworker Leveling Guide
As we mentioned, you have to be prepared to spend some gold on leveling your crafting classes. Getting a maxed out crafter comes with a price. You’re not going to get any substantial returns before the level 400. That’s why you should always look for a cheap and efficient crafting route. We will show you an example of it, but you might want to use some GW2 crafting calculator anyway. The market prices of various materials will change in time, influencing the relative values of different routes. However, even if you pick the most optimal, cheapest route - the materials will still cost some gold that you have to spend.
Leatherworker 1-400
It is the necessary part of leveling any crafter. As we mentioned, the level 400 threshold gives you access to essential recipes. It really enables you to make most of the vital stuff that you can get from this crafting discipline. The only exception is the possibility to craft Ascended items. You may need over 40 gold to buy all the materials necessary to get to level 400.
You can find recipes for multiple items when you use the crafting stations. However, there will be some that you have to discover. Luckily, it usually just means using the right components and synthesizing an item (we broke down the recipes for items that you have to discover). It might change at the very high levels when you might need to buy a recipe, but it won’t happen during the early leveling process. Moreover, discovering an item provides a bonus to the crafting experience that you’ll receive. The discovery bonus can be extremely valuable while you’re leveling.
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Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
17x Spool of Wool Thread
22x Spool of Silk Thread
18x Spool of Jute Thread
23x Spool of Linen Thread
23x Spool of Cotton Thread
Materials to collect or buy from other players
13x Iron Ore
60x Jute Scrap
42x Rawhide Leather Section
68x Thin Leather Section
88x Thick Leather Section
46x Coarse Leather Section
38x Rugged Leather Section
48x Wool Scrap
130x Cotton Scrap
138x Linen Scrap
198x Silk Scrap
80x Tiny Venom Sac
101x Small Venom Sac
57x Full Venom Sac
57x Potent Venom Sac
9x Large Scale
57x Vial of Blood
12x Sharp Fang
16x Glacial Shard
8x Glacial Core
13x Destroyer Fragment
16x Crystal Shard
8x Corrupted Core
10x Rawhide Shoulderguard Padding
10x Rawhide Shoulderguard Panel
6x Rawhide Boot Sole
4x Rugged Google Strap
3x Mighty Jute Insignia
15x Healing Jute Insignia
4x Vigorous Cotton Insignia
10x Wool Patch
10x Jute Patch
1410x Lucent Mole
37x Charm of Skill
8x Charm of Potence
Level 1-25
141x Pile of Lucent Crystal
30x Bolt of Jute
21x Stretched Rawhide Leather Square
3x Rawhide Boot Upper
Discover Mighty Seeker Boots with 2 Rawhide Boot Sole, 1 Rawhide Boot Upper, and 1 Mighty Jute Insignia. Then make this item twice more.
Level 25-50
15x Rawhide Mask Padding
15x Rawhide Mask Strap
Then use these two components alongside Healing Jute Insignia to discover Healing Seeker Mask. Craft 14 more of them.
Level 50-75
10x Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia
Combine this insignia with Rawhide Shoulderguard Padding and Rawhide Shoulderguard Panel to discover Malign Seeker Shoulders. Synthesize nine more.
Level 75-100
34x Cured Thin Leather Square
24x Bolt of Wool
17x Thin Glove Strap
17x Thin Glove Lining
7x Ravaging Wool Insignia
Discover Ravaging Outlaw Gloves by combining Thin Glove Strap, Thin Glove Lining, and Ravaging Wool Insignia. Make this item 6 more times.
Level 100-125
Use Iron Ore, Destroyer Fragment, Charm of Skill, and Pile of Lucent Crystal to discover the Minor Rune of the Engineer. Synthesize 12 more of these runes.
Level 125-150
10x Ravaging Embroidered Wool Insignia
Then, combine this insignia with Thin Glove Strap and Thin Glove Lining, to discover Ravaging Outlaw Gloves. Craft this item 9 more times.
Level 150-175
65x Bolt of Cotton
23x Cured Coarse Leather Square
23x Coarse Goggle Padding
23x Coarse Goggle Strap
Then discover Vigorous Leather Mask by using Coarse Goggle Padding, Coarse Leather Strap, and Vigorous Cotton Insignia. Produce three more of them.
Level 175-200
19x Strong Cotton Insignia
Combine it with Coarse Goggle Padding and Coarse Goggle Strap to discover a Strong Leather Mask. Then make 18 more of these masks.
Level 200-225
Use 1x Charm of Skill, 2x Crystal Shard, and 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal, to discover the Major Rune of the Thief. Craft 7 more of these.
Level 225-250
69x Bolt of Linen
19x Cured Rugged Leather Square
23x Rugged Goggle Padding
19x Rugged Goggle Strap
4x Valkyrie Linen Insignia
Then, discover Valkyrie Rascal Mask out of Rugged Goggle Padding, Rugged Goggle Strap, and Valkyrie Linen Insignia. Make three more of them.
Level 250-275
19x Rampager’s Linen Insignia
Combine this insignia with Rugged Goggle Padding and Rugged Goggle strap to discover Rampager’s Rascal Mask. Craft 18 more of these masks.
Level 275-300
Discover the Major Rune of the Ice with 1 Charm of Skill, 2x Glacial Shard, and 4x Pile of the Lucent Crystal. Create this rune seven times more.
Level 300-325
66x Bolt of Silk
22x Cured Thick Leather Square
22x Thick Mask Padding
22x Thick Mask Strap
3x Knight’s Silk Insignia
Use Thick Mask Padding, Thick Mask Strap, and Knight’s Silk Insignia to discover Knight’s Prowler Mask. Make two more of them.
Level 325-350
19x Rampager’s Silk Insignia
Combine this insignia with a Thick Mask Padding and Thick Mask Strap to discover Rampager’s Prowler Mask. Then craft this item 18 times more.
Level 350-375
Use 1 Corrupted Core, 1 Charm of Potence, and 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal to discover the Major Rune of the Wurm. Then make seven more of them.
Level 375-400
Discover the Major Rune of the Ice by combining 1 Glacial Core, 1 Charm of Skill, and 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal. Then craft this item 7 more times.
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Leatherworker 400-500
This part of the leveling process is very much optional. You can skip this for now, unless you want to rush towards the Ascended armor. The good news is that you can craft valuable items now. Even though the high-level materials are substantially more expensive than the low-level ones, you will start getting some returns from your investment.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
38x Spool of Gossamer Thread
Materials to collect or obtain from Trading Post
48x Cured Hardened Leather Square
64x Bolt of Gossamer
1x Hardened Helmet Padding
3x Hardened Helmet Strap
3x Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
3x Cavalier’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
23x Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
3x Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
3x Soldier’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
1x Settler’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
3x Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Level 400-425
26x Hardened Helmet Padding
24x Hardened Helmet Strap
6x Hardened Glove Lining
6x Hardened Glove Panel
6x Hardened Shoulderguard Panel
6x Hardened Shoulderguard Padding
Discover Rabid Emblazoned Helm with Hardened Helmet Padding, Hardened Helmet Strap, and Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia. Then make two more of them.
Level 425-450
There are multiple discoveries in this tier:
Rabid Emblazoned Gloves out of Hardened Glove Lining, Hardened Gove Panel, and Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia.
Rabid Emblazoned Shoulders with Hardened Shoulderguard Panel, Hardened Shoulderguard Padding, and Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia.
Then you’re going to have to discover Dire Emblazoned Helm, Magi’s Emblazoned Helm, Soldier’s Emblazoned Helm, Cavalier’s Emblazoned Helm, and Shaman’s Emblazoned Helm. Each of them is going to require Hardened Helmet Padding, Hardened Helmet Strap, and the right insignia. After that, make one more Rabid Emblazoned Helm.
Level 450-475
Once again, there are plenty of discoveries in this tier:
First, there are Dire Emblazoned Gloves, Magi’s Emblazoned Gloves, Cavalier’s Emblazoned Gloves, and Shaman’s Emblazoned Gloves. Each of them is made of Hardened Glove Lining, Hardened Glove Panel, and the proper insignia.
The situation is similar to Dire Emblazoned Shoulders, Magi’s Emblazoned Shoulders, Cavalier’s Emblazoned Shoulders, and Shaman’s Emblazoned Shoulders. You will need Hardened Shoulderguard Panel, Hardened Shoulderguard Padding, and the adequate insignia.
Finally, discover Settler’s Emblazoned Helm out of Hardened Helmet Padding, Hardened Helmet Strap, and Settler’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia.
Level 475-500
Combine Hardened Glove Lining, Hardened Glove Panel, and Soldier’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia to discover Soldier’s Emblazoned Gloves.
Discover Soldier’s Emblazoned Shoulders out of Hardened Shoulderguard Panel, Hardened Shoulderguard Padding, and Solder’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia.
Then, craft 17 Rabid Emblazoned Helms – this is a recipe that we already discovered. After you finish this, you should be a level 500 Leatherworker!
Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 is the second installment in ArenaNet’s MMORPG series. It takes its players on a thrilling journey through the wonderfully designed world of Tyria. There are nine playable professions and nine crafting classes. The game has a captivating, developing a storyline, plenty of challenging endgame PvE activities, and exciting PvP modes. Guild Wars 2 has already received two expansions: Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire.
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