Guild Wars 2 Scribe Guide - Guild Hall Decorations and More!

Guild Wars 2 Scribe Guide
Scribe is the most unique, original and probably the least necessary crafting discipline in Guild Wars 2. It’s the only one that requires an expansion even to be accessed. Every player who wants to learn this discipline needs the Heart of Thorns DLC.
Products crafted by Scribes are not necessary to play the game. It’s a class that’s focused on endgame guild content. Most of the products available for this class are Guild Hall decorations. You will get more possibilities when your guild unlocks some Guild Hall buildings (like a tavern, etc.) They can also craft some consumables that can be used in PvE and special schematic guild items that can be used by guild members, specifically in WvW. It's fair to say that you can live your GW2 life without leveling any crafting disciplines - Scribe is the most extreme example of that.
Scribe is all about the endgame collectibles, as it provides almost exclusively the prestige associated with having a developed and decorated Guild Hall. Most MMORPGs have some options for cosmetics that require some effort to get. In GW2, a huge part of it is related to Scribe. The only exception to that rule, are the three Scribe-exclusive sigils. Especially the Superior Sigil of Transference might be a great boost for supportive builds as it increases the amount of outgoing healing by 10%. Other than that, you're not going to craft too many useful inventory pieces.
To unlock this discipline, you have to talk to the Master Scribe Cullen in your Guild Hall. He will only be accessible if your hall has the guild workshop unlocked. Moreover, you’re going to use a particular crafting station called Aetheric Assembly Device. Scribes don’t craft items conventionally. They create schematics, and the assembly device then takes some time to produce the designed item. It works a bit like a 3D printer.
Scribes crafts are based on a variety of materials. They can utilize and refine and upgrade cloth, leather, wood, and resonating mats, so there's the possibility for processing and upgrading almost all the crafting ingredients. This discipline also uses a lot of unique components, like paper, ink, and scribing kits.
Scribe Leveling Guide
Just like every other crafting discipline, leveling a Scribe requires a lot of crafting. The difference is that the rest of them need an initial investment to start returning profit later. Scribe is a never-ending gold sink, and the recipes here are significantly more expensive than in the case of the other disciplines. It’s crucial to understand that Scribe is not at all about making money. Don’t level it unless you care much about your Guild Hall and the prestige of your guild.
Overall, there's over 100 gold required to complete the leveling process. If you still have plenty of other things to spend money on, we recommend taking care of them first. However, if you have plenty of gold and a Guild Hall that needs some embellishment, then go for it!
Arguably, leveling Scribe is not as important as progressing other crafting disciplines. Of course, certain thresholds will provide you access to more Guild decorations (including banners) and consumables, but it’s mostly the matter of personal preference. If you like some of the lower level decorations, you will get them for your Guild Hall anyway. After all, they don’t bring any useful stats. That being said, as usual, the safest and most cost-effective way of leveling a crafting discipline is buying all material components at the same time.
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Scribe 1-400
This is an exemplary list of items to craft. Follow it in order to get enough experience that'll let you reach level 400 as Scribe. Before hitting the market, make sure to check your bank for any materials that you might already have. Clearing your storage while leveling crafters is always a good idea. In general, the price for leveling this crafting discipline is quite high, making it a bit cheaper definitely wouldn't hurt.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
255x Jug of water
56x Lump of Coal
6x Crafter’s Backpack Frame
112x Crystalline Bottle
Materials to collect or obtain from Trading Post
331x Copper Ore
36x Gold Ore
168x Iron Ore
224x Mithril Ore
48x Platinum Ore
84x Silver Ore
280x Green Wood Plank
852x Jute Scrap
626x Green Wood Log
48x Hard Wood Log
90x Soft Wood Log
86x Seasoned Wood Log
44x Cured Thin Leather Square
12x Wool Scrap
12x Cotton Scrap
16x Linen Scrap
285x Pile of Glittering Dust
265x Pile of Shimmering Dust
170x Pile of Radiant Dust
208x Pile of Luminous Dust
252x Pile of Incandescent Dust
1x Full Venom Sac
63x Carrot
63x Potato
63x Head of Lettuce
84x Arrow Cart Blueprints
20x Mordrem Lodestone
219x Resonating Silver
200x Badge of tribute
42x Pouch of Red Pigment
18x Pouch of Yellow Pigment
1x Barbed Thorn
138x Pouch of Brown Pigment
1860x Flax Fiber
69x Pouch of Blue Pigment
18x Box of Banner Supplies
28x Strategic Defense Map of the Mists
520x Lucent Mote
20x Symbol of Enhancement
Level 1
426x Bolt of Jute
192x Green Wood Plank
146x Green Wood Pulp
138x Copper Ingot
52x Pile of Lucent Crystal
46x Green Wood Dowel
155x Linen Supply Sack
146x Sheet of Coarse Paper
46x Simple Scribing Kit
46x Bag of Glittering Blotting Powder
46x Green Wood Pen
46x Copper Nib
46x Simple Ink Set
21x Bag of Dolyak Chow
11x Copper Reinforcing Plate
11x Bag of Shimmering Energy
6x Simple Scribe’s Tools
6x Simple Scribe’s Backpack
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Level 25
Discover Minor Sigil of Agility by combining Mordrem Lodestone, Simple Scribing Kit, Symbol of Enhancement, and Pile of Lucent Crystal. Then make 11 more.
Level 50
28x Guild Banquet
Level 75
42x Silver Ingot
20x Soft Wood Plank
14x Soft Wood Dowel
6x Bolt of Wool
6x Soft Wood Pulp
14x Basic Scribing Kit
14x Soft Wood Pen
14x Silver Nib
14x Basic Ink Set
14x Bag of Shimmering Blotting Powder
6x Sturdy Scribe’s Tools
6x Sheet of Rough Paper
6x Sturdy Scribe’s Backpack
Level 100
22x Rough Book Cover
10x Box of Banner Supplies
11x Sabotage Depot
Level 125
Discover Major Sigil of Agility with Mordrem Lodestone, Basic Scribing Kit, Symbol of Enhancement and 5x Pile of Lucent Crystal.
Level 150
56x Steel Ingot
18x Gold Ingot
12x Seasoned Wood Plank
6x Bolt of Cotton
6x Seasoned Wood Pulp
6x Seasoned Wood Dowel
28x Bag of Radiant Energy
28x Steel Reinforcing Plate
6x Practical Scribe’s Tools
6x Sheet of Fine Paper
6x Fine Scribing Kit
6x Bag of Radiant Blotting Powder
6x Seasoned Wood Pen
6x Gold Nib
6x Fine Ink Set
6x Practical Scribe’s Backpack
Level 175
21x Invulnerable Dolyak
Level 200
28x Guild Arrow Cart Blueprints
Level 225
24x Platinum Ingot
16x Hard Wood Plank
8x Bolt of Linen
8x Hard Wood Pulp
8x Hard Wood Dowel
23x Journeyman’s Ink Set
8x Sheet of Smooth Paper
8x Journeyman’s Scribing Kit
8x Hard Wood Pen
8x Platinum Nib
8x Bag of Luminous Blotting Powder
Box of Journeyman Scribing Supplies
Discover Writ of Basic Speed with Sheet of Smooth Paper, Journeyman’s Scribing Kit and Barbed Thorn.
Combine Sheet of Smooth Paper, Journeyman’s Scribing Kit, and Full Venom Sac to discover Writ of Calculated Malice.
Level 250
28x Centaur Banner
Level 275
6x Intricate Scribe’s Tools
6x Intricate Scribe’s Backpack
Level 300
112x Mithril Ingot
84x Bag of Incandescent Energy
56x Mithril Reinforcing Plate
Level 325
28x Invulnerable Fortifications
Level 350
28x Auto Turrets
Level 375
28x Watchtower
gw2 scribe guide
The Scribe crafting discipline is designed mostly for completists who enjoy the ambitious tasks of collecting more and more expensive cosmetic items. It definitely gives big and established guilds an additional thing to care about. That being said, beginning players shouldn’t worry about leveling this discipline for quite some time. So if your name is Tanneleer Tivan, you have unlimited resources and a will to collect stuff - you might be one of the people interested in getting a high-level Scribe.
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