Fortnite keybinds - bind yourself to Victory Royale!

Rebinding keys was a story of a gaming world long before Epic Games ever started dreaming about making $2.5 billion a year. Long before Fortnite took Xbox and PC gamers by storm. We believe that all players stepping into the game refuse to learn every new setup from the grounds up. Instead, they rebind them to match their needs and habits. There are some standard rules that most players share for Fortnite keybinds, but they aren't mandatory. We bet that WASD is the go-to movement setup.
Most of the time, the activity's first letter is the key. And so "R" stands for "Reload', "I" is the "inventory" and "M" toggles the "map." Left Control was a default crouch keybinds for many FPS shooters, so if you came from Apex Legends and you are asking yourself, how to crouch in Fortnite, probably "Left Ctrl" key is the answer. Mouse left-click is usually the action button, often a shooting, jump - spacebar, etc.
We will not tell you what the best Fortnite key bindings are, but we will help you determine what is best for you. After all no matter what Fortnite settings and keybinds you use, buttons will not press themselves.
In Fortnite, Battle Royale controls are more than essential. Pressing correct buttons in a correct order must become the player's second nature, as in this fast-paced game fractions of seconds can be game-changing.
Fortnite PC Controls
PC controls for Fortnite are usually individual, but some things shouldn't change. Movement keybinds are the classic WASD and shooting keybinds are mouse left-click and right-click. These don't require any changes unless you want to make it hard for yourself. Or being unorthodox is your nature.
The most important keys are those with locations close to WASD - left shift, left ctrl, left alt, F, R, E, Q, C, Z, X, numbers from 1 to 5 and space bar.
Simple mouse with a wheel and two click buttons maybe not enough to own Fortnite battleground. They are not that expensive, so investing in a gaming mouse to boost your Fortnite gameplay may actually be a good move. Besides, it is always nice to have your thumb more involved in the action.
Fortnite pro settings
Of course one of the methods to improve your performance in Fortnite is the following pros. If someone is earning hundreds of thousands just by playing the video game, he must know something.
It is said, that many pro players tend to put more emphasis on their fast build and building edit ability rather than shooting mechanics. This is what gives them the upper hand in combat. Of course, landing a headshot definitely helps, but Fortnite Battle Royale is more about surviving than killing. This is why fast building and editing are so clutch.
Of course, pro's Fortnite settings are not the one-and-only 'best Fortnite keybinds' no matter what guides say. You can take it as a free suggestion or recommended Fortnite Keyboard controls. Aside from that, competition is always something that you should look up to, as pros and streamers share their knowledge about the game, which will make you play better and help you more than guides.
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Turner "Tfue" Tenney is currently considered one of the best and most recognizable among all Fortnite players. Recently aside from battling opponents in Fortnite, he's battling FaZe Clan in the court of law.
His Fortnite settings are displayed down below.
Tyler "Ninja" Blevins became somewhat face of the Fortnite Battle Royale. His colorful hairstyle, vocal attitude, and insane building skills made a name for him.
His Fortnite controls are in the table.
TSM Myth
He became famous in the early Fortnite season as a master builder and tactician. Now he's playing for one of the most known NA teams, TeamSoloMid. His Fortnite settings are in the table along with Tfue and Ninja.
Tfue |
Ninja |
TSM Myth |
Use |
Mouse Scroll Down |
E |
C |
Crouch |
Left Shift |
C |
Left Control |
Jump |
Space Bar |
Space Bar |
Space Bar |
Reload/Rotate |
R |
R |
Sprint |
Default |
Default |
Default |
Auto Run |
Caps Lock |
Mouse Wheel Button |
F5 |
Repair/Upgrade |
Left Control |
G |
Left Alt |
Pickaxe |
1 |
1 |
Left Shift |
Weapon slot 1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Weapon slot 2 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
Weapon slot 3 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
Weapon slot 4 |
5 |
Z |
Z |
Weapon slot 5 |
6 |
X |
X |
Wall |
C |
Mouse Button 4 |
Q |
Floor |
E |
Q |
Mouse Button 5 |
Stairs |
Q |
Mouse Button 5 |
V |
Roof |
Mouse Button 6 |
Left Shift |
E |
Trap |
Mouse Button 6 |
T |
Mouse Button 4 |
Edit |
V |
F |
F |
These Fortnite settings are different, and if we take other pro players into comparison, we bet that most slots would not match.
We can clearly see, that each of these players uses Mouse Button 5 and Mouse Button 4, but for different input commands. It is recommended not to bind every building command to the mouse button since you will not be able to move and aim effectively while building at the same time. Gaming mouse usually offers a couple of additional buttons, but two active bindings should be enough. So if you have stairs and roof bound to mouse buttons, then for floor and Wall mouse will not be a good choice.
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Most guides will tell you that it's recommended to have building and weapons bindings on the keyboard, as it will be easier to manage to click them. However, if you feel like a mouse god, you can bind almost everything to your computer rodent. Although these are not tips, you will find often them.
One of the better tips in guides is to avoid having two buildings binds under one finger. Sure, you'll be able to input the command, but you will be much slower. If you find yourself in desperate need of roof and stairs at the same time, it may cost you your Victory Royale.
You can also try using Fortnite macros and hope to get away with it.
Gaming gear
Some of the websites might seem like poor advertisements using Fortnite star player brands to sell their products, but believe me - mechanical keyboard, mouse and mouse pad are always better than default peripherals. At first, it takes a couple of hours to get used to the new gear. However right after your fingers will adapt, you will see a huge change in your overall gameplay.
Now ask yourself - how many times did the keyboard fail you? Wrong input command, wrong button, and instead of using a Chug Splash to save the team, you ended up swinging your pickaxe like a freak. Instead of building a roof, you added a floor. Your last chance to complete Fortnite week challenges has gone away and will never return. An update to your peripherals will not make a pro out of you, you won't enter god mode right away, but it should help. Sometimes with really bad "items" you will not hit an enemy even with aimbot. At least you will stop blaming the gear for your own mistakes. It doesn't have to be the "Golden-edition-extra-super controller" from Asus or Logitech that costs a thousand dollars. Most of them are affordable even for a casual player, especially if you land some juicy deals or discounts.
Also, many players tend to wreak anger and frustration on peripherals. This is not a problem if your mouse is worth three bucks, but hitting your head onto the brand new keyboard for 100 bucks might hurt. Literally and financially. This could help contain your emotions.
What's more, equip yourself with a headset. Its value is unprecedented in games, where you can hear your enemy walking. It also enables voice com, if it has a built-in microphone.
Other tips
1. Go to menu controller options and rebind the "Q" key. Its default setup is useless for a such conveniently placed button.
2. "F" key is default pickaxe. Most pros rebind it, as the "F" key is one of the easiest to reach and can be used for something more useful, like building edit.
3. Most players rebind their weapon keys onto numbers 2-6, binding Pickaxe to 1, but it's a matter of preference. Same for the "E" button, which is "Use" by default.
4. Be careful about mouse wheel keybinds. Use it only when you can trust your mouse scroll and your fingers.
5. Set sprint for default. It will release the left shift, which you can bind to something useful.
6. "T", "G", "B", 5, 6 are still relatively near WASD, and great for binding something you useless in Fortnite like trap, sniper or building repair.
7. Always practice a new setup after adjusting Fortnite settings. Each change requires extra effort and implementation.
8. You should make a change every time something is uncomfortable for you, as it will not only lower your gameplay potential, but also make you upset. Sometimes it's enough to switch one button.
9. Keep your main Fortnite building keys (wall, stairs, and floor) on different fingers. Skipping between them may already put you behind. Also, you're less likely to make a mistake or miss click.
10. Watch streams and YouTube sometimes. Often pro players provide viewers with valuable information.
11. You can rebind "Tab" if you feel like it, and you have some other way of toggling inventory.
Calling these tips "Fortnite settings" doesn't mean they are Fortnite exclusive. Convenience and correct keybinds settings work the same for PUBG, Apex Legends, and other battle royale's. You'll read it in all guides available.
Fortnite Battle Royale is not only a computer game, but it has a large consoles player base as well. As for Fortnite Controls PC are perhaps the most versatile.
Rebinding your Fortnite keybinds will not automatically make you a pro gamer, but it will definitely help. Do not blindly follow pro players and streamers, as it may be a trap. For example, Mongraal has his keybinds mostly on the mouse and he's good at it, but it may take years for you to learn such a thing.
Asked for best controls for Fortnite PC users will have thousands of different opinions, and one review will be contradictory to another review. In Fortnite best keybinds are those of your own. Don't listen to "revealed truth" keybinds guides.
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What are key binds?
These are certain in-game activities bound to certain keyboard buttons. Pressing them causes the action to be performed.
What are the best Fortnite Battle Royale keybinds?
There is no one ultimate answer, but more than anything they must be comfortable for you.
What keybinds Fortnite pro players are using?
Different. And 9/10 not default, but don't follow them mindlessly. Take into account, that getting used to it might take a while. For sure do not bind more than one building and editing key to one finger, cause it will slow you down.
What is a good mouse sensitivity for Fortnite?
This is a very individual setting and depends on the player's skill. Higher sensitivity allows reacting faster at a cost of procision. Best for AR's and Shotguns. On the other hand, lower sensitivity gives the option to have more control over crosshair at a cost of reaction time, recommended for snipers.