Lineage 2 Classes Guide - How to Choose the Right One?

Lineage 2 Classes guide
Currently, there are over 30 playable classes in Lineage 2. This number can seem a bit overwhelming, especially to new players. This guide will break down all the classes and discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and roles inside the game.
Table of contents
Lineage 2 races and classes
Each Lineage 2 class can only be played by a single race. It means that you have to know what you want to play the moment you’re creating your character. Some classes have similar counterparts in other races, but a lot of them are unique. You can change your awakened class with an item with a name of Chaos Essence. Currently, the races available in Lineage II are: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Kamael and Ertheia. Humans have access to the highest amount of inherent classes.
Moreover, race choice in Lineage II determines your character’s base statistics. You can alter them slightly with right dyes and tattoos, but for the most part, they’re here to stay. The stats will determine your character’s damage output, HP pool, and much more!
Strength (STR) – increases physical attack and physical crit damage.
Dexterity (DEX) – affects attack speed, movement speed, critical chance, accuracy and evasion.
Constitution (CON) – provides more max HP, max CP and health recovery.
Intelligence (INT) – influences your magic attack and magic crit damage.
Wit (WIT) – increases casting speed, magic accuracy, m. evasion and m. crit chance.
Mental (MEN) – provides magic defense, max MP and mana recovery.
Charisma (CHA) – slightly affects most of your combat stats.
Luck (LUC) – increases your success rate while crafting and enchanting. Provides extra loot from spoiling.
Character |
Human Fighter |
88 |
55 |
82 |
39 |
39 |
38 |
41 |
34 |
Human Mystic |
38 |
27 |
41 |
79 |
78 |
78 |
41 |
34 |
Elf Fighter |
82 |
61 |
82 |
41 |
38 |
37 |
41 |
34 |
Elf Mystic |
36 |
32 |
38 |
74 |
84 |
77 |
41 |
34 |
Dark Elf Fighter |
92 |
56 |
77 |
42 |
39 |
35 |
43 |
32 |
Dark Elf Mystic |
39 |
30 |
37 |
85 |
77 |
73 |
43 |
32 |
Orc Fighter |
88 |
50 |
87 |
37 |
38 |
41 |
43 |
32 |
Orc Mystic |
40 |
23 |
43 |
77 |
74 |
84 |
43 |
32 |
Dwarf Fighter |
87 |
53 |
85 |
39 |
37 |
40 |
40 |
35 |
Kamael Soldier |
88 |
57 |
80 |
43 |
36 |
37 |
42 |
33 |
Ertheia Fighter |
89 |
42 |
84 |
40 |
37 |
39 |
41 |
34 |
Ertheia Wizard |
37 |
27 |
42 |
79 |
78 |
80 |
41 |
34 |
Awakening Classes
At level 85, all the Lineage 2 characters go through their final class advancement. This process is called Awakening (except for Ertheias – they go through the 3rd Liberation). At this point, you become a real character in the world of Lineage 2 (however, there’s still a long way to go until you hit the level cap). Traditionally, all characters go through their first class transfer at level 20, second at level 40 and third at 76. These milestones are not as improtant anymore though, because of how fast you can get to level 85. The most appropriate descriptions of 1-84 progression is a single word - tutorial.
The Lineage II Awakening Classes are grouped into eight categories, based on their role and playstyle. These groups are Sigel Knights, Tyrr Warriors, Feoh Wizards, Wynn Summoners, Othell Rogues, Aeore Healers, Yul Archers, and Iss Enchanters.
Sigel Knights
Sigel Knights are the tank classes in Lineage 2. They wear heavy armor and use shields. They all are very durable and have the possibility of taunting enemies to keep the aggro. There are four Sigel Knights in Lineage 2.
Sigel Phoenix Knight - the defensive Human tank that has access to strong self-healing abilities and can mitigate lethal damage once per 30 minutes. This class is an improved Paladin. It's quite suitable for group content, but most parties would prefer the Elf if they want a pure defensive tank.
Sigel Hell Knight – the Human off-tank that has access to decent damage output, while being able to taunt and pull enemies. Hell Knight can summon a Blood Panther that provides an additional source of damage. This class can reflect a significant portion of the received damage. The access to summon makes them decent for solo farming.
Sigel Eva’s Templar – the Elf tank class is believed to be the best true tank in the game. They have an efficient defensive kit that allows them to survive a long time, even without the perfect gear. They get a lot of physical and magic defense, as well as elemental resistances. The downside is that Eva’s Templars are slow at solo farming, so you should play only with a party.
Sigel Shillien’s Templar – the Dark Elf has the highest damage output out of all four. At the same time, they have the hardest time staying alive when facing strong enemies. You might need mighty equipment to survive as a tank in the most challenging encounters. On the other hand, Shillien’s Templars have the best AoE taunts and are incredibly strong in PvP.
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Feoh Wizards
Feoh Wizards are the DPS mages (also referred to as nukers) in the world of Lineage 2. They are powerful damage dealers – casters often the most desired characters for this role. While their damage output is really consistent and the play pattern is straightforward, they always have to be conscious of their MP pool (you can’t cast spells without mana). Moreover, they’re very squishy, and they can die fast if they start taking damage. There are five Feoh classes.
Feoh Archmage – Human DPS mage who uses fire spells predominantly. In general, it’s not the most popular choice since other wizards can be better in both single target and AoE DPS. On the other hand, Archmages are great in PvP, especially duels. They have some handy defensive spells, and high base CON makes them deceptively tanky. Their damage output is still good, just not optimal.
Feoh Mystic Muse – the Elf nuker has the most casting speed and the highest chance of landing critical hits with their spells. Their main element is water. They can slow and freeze opponents with their spells. Their fast spells deal a little more damage. It makes them the most mana-hungry nuker. That being said, they have a high single target DPS and some good AoE options. High casting speed, spell crit as well as the ability to slow and kite melee enemies makes them good in PvP.
Feoh Storm Screamer – the highest base intelligence and solid offensive kit make the Dark Elven nuker extremely valuable. It’s the most desired DPS class for any PvE group content. Storm Screamer has the strongest AoE kit out of all the mages. A party full of them, with a single tank and healer, can plow through giant trains of monsters incredibly fast. At the same time, they have the lowest base HP and casting speed, which makes them the weakest nukers in PvP. Of course, they can still deal a lot of damage when left unattended by the enemies, but this won’t happen too often.
Feoh Soultaker – this Human nuker class advances from Necromancer. They can summon an undead servitor and use it as a damage sponge – they have a skill that redirects a majority of damage taken by the player to their pet. The Soultaker also has access to multiple curses – including Gloom that reduces the enemy M. Def. The pet, combined with substantial crowd control and decent AoE damage, makes them capable solo farmers.
Moreover, Soultakers are very hard to beat it 1v1 combat – high base CON, transferring damage to pets, and some lifesteal spells make them extremely durable. However, if they’re focused by multiple enemies in mass PvP, they will die really quickly. At the same time, the high survivability comes with a somewhat lackluster damage output for a DPS. The Gloom curse provides some additional value by increasing the damage output of every nuker.
Feoh Soulhound – the only Kamael Feoh class is slightly different than other nukers. Just like all the other Kamaels, Soulhounds excel the most at PvP (both 1v1 and large scale). They have a great AoE skill called Soul Bomber that can do a lot of work, especially in PvP. Soulhounds have the highest P. Def. out of all mages - they also have a skill that provides additional resistance against bows and crossbows and reduces the critical damage that they receive. It’s instrumental against archers and daggers – these classes traditionally are some of the most challenging opponents that a mage can face in 1v1.
Tyrr Warriors
The Tyrr Warriors are melee fighters that combine high survivability with reasonably high damage output. Most often, they use heavy armors since getting as much resistances as possible is beneficial with their large Health pools. Most of these classes excel in solo play and PvP. They’re not great for group PvE since lack of taunts disqualifies them from role-playing as tanks and their damage output can’t really challenge the pure DPS classes (unless there are some very significant gear differences). There are six Tyrr classes in Lineage 2.
Tyrr Dreadnought – a Human warrior that fights with a spear (or polearm). This weapon type allows you to hit multiple enemies at once. The class has been often used to solo farm massive trains of melee monsters. Then, if you position correctly next to a wall, you can hit all the enemies at once. With some life steal buffs, you can just drain tank through hordes of mobs. At the same time, Dreadnoughts don’t provide much value in boss fights, because their single target damage is not that great. While they’re not an optimal class for PvP, they can add some utility with strong crowd control abilities – including AoE ones.
Tyrr Duelist – the second Human warrior is the opposite of Dreadnought. Duelist excels in 1v1 combat, especially with their signature dual swords. This class uses a particular mechanic called Momentum. You can charge it with specific abilities and then spend it to perform some of your most powerful skills. These attacks have high base damages, and they can crit for even more value. They can choose between light and heavy armor, but the additional resistances provided by heavy gear are usually the better option.
Unsurprisingly, Duelist is really strong in 1v1 PvP. The high base HP, decent crowd control, and good damage output, allow them to challenge most other classes. Their solo PvE is pretty bad - your best chance is getting a spear and playing as a worse version of Dreadnought. They can be quite useful in raids as DPS. Of course, you shouldn’t be able to outdamage nukers, daggers, and archers as a Duelist, but this class can hit pretty hard.
Tyrr Titan – this Orc class fights with huge two-handed swords or blunts. Titan has the highest base HP out of all the Lineage 2 characters. It’s a typical berserker class since they get stronger as they’re being hit (Titans can only use certain abilities if they get below a specific %HP threshold). That’s when their damage output gets significantly increased.
Titans have access to Superior Polearm Mastery, and they can solo farm almost as efficiently as Dreadnoughts. With the right buffs and gear, a strong Tyrr Titan can get through really difficult content by themselves. The possibility of switching between spear for AoE and a two-hander for single enemies gives them an excellent advantage and versatility. Their increased damage windows are limited and not reliable, which makes them suboptimal for raids. In terms of PvP, Titans take a long time to kill in 1v1 – they can win a lot of duels when they’re not constantly CCed or kited. During group PvP, they can wreak havoc in the enemy backline.
Tyrr Grand Khavatari – the second Orc warrior, is somewhat similar to the Duelist class. Grand Khavataris also use Momentum for some of their most potent attacks. They can viably choose between the light and heavy armors as well. This class uses fist weapons to punch their enemies with high attack speed. Their damage and crowd control is mostly single target, which makes them less useful for AoE farming.
The high base HP, combined with strong crowd control, damage, and multiple self buffs, make Grand Khavatari a worthy opponent for multiple Lineage 2 classes. You can also use them during raids since their single target damage is pretty good. That being said, you’re not likely to do more than a character designed purely for DPS.
Tyrr Maestro – the Tyrr category includes one of the Dwarf classes. In Lineage 2, this race is played mainly for the extra-economic power that they provide. Of course, they’re not entirely useless in combat – they’re quite tanky, have strong crowd control, and deal moderate amounts of damage. You can even win some Olympiad duels with your Maestro.
That being said, this is the only crafting class in Lineage 2. The ability to create some of the most powerful items is the reason why people play these characters. Moreover, Dwarves have higher base luck than other races. This attribute affects success ratios in both crafting and enchanting. We recommend that you or your clan’s Maestro should also be the designated enchanter. Just remember, you should always consider your Dwarves as secondary characters. Leave the group farming, raiding, and mass PvP to your main.
Tyrr Doombringer – this is the only Tyrr class that’s a Kamael. They use the ancient two-handed swords, and they can choose between light and heavy armor. Doombringers are mobile, and they have access to some really powerful crowd control. Moreover, they can prevent the enemy from using their weapon, with the signature Disarm skill.
Unfortunately, Doombringers are not optimal for pretty much any PvE content (they lack AoE damage, and their single target DPS is weaker than archers, nukers, and daggers). On the other hand, they’re incredibly strong in 1v1, since their kit works very well against mages and physical damage dealers (you may struggle against tanks though). Overall, they’re great in PvP, especially small scale, when they’re able to isolate targets.
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Wynn Summoners
Lineage 2 features three Summoner classes. These characters can provide some utility and damage with their spells, but a considerable portion of their combat power is focused on the pets. All these classes excel at solo farming, while not being too useful in the group content. In terms of PvP, they’re only good in 1v1s, especially the Olympiad. Moreover, they’re the only characters that can teleport party members to their location.
Summoners are cheap to play, which makes them an excellent choice for new players who don’t have that many resources. There are no substantial playstyle or efficiency differences between the classes, so we’re not going to dive too deep into the specific characters.
Wynn Arcana Lord – the Human summoner class, can use various cats as their pets.
Wynn Elemental Master – the Elf summoner can conjure Unicorns, some of them use water magic and can buff mages.
Wynn Spectral Master – the Dark Elf summoner has the possibility of using shadows as servitors. They have the highest damage output of all three Wynn classes.
Othell Rogues
This category features four classes. Three of them are the traditional dagger users that can delete their targets with powerful critical hits and abilities. The fourth one is a Dwarf spoiler who doesn’t exactly fit the rest. The Othell daggers have the highest damage output out of all the melee characters, but their kit is only good for single target fights. In PvP, they often want to hit their targets from behind, since it increases the chance of critical hits and landing their skills.
They’re the only non-ranged pure DPS classes. Unfortunately, the Othell daggers are very reliant on a strong gear, so you probably shouldn’t play them unless you already have decent equipment or tons of Adena to spend. Moreover, they’re not that great for making money, because they’re much better suited for PvP than for PvE.
Othell Adventurer – the Human dagger user has the highest amount of HP while also dealing strong damage. Most players usually choose either Elf (for highest DEX) or Dark Elf (for the most STR), but Adventurer can also be a good pick, especially for beginners who can use some more survivability. That being said, it’s not the optimal choice in terms of DPS.
Othell Wind Rider – the Elf rogue has the highest dexterity, which is an essential statistic for this crit-focused playstyle. It increases the critical ratio and chances of landing your damage skills. That’s what makes Wind Rider the most consistent dagger user that can easily hit the mark with each attack.
Othell Ghost Hunter – the Dark Elf assassin has the most damage in their kit. While this class is often considered the best choice in the Othell category, it’s not recommended for beginners. This character is a pure glass cannon that has to get close to enemies in order to deal damage. This combination means that making mistakes is extremely punishing. That being said, if you want to delete your targets with incredibly powerful blows, this class might be the best choice for you. High amounts of base strength and dexterity make the Ghost Hunter an efficient, cold-blooded killer.
Othell Fortune Seeker – the Dwarf class that’s responsible for getting additional loot from killed monsters. As we already mentioned, Dwarf classes aren’t played because of their fighting skills. At the same time, Fortune Seeker can be a great secondary character, because they can provide additional value from grinding.
Aeore Healers
These three classes are fundamental in any group content – PvE and PvP. The main job of a healer is to keep your tank and the rest of your team alive. Each of them has strong healing spells as well as some unique utility abilities.
Aeore Cardinal – the Human healer, is potent at restoring HP of all his nearby clan members. They also can cancel debuffs and increase their teammates’ elemental resistances as well as the amount of healing received. At the same time, the high base constitution makes them hard to kill.
Aeore Eva’s Saint – the Elf healer has the highest base casting speed and a passive that decreases the cooldown of their spells. They have a useful buff that increases the resistance to physical attacks. They can also restore their party members’ MP.
Aeore Shillien’s Saint – the Dark Elf healer has the most offensive power out of all three. They have a passive that increases their Magic Attack, and a reasonably strong life-stealing spell. They can also increase their ally’s resistance to physical ranged weapons and restore MP. Finally, Shillien’s Saint has access to a great skill that can protect a target from a killing blow, instead restoring their HP and CP to full. However, you have to time it right to get the value out of this spell.
Yul Archers
If you need a ranged physical DPS, you don’t have a choice other than one of the Yul classes. Similarly to Othells, critical hit rate and significant damage are really important for archers. Bows are one of the slower weapons in Lineage 2, so there’s only a limited amount of attacks that you’ll be able to hit in a single fight. At the same time, their base damages are quite high, so making sure that these arrows strike critically would be extremely valuable. Thanks to higher base CON, using light armor and more evasion, they’re significantly tankier than Feoh Wizards. On the other hand, archers’ DPS is far less consistent (unless they have some top-end gear).
Yul Sagittarius – the Human archer class has a nice balance between critical chance and critical damage. They also have the highest base HP. This combination makes Sagittarius the right choice for someone who’s only getting used to playing an archer. At the same time, they’re probably the weakest choice when endgame optimization comes into play because the other classes can get even more value from really strong equipment.
Yul Moonlight Sentinel – the Elf bowman, has the highest attack speed, movement speed, and critical chance. They’re solid in PvP, especially Olympiad and other 1v1 duels. They’re especially good at kiting melee opponents (of course, tanks with strong gear can still be a problem). As far as PvE goes, Moonlight Sentinel is not that great. It can fill the role of physical DPS, but some other classes can definitely outperform them.
Yul Ghost Sentinel – the Dark Elf archer can deal tons of damage with their devastating critical strikes and skills. The highest base STR and really good self buffs, make them the best DPS for PvE and mass PvP (if you get enough time to shoot a few arrows). Ghost Sentinel is truly a glass cannon character, and as such, it’s not great at dueling. When an enemy gets on top of you, you’re going to die extremely quickly.
Yul Trickster – the Kamael Yul class, uses a crossbow instead of a bow. They’re good at PvP, because of the damage bonuses to other players. Tricksters can perform well both in duels and in mass PvP. They’re slightly weaker in PvE, but they still can hold their own as DPS.
Iss Enchanters
Iss Enchanters are the support classes that focus on buffing their allies and providing other utility (often in the form of debuffs and crowd control). They’re usually used as secondary characters, but some of them are deceptively strong in various PvP scenarios.
Iss Hierophant – the Human support class, has access to multiple powerful buffs. They can vastly increase the offensive abilities of their teammates with the Prophecy of Might. They can provide a ton of valuable stats with the three sonatas and buff resistances to all kinds of magic. Moreover, Hierophants can stun enemies, make them more vulnerable, and temporarily transform them into harmless creatures. This class is overloaded with different kinds of utility.
Iss Doomcryer – the first of Orc Mystic classes is somewhat similar to Hierophant, but it can buff all the party members with a single spell cast. Moreover, Doomcryer exchanged a portion of utility for strong damage over time skill – Freezing Flame. Orc Mystics have access to masteries of all three armor types what gives them a lot of versatility. They’re hard to beat in 1v1 combat because they can survive for a long time while keeping the DoT effect on the opponent.
Iss Dominator – the second Orc Mystic is a class that excels in mass, clan vs. clan combat. They can buff all the nearby clan members at the same time, provide extra max CP and inflict some annoying debuffs onto the enemies. They include increased cooldown of their skills, heavily reduced amount of received healing and removal of effects that grant invincibility. Similarly to Doomcryers, they can use all types of armor and get extremely tanky. However, Dominators’ kits are much more suited for colossal scale PvP than small skirmishes and duels.
Iss Sword Muse – the Elf Iss class wears heavy armor and fights in the frontline. They have some standard general buffs and a few unique, defensive ones (increased resistance to daggers and bows). Sword Muse can also silence the enemies (prevent them from using skills) and get a massive amount of extra defenses for 30 seconds.
Iss Spectral Dancer – the Dark Elf support is a more offensive version of Sword Muse. They also wear heavy armors, and their weapons of choice are dual swords. Their basic attacks can inflict an effect called Spectral Slash that temporarily decreases the target’s physical defense. Moreover, they have all the general buffs and a 30 seconds dance that provides +50% m. def. Spectral Dancer has a great tool for mass PvP called Dance of Medusa. It’s an AoE petrify skill.
Ertheia Classes
Ertheia is a unique race since its classes don’t go through the Awakening. Instead, their advancement at level 85 is called 3rd Liberation. There are two Ertheia classes in Lineage 2. They’re both focused mainly on dealing damage, but there are lots of differences between them.
Eviscerator – the physical DPS Ertheia class, uses light armors and fist weapons. They deal damage with critical hits and strong skills that can also inflict control effects. Similarly to Othells, they’ll often want to approach the enemy from behind to deal additional damage. They’re a mobile and strong class that excels in PvP skirmishes.
Sayha’s Seer – the Ertheia Wizard class, also really efficient in small scale PvP. They can become invisible and quickly change positions to get an advantage over the enemy. With strong enough equipment, they can quickly burst their targets with powerful spells, to then hide and return to safety. Sayha’s Seer is the strongest caster in 1v1s, but their DPS for group content is lower than the Feoh classes.
Lineage 2 Class Guide
These were all the playable classes in Lineage 2. They all have different strengths and weaknesses. As it often happens in most MMORPGs, the meta favors some classes over the others, but a new patch can always reduce these differences, or even completely reverse them! Remember that every non-Ertheia character can use the item called Chaos Essence that lets them change the main class to another one within the category. This way, a Feoh class can switch to any other Feoh class of choice, et cetera.
You can always test a few different classes before making your final decision, since leveling to 85 is incredibly fast now. After that, getting experience gets a bit more difficult, but it’s still not the real challenge. As with many traditional MMOs, getting the perfect equipment is the most difficult part.
Lineage 2 is a Korean MMORPG, developed and published by NCSoft. The game was released in 2003, and it went through a plethora of changes since then. The current version features tons of new items, bosses, locations, and a significantly higher level cap, as well as faster progression and some other quality of life improvements for the players.
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