Upcoming month in Destiny 2 outlined by Bungie.

Upcoming month in Destiny 2
WhiskyBob 11.04.2019 0

Even though Destiny 2 just launched for Xbox and PlayStation (PC version planned release being 24 October) Bungie and we already know what adventures our Guardians will be facing in the upcoming month.

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what do we know about Destiny 2?

The post-launch month kicks off with the first Destiny 2 raid - Leviathan, set to launch on Sept. 13th, and Trials of The Nine hitting live 2 days later. Each week will also feature different Nightfall Strikes (Strikes with different enemy modifiers such as increased aim, resistance to certain types of damage, etc.), Flashpoints (objective-based scenarios).

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what's coming next

The second week will be of huge importance to Bungie as their group-finder service launches with Leviathan raid - Guided Games. This system will allow solo players to experience the raid content, it introduces two modes Seekers (solo player looking for a group) and Guides (clan group accepting seekers). Statistics show that in the previous installment of Bungie's game only 50% of players had an opportunity to experience the raid content.

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Here is an infographic with a complete list of events in September: 

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