GW2 Armorsmith Guide - Craft the Best Guild Wars 2 Heavy Armors!

Guild Wars 2 Armorsmith Guide
If you need a heavy armor set to equip your GW2 character, you’re in the right place. All three soldier professions: Warrior, Guardian, and Revenant, can use the equipment crafted by Armorsmiths. The materials that they can refine and use to create items are different tiers of metal and cloth. They can also produce boxes and some runes. If you’d like to learn a thing or two about other crafting disciplines and the roles that they play in Guild Wars 2 economy, we recommend checking out our Crafting Guide.
Crafting equipment in Guild Wars 2
Unfortunately, crafting in GW2 is a little bit different than in other MMORPGs. Starting slow and gradually developing your crafting skills as you sell your low-tier items is not an option. It’s basically impossible to make any money on low-level crafts.
With Tomes of Knowledge (and some other sources of quick experience) being widely available, very few players actually take their time to level up in the old fashioned way. That makes the low-level equipment almost worthless.
At the same time, crafting endgame gear is definitely still valuable. But to create the strongest armors in the game, you have to level up your crafting discipline to the required level (at least 400). This created a peculiar economy, where the market is flooded with basically worthless items. Players are basically wasting materials to craft them only because it’s the only way of leveling to 400, at which you can start making some useful stuff.
The obvious downside (besides the complete lack of non-endgame economy) is having to invest some gold into leveling, without getting any immediate returns. On the other hand, the process is not time-gated in any way. If you have enough money, you can level extremely quickly and conveniently.
If you expected to gather materials while questing, just to craft a new armor set every ten or so levels, you’re going to be disappointed. Armorsmith, just like every other equipment crafting discipline, has two important milestones during the leveling process. The first at level 400. At this point, you can start crafting some really strong runes and the Exotic-grade armor sets. While they’re not exactly the best in the slot, they are much more than decent. You can easily go for dungeons as well as most fractals and raids with a good Exotic set.
The second milestone is at level 500, which is also the crafting level cap. Hitting it lets you craft the Ascended armor, which is the most powerful tier in the game (equal stats to the much harder to get Legendary tier). Creating it is not only expensive but also time-gated. You’re probably going to want it at some point though.
Of course, crafting is not the only way of getting Exotic and Ascended armor sets. They can be earned by completing dungeons, fractals, and raids. The obvious advantage of crafting is the control over the items that you’ll be getting, which makes it much more reliable. At the same time, there's a single great thing about the armor crafting disciplines. While a single character will often use multiple kinds of weapons, depending on the build that they're running, they will always wear the same type of armor. Armor class is one of the profession-defining mechanics in GW2, so if you level an Armorsmith, you have the guarantee that you will always be able to craft equipment for all the soldier professions.
All the recipes are divided into tiers, based on the crafting level required to actually make them. The list of all tiers looks like this:
Novice - level 0-75
Initiate - level 75-150
Apprentice - level 150-225
Jounreyman - level 225-300
Adept - level 300-399
Master - level 400-499
Grandmaster - level 500
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Endgame Armorsmithing
After hitting the most important threshold – level 400, you will be able to craft the Draconic Armor Set. Using the right Insignia, you can make this Exotic armor strong enough for a lot of the post-80 content.
At the same time, you get access to crafting some really powerful runes. Every armor crafting discipline can produce the quite popular Superior Rune of Strength. There also are some interesting Armorsmith exclusives. Most of them are mainly focused around increasing survivability, but Superior Rune of the Krait is a great example of a condition DPS boost. Most of the superior runes require recipes to be crafted. The recipes can be acquired in a few ways. Some of them can be bought from certain vendors. You can find the others when opening a dungeon chest.
The level 400 Master recipes also include four gifts that can be crafted by Armorsmiths. They are Gift of Light, Gift of Darkness, Gift of Entertainment and Gift of Weather. All fo those are used in some Legendary weapon recipes in the Mystic Forge. Just remember, the Legendary components are account bound, so you can only make them for personal use.
After hitting level 500, you unlock the possibility of crafting the Heavy Illustrious Armor Set. As we already mentioned, stat-wise it can match even the Legendary gear. That being said, crafting Ascended gear is a multi-stage process that requires plenty of recipes and a lot of time. The time-gating makes crafting a whole Heavy Illustrious Set from scratch takes at least 25 days. However, it’s still faster than light and medium variants that take 36 days each.
That’s why many people elect to stay with the Exotic armors for a longer time. At least until they get enough gold for some of the intermediate materials which make the process significantly quicker. Crafting those intermediates is also a great way to make money with a level 500 Armorsmith. Time-gating ensures that the supply is never too high and keeps the demand relatively high.
Armorsmith Leveling Guide
The leveling process, especially pre-400, can be a bit annoying. You’re going to have to spend some gold on a lot of ingredients just to craft tons of worthless items. The expected returns for those products are insignificant. You’re basically paying gold to get experience.
That’s why many players use online calculators to find the cheapest and fastest way of getting through this part. We’re going to show you an example of an efficient route that you can use to get maxed out. Keep in mind that the prices of materials can change over time, so you always want to use an up-to-date one.
Armorsmithing 1-400
This part is basically a necessary evil. Consider it an entry fee. You have to pay some gold to get your crafting license and start making the good stuff. Unfortunately, Armorsmith is one of the more expensive ones. The initial investment cost can exceed over 40 gold and you won’t get almost any of that back. Just remember, the price is going to be worth it when we get to 400. Luckily, the process is at least fast and simple.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
33x Lump of Coal
30x Spool of Wool Thread
26x Spool of Silk Thread
26x Spool of Jute Thread
29x Spool of Linen Thread
33x Spool of Cotton Thread
54x Lump of Primordium
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Materials to collect or buy from Trading Post
186x Iron Ore
58x Mithril Ore
108x Platinum Ore
90x Jute Scrap
158x Wool Scrap
170x Cotton Scrap
66x Linen Scrap
210x Silk Scrap
80x Tiny Venom Sac
80x Small Venom Sac
57x Vial of Blood
57x Small Totem
6x Heavy Bone
6x Large Fang
1x Onyx Core
16x Molten Shard
1x Molten Core
8x Corrupted Core
19x Bronze Helmet Casing
10x Bronze Pauldron Lining
10x Bronze Pauldron Casing
7x Bronze Chain Boot
1x Iron Casque Casing
2x Darksteel Helmet Casing
19x Healing Jute Insignia
1x Hunter’s Wool Insignia
13x Hunter’s Embroidered Cotton Insignia
1x Ravaging Cotton Insignia
7x Malign Jute Insignia
27x Assassin’s Linen Insignia
10x Wool Patch
10x Jute Patch
720x Lucent Mole
18x Charm of Potence
Level 1
72x Pile of Lucent Crystal
45x Bolt of Jute
7x Bronze Chain Boots Lining
Discover Malign Chain Boots by combining Bronze Chain Boots Lining, Bronze Chain Boots Panel and Malign Jute Insignia, then make 6 more of them
Level 25
19x Bronze Helmet Lining
Use the last item, Bronze Helmet Casing, and Jute Healing Insignia to discover Healing Chain Helm and make 18 more of them.
Level 50
10x Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia
Discover Malign Chain Pauldrons by combining Bronze Pauldron Lining, Bronze Pauldron Casing, and Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia
Level 75
79x Bolt of Wool
29x Iron Ingot
30x Iron Casque Lining
29x Iron Casque Casing
Use the two last items and Hunter’s Wool Insignia to discover Hunter’s Scale Helm
Level 100
19x Rejuvenating Wool Insignia
Combine it with Iron Casque Lining and Iron Casque Casing to discover the Rejuvenating Scale Helm. Then make 18 more.
Level 125
10x Ravaging Embroidered Wool Insignia
Use it alongside Iron Casque Lining and Iron Casque Casing in order to discover Ravaging Scale Helm and make 9 more.
Level 150
85x Bolt of Cotton
33x Steel Ingot
33x Steel Splint Helmet Lining
33x Steel Splint Helmet Casing
Combine the two last items with Ravaging Cotton Insignia and discover Ravaging Split Helm.
Level 175
19x Strong Cotton Insignia
Use it alongside the Steel Splint Helmet Lining and the Steel Splint Helmet Casing to discover Strong Split Helm and make 18 more of them.
Level 200
Discover Hunter’s Splint Helm by combining Steel Splint Helmet Lining, Steel Splint Helmet Casing, and Hunter’s Cotton Insignia. Make 12 more of them.
Level 225
54x Darksteel Ingot
33x Bolt of Linen
27x Darksteel Pauldron Casing
27x Darksteel Pauldron Lining
2x Darksteel Helmet Lining
2x Carrion Linen Insignia
Discover Carrion Tempered Scaled Helm by combining Darksteel Helm Casing, Darksteel Helm Lining and Carrion Linen Insignia
Level 250
Use Darksteel Pauldron Casing, Darksteel Pauldron Lining, and Assassin’s Linen Insignia to discover Assassin’s Tempered Scale Pauldrons. Craft 26 more of them.
Level 275
Discover Major Rune of Fire by combining 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal, 2x Molten Shard and 1x Charm of Potence. Then create 7 more.
Level 300
70x Bolt of Silk
29x Mithril Ingot
23x Mithril Helmet Casing
23x Mithril Helmet Lining
2x Valkyrie Silk Insignia
1x Mithril Pauldron Casing
1x Mithril Pauldron Lining
1x Mithril Boot Casing
1x Mithril Boot Lining
1x Mithril Gauntlet Lining
1x Mithril Gauntlet Plates
Discover Valkyrie Barbaric Helm with Mithril Helmet Casing, Mithril Helmet Lining, and Valkyrie Silk Insignia
Level 325
19x Rampager’s Silk Insignia
Use it alongside Mithril Helmet Casing and Mithril Helmet Lining to discover Rampager’s Barbaric Helm. Then make 18 more.
Level 350
Discover Major Rune of Svanir with 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal, 1x Corrupted Core and 1x Charm of Potence. Make 7 more of them.
Level 375
There are seven discoveries at this point.
Major Rune of the Fire – 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal, 1x Molten Core, 1x Charm of Potence (it’s another recipe this time, so it’s still technically a discovery)
Major Rune of the Earth - 4x Pile of Lucent Crystal, Onyx Core, Charm of Potence
Carrion Gladiator Helm – Mithril Helmet Casing, Mithril Helmet Lining, Carrion Intricate Silk Insignia
Assassin’s Gladiator Pauldrons – Mithril Pauldron Casing, Mithril Pauldron Lining, Assassin’s Intricate Silk Insignia
Assassin’s Gladiator Boots – Mithril Boot Casing, Mithril Boot Lining, Assassin’s Intricate Silk Insignia
Assassin’s Gladiator Gauntlets – Mithril Gauntlet Lining, Mithril Gauntlet Plates, Assassin’s Intricate Silk Insignia
Assassin’s Gladiator Helm – Mithril Helmet Casing, Mithril Helmet Lining, Assassin’s Intricate Silk Insignia
Following this exact route should allow you to hit 400. At this point, you probably should prioritize crafting an Exotic armor set (if you don’t have one already). At this point, you get the privilege of crafting items that actually have some value (Exotic armor pieces and superior runes). If you’re not in a rush for Ascended armor, it might be a good idea to wait with power leveling and just craft the good items as you need them or when you can make money off of them. That being said, if you’re a completionist, you can go straight for the 500, it’s not even that much of a gold sink since you can get some returns now.
Armorsmith 400-500
Unlike the last part, this is definitely not a must-have for every player. That being said, if you’re a completionist, you can go straight for the level 500, it’s not even that much of a gold sink since you can get some returns now. Here’s an example of a route that you could take.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
42x Spool of Gossamer Thread
Materials to collect or buy from Trading Post
65x Orichalcum Ignot
36x Bolt of Gossamer
1x Orichalcum Boot Casing
1x Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates
6x Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
4x Cavalier Intricate Gossamer Insignia
6x Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
4x Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
4x Soldier Intricate Gossamer Insignia
6x Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Level 400
At this point, we mostly prepare the components for discoveries in later levels. If you want to get to level 500 as efficiently as possible, you're going to have to discover a lot of items.
6x Orichalcum Helmet Lining
6x Orichalcum Helmet Casing
6x Orichalcum Pauldron Casing
6x Orichalcum Pauldron Lining
6x Orichalcum Boot Lining
6x Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining
5x Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates
5x Orichalcum Boot Casing
3x Orichalcum Leggings Lining
3x Orichalcum Leggings Panel
3x Orichalcum Chestplate Padding
3x Orichalcum Chestplate Panel
Discover Cavalier’s Draconic Boots with Orichalcum Boot Casing, Orichalcum Boot Lining and Cavalier’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Discover Cavalier’s Draconic Gauntlet by combining Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates, Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining and Cavalier’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Level 425
There are eight discoveries in this tier:
Rabid Draconic Pauldrons - Orichalcum Pauldron Lining, Orichalcum Pauldron Casing, Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Dire Draconic Pauldrons - Orichalcum Pauldron Lining, Orichalcum Pauldron Casing, Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Rabid Draconic Boots - Orichalcum Boot Lining, Orichalcum Boot Casing, Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Dire Draconic Boots - Orichalcum Boot Lining, Orichalcum Boot Casing, Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Rabid Draconic Gauntlets – Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining, Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates, Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Rabid Draconic Helm - Orichalcum Helmet Lining, Orichalcum Helmet Casing, Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Dire Draconic Helm - Orichalcum Helmet Lining, Orichalcum Helmet Casing, Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Shaman’s Draconic Helm - Orichalcum Helmet Lining, Orichalcum Helmet Casing, Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Level 450
Nine discoveries here:
Magi’s Draconic Pauldrons - Orichalcum Pauldron Lining, Orichalcum Pauldron Casing, Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Shaman’s Draconic Pauldrons - Orichalcum Pauldron Lining, Orichalcum Pauldron Casing, Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Rabid Draconic Legs – Orichalcum Legging Lining, Orichalcum Legging Panel, Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Magi’s Draconic Boots - Orichalcum Boot Lining, Orichalcum Boot Casing, Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Shaman’s Draconic Boots - Orichalcum Boot Lining, Orichalcum Boot Casing, Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Dire Draconic Gauntlets - Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining, Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates, Dire Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Magi’s Draconic Gauntlets - Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining, Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates, Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Shaman’s Draconic Gauntlets - Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining, Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates, Shaman’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Magi’s Draconic Helm – Orichalcum Helm Lining, Orichalcum Helm Casing, Magi’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Level 475
This final step requires 11 discoveries. You should see the pattern already, so we’re not going to break down the recipes.
Soldier’s Draconic Pauldrons
Cavalier’s Draconic Pauldrons
Dire Draconic Legs
Shaman’s Draconic Legs
Soldier’s Draconic Boots
Soldier’s Draconic Gauntlets
Rabid Draconic Coat
Dire Draconic Coat
Shaman’s Draconic Coat
Soldier’s Draconic Helm
Cavalier’s Draconic Helm
GW2 Armorsmith guide
At this point, you should be fully maxed out in the Armorsmith discipline. That allows you crafting every item that this crafting class has access to. Some of the most valuable endgame products will require having a recipe (you can’t just discover them like that - you need to buy or get an actual recipe-item). You can also start crafting your Ascended armor, as we already mentioned it’s going to require not only the recipes but also plenty of time.
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Guild wars 2
This hit ArenaNet MMORPG still has a lot to offer to its players' community. Over 5 million copies have been sold before GW2 switched to the limited free-to-play system in 2015. Gamers can pick out of nine available professions and enjoy the huge amount of freedom in terms of creating their personal favorite builds through traits, specializations and equipment choice. Moreover, you can max out at least two crafting disciplines on each of your characters. The remaining ones are Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith, Tailor, Leatherworker, Scribe, Chef (Cooking) and Jeweler.
There are plenty of things to do in the endgame. PvE activities include dungeons, fractals, and raids. In terms of PvP, gamers can grind their rank in structured PvP (most notably the Conquest mode) or partake in the huge World versus World (WvW) fights that put together players from multiple servers.