Guild Wars 2 Artificer Guide - Craft Your Own Magical Weapons!

Guild Wars 2 Artificer Guide
Artificing is a weapon crafting discipline that creates equipment traditionally associated with magic. The item categories available to Artificers are focus, scepter, staff, and tridents as well as sigils, potions, and tonics. These weapon types are not extremely popular in GW2 endgame since most spellcaster classes actually use melee weapons in order to optimize their damage output. The crafting materials used by Artificers are different types of wood and metal. That being said, Artificers have much more possibilities in terms of consumables than most equipment crafters.
However, the staff is the go-to healer weapon, so supportive builds usually involve using this item category. Staves are also utilized by Thieves with Daredevil elite specialization – a great, simple DPS build, especially for players who want to avoid too complicated rotations. Other Artificer items are used less often. You will see an occasional focus or wand in some raiding builds, but they have a much higher presence in open-world setups.
GW2 Equipment Crafting
While there are some really powerful item options available through Artificing, you will only get access to them after you get to at least level 400. The whole economy in Guild Wars 2 is focused on the endgame. Low-level items are basically worthless since there’s almost no demand for them.
Leveling every crafting profession requires producing a ton of low-level junk. Players still do that, because they want to access the valuable higher-level recipes and there’s literally no other way. At the same time, not so many people actually play the early game anymore. There are not that many new players in the game and the veterans have some ways of blitzing through the lower levels (instant level 80 with Tome of Knowledge or getting levels from crafting).
Nobody buys the low-level equipment, almost nobody uses it, and yet, still a lot of people craft it to get access to better recipes. It leads to a situation where instead of making money, beginner crafters have to invest gold for no immediate returns. Weirdly enough, crafting level 400 is valuable, while anything below that is pretty underwhelming.
Artificers can produce great staves and scepters, but there are many other interesting GW2 Items! Check out the offers and buy whatever you want! |
Endgame Artificer
Level 400 is so crucial for equipment crafters because it provides access to the Exotic tier of items. While they’re not the Best in Slot, they are great placeholders, definitely good enough for fractals and even raids. At this point, you’ll also unlock the superior sigils – the most potent weapon upgrades. Some of the interesting options that are exclusive to Artificers are Superior Sigil of Impact (for builds with a lot of stuns and knock-downs) and Superior Sigil of Malice (for condition damage setups).
The second critical threshold is the level cap on 500. It allows you to craft Ascended equipment and its components. While they’re not exactly the most prestigious Best in Slot items (this title belongs to Legendaries), they can have identical stats, just lacking some convenience and versatility. Crafting professions (including Artificing) can also produce some components for the Legendary equipment.
Components for Exotic and Ascended weapons are tradable, so you may make some money by crafting and selling them. At the same time, Legendary components are account bound. It makes actually getting this gear more difficult and esteemed. You will need multiple level up disciplines to craft a single Legendary weapon/armor set.
Artificer Leveling Guide
Since it’s challenging to craft anything valuable before the 400 mark, most players try to find the cheapest available route to that point. The initial investment will still amount to a substantial sum, but it would be much worse if you didn’t optimize the costs.
Remember that any crafting discipline in Guild Wars 2 is not about getting yourself through early game with some extra cash. It’s a luxury that requires some gold to be put into it before it even starts paying back. If you have more important things to spend your Guild Wars 2 money on, leveling up the crafting disciplines shouldn’t be a priority. You can always do that a little bit later when you get your economy in the right spot.
Artificer 1-400
This part is necessary if you want to get any value from Artficing. It’s going to require a lot of crafting materials that you’re going to pretty much waste on useless products. Just remember about your end goal and collect the valuable experience. Just don’t expect any significant returns at this time. It is an example of a 1-400 Artificer leveling route.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
253x Jug of Water
24x Lump of Coal
Recipe: Assassin’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Recipe: Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Recipe: Knight’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Rampager’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription
Materials to collect or buy from Trading Post
72x Iron Ore
80x Mithril Ore
90x Elder Wood Log
165x Green Wood Log
162x Hard Wood Log
108x Soft Wood Log
72x Seasoned Wood Log
24x Thick Leather Section
13x Rugged Leather Section
27x Pile of Glittering Dust
27x Pile of Shimmering Dust
13x Pile of Radiant Dust
27x Pile of Luminous Dust
90x Pile of Incandescent Dust
27x Tiny Venom Sac
27x Small Venom Sac
27x Venom Sac
27x Full Venom Sac
42x Potent Venom Sac
15x Large Scale
27x Vial of Weak Blood
27x Tiny Totem
27x Small Totem
15x Large Bone
27x Heavy Bone
27x Small Claw
15x Large Claw
15x Large Fang
27x Beryl Shard
27x Opal Shard
27x Mushroom
135x Head of Lettuce
135x Spinach Leaf
24x Sage Leaf
13x Slab of Red Meat
12x Hunter’s Seasoned Inscription
11x Malign Green Inscription
Level 1
55x Green Wood Plank
11x Green Scepter Rod
11x Green Scepter Core
Discover Malign Green Wood Scepter out of Green Scepter Rod, Green Scepter Core, and Malign Green Inscription. Make ten more of them.
Level 25
Discover Weak Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying by combining: Jug of Water, Head of Lettuce, Spinach Leaf and Tiny Venom Sac. Craft 26 more of those potions.
Level 50
Discover Weak Potion of Demon Slaying with Jug of Water, Pile of Glittering Dust, Vial of Weak Blood and Tiny Totem. Then produce 26 more.
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Level 75
54x Soft Wood Plank
9x Soft Wood Dowel
9x Soft Scepter Rod
9x Soft Scepter Core
9x Hunter’s Soft Inscription
Combine the three last items to discover Hunter’s Soft Wood Scepter. Craft eight more.
Level 100
Discover Minor Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying with Jug of Water, Head of Lettuce, Spinach Leaf and Small Venom Sac. Make 26 more.
Level 125
Use Jug of Water, Mushroom, Pile of Shimmering Dust and Small Totem to discover Minor Potion of Grawl Slaying. Craft 26 more of those.
Level 150
24x Steel Ingot
24x Seasoned Wood Plank
12x Steel Trident Head
12x Seasoned Trident Shaft
Combine the last two components with Hunter’s Seasoned Inscription to discover Hunter’s Seasoned Wood Trident and make 11 more.
Level 175
Discover Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying with: Jug of Water, Head of Lettuce, Spinach Leaf and Venom Sac. Brew 26 more.
Level 200
Combine Jug of Water, Rugged Leather Section, Pile of Radiant Dust and Slab of Red Meat to discover Ruminant Tonic. Craft 12 more.
Level 225
54x Hard Wood Plank
9x Hard Wood Dowel
9x Hard Scepter Rod
9x Hard Scpeter Core
9x Carrion Hard Inscription
Use the three last items to discover Carrion Hard Wood Scepter. Make eight more.
Level 250
Discover Strong Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying Potion by combining Jug of Water, Head of Lettuce, Spinach Leaf and Full Venom Sac. Brew 26 more.
Level 275
Use Jug of Water, Pile of Luminous Dust, Beryl Shard and Opal Shard to discover Strong Potion of Elemental Slaying. Craft 26 more of them.
Level 300
40x Mithril Ingot
30x Elder Wood Plank
5x Mithril Trident Head
5x Elder Trident Shaft
Discover Quality Tuning Crystal with 6x Pile of Incandescent Dust. Make ten more.
Level 325
Combine Jug of Water, Head of Lettuce, Spinach Leaf and Potent Venom Sac to discover Potent Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying. Brew 26 more of them.
Level 350
10x Mithril Plated Dowel
Discover Potent Potion of Ogre Slaying with Jug of Water, Sage Leaf, Thick Leather Section and Pile of Incandescent Dust. Make 23 more.
Level 375
Assassin’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Knight’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Rampager’s Mithril Imbued Inscription
Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription
Then use Mithril Trident Heads, Elder Trident Shafts and the respective inscriptions that you just crafted to make these five discoveries:
Assassin’s Krait Trident
Carrion Krait Trident
Knight’s Krait Trident
Rampager’s Krait Trident
Valkyrie Krait Trident
If you followed this route precisely, you should be a level 400 Artificer by now. At this point, we recommend taking a look at the Master tier recipes. You might need an Exotic wand, staff or focus. Even if you currently don’t use any of these weapons, you’ll most likely find some decent sigils that can make you more effective in combat. Of course, if you’re only interested in Ascended gear, you can instantly go straight to 500.
Artificer 400-500
If you’re not going for an Ascended weapon, we would definitely recommend skipping this step for now. The materials are costly, and the difference between 400 and 500 isn’t really that huge. On the other hand, at this point, you will start getting significantly better returns, and the components of Ascended weapons that you can craft at 500 can be a decent source of profit. It is an example of a crafting route to get from 400 to 500.
Materials to buy from NPC Vendor
16x Jug of Water
1x Lump of Coal
1x Recipe: Bringer’s Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
Materials to collect or obtain from Trading Post
16x Orichalcum Ingot
3x Iron Ore
1x Mithril Ore
1x Orichalcum Ore
112x Ancient Wood Plank
2x Hardened Leather Section
15x Pile of Crystalline Dust
1x Powerful Venom Sac
125x Glob of Ectoplasm
2x Ruby Orb
8x Omnomberry
1x Carrot
1x Head of Lettuce
1x Spinach Leaf
1x Sage Leaf
1x Lotus Root
5x Orichalcum Plated Dowel
8x Unidentified Dye
4x Shaman’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
4x Cavelier’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
4x Rabid Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
4x Magi’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
3x Soldier’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
1x Settler’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
4x Dire Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
100x Snowflake
Level 400
For the most part, this point is about making the components necessary for discoveries that we’re going to make later.
1x Steel Ingot
8x Ancient Focus Core
8x Orichalcum Trident Head
8x Ancient Trident Shaft
6x Ancient Scepter Rod
6x Ancient Scepter Core
6x Ancient Focus Casing
5x Ancient Staff Shaft
5x Ancient Staff Head
1x Bringer’s Orichalcum Imbued-Inscription
Discover Multicolored Ooze Tonic with Jug of Water, Omnomberry, Unidentified Dye, and Pile of Crystalline Dust. Make four more of those.
Level 425
Powerful Potion of Centaur Slaying
Powerful Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying
Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying
Powerful Potion of Ogre Slaying
Mystery Tonic (Jug of Water, Steel Ingot, Ancient Wood Plank and Pile of Crystalline Dust)
Mystery Tonic (another recipe – Jug of Water, Lotus Root, Ancient Wood Plank and Pile of Crystalline Dust)
Shaman’s Pearl Quarterstaff
Shaman’s Pearl Trident
Rabid Pearl Trident
Rabid Pearl Rod
Shaman’s Pearl Rod
Shaman’s Pearl Conch
Then make:
1x Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying
3x Multicolored Ooze Tonic
Level 450
There are only discoveries in this tier.
Bringer’s Pearl Trident
Rabid Pearl Quarterstaff
Dire Pearl Quarterstaff
Dire Pearl Trident
Magi’s Pearl Trident
Cavalier’s Pearl Trident
Dire Pearl Rod
Rabid Pearl Conch
Dire Pearl Conch
Level 475
Once again, nothing but discoveries here.
Magi’s Pearl Quarterstaff
Cavalier’s Pearl Quarterstaff
Soldier’s Pearl Trident
Settler’s Pearl Trident
Magi’s Pearl Rod
Soldier’s Pearl Rod
Cavalier’s Pearl Rod
Magi’s Pearl Conch
Soldier’s Pearl Conch
Cavalier’s Pearl Conch
GW2 Artificer
After all this crafting, you should be a level 500 Artificer. Since you got that far, we imagine that you’re looking to make an Ascended weapon. Now is the time to start collecting the necessary materials and crafting components. Keep in mind that the whole process will take a few days since the recipes are time-gated.
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