L2 Classic Classes - All the Roles You Can Play in Lineage 2

Lineage 2 Classic Classes Guide
Lineage 2 Classic offers the players a variety of different classes. There are 31 of them and each one has some unique features. That’s a lot of possibilities and quite often players have to create multiple characters to finally find the playstyle that suits them the most. This Lineage 2 Classic Classes guide should help you with that a little bit.
We’re mostly going to talk about the classes that are available after the second class transfer quests at level 40, since that’s when they gain their full identity. This is also the last choice of the direction of their characters that players have. It will take a while to get to level 40 in L2 Classic, but when you’re creating a new character, you should always think about the class you’ll choose at that point.
Table of contents
Lineage 2 Classic Classes - Base statistics
In Lineage 2 the character classes are limited by the races. Every race has its base statistics that decide some of their strengths and weaknesses. Lineage 2 Classic Classes base stats are:
Strength (STR) – increases physical attack and critical hit damage
Dexterity (DEX) – increases accuracy, evasion, attack speed and critical damage of physical attacks
Constitution (CON) – Increases HP and its regeneration rate, weight limit, lung capacity and shield defense
Intelligence (INT) – Increases magic attack and magic critical hit damage
Wit (WIT) – increases accuracy, evasion, casting speed and critical rate of magic spells and magic resistance
Mental (MEN) – increases mana and its recovery rate, as well as magic defense and resistance to debuffs
Now let’s take a look at the base statistics of different races in Lineage 2 Classic.
Human |
Elf |
Dark Elf |
Orc |
Dwarf |
Strength |
40 |
36 |
41 |
40 |
39 |
Dexterity |
30 |
35 |
34 |
26 |
29 |
Constitution |
43 |
36 |
32 |
47 |
45 |
Intelligence |
21 |
23 |
26 |
18 |
20 |
Wit |
11 |
14 |
12 |
12 |
10 |
Mental |
25 |
26 |
26 |
27 |
27 |
Human |
Elf |
Dark Elf |
Orc |
Strength |
22 |
21 |
23 |
27 |
Dexterity |
21 |
24 |
23 |
24 |
Constitution |
27 |
25 |
24 |
31 |
Intelligence |
41 |
37 |
44 |
31 |
Wit |
20 |
23 |
19 |
15 |
Mental |
39 |
40 |
37 |
42 |
Roles in Lineage 2
Since Lineage 2 is a massively multiplayer role-playing game, we’re going to focus on the role-playing aspect of it. Most of the classes have a clear identity that can be easily grouped into some general categories, based on their main tasks in a party.
We’re going to look at tanks, archers, dagger users, DPS mages (nukers), bruisers/warriors, summoners, supports and the economy-focused classes (Dwarves).
Role of a tank is rather self-explanatory especially in a game like Lineage 2 Classic, which is an old school MMORPG. Tanks use heavy armors and shields. They will usually have a lot of HP as well as physical and magic defense. Their role is to attract enemies’ attention with taunts and absorb the damage, while the rest of the team is DPSing. There are four tank classes in Lineage 2 Classic.
Paladin is a very standard tank class. To increase their stats, they have the three most important passive abilities: Heavy Armor Mastery, Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery and Shield Mastery. They use Aggression and Aggression Aura as a taunt and AoE taunt.
Some of the unique aspects of Paladin’s kit are: the greater possibility of fighting the undead, with Holy Strike and the ability to heal his allies, either through Sacrifice (using his own HP) or with Divine Blessing. It’s of course less efficient than a mage healer, but it’s some extra utility that other tanks don’t have.
Paladin’s path
Human Fighter->Human Knight->Paladin->Phoenix Knight
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Dark Avenger
Dark Avenger is the second human tank class and it’s rather generally considered the stronger one in L2 Classic. While Paladin is a noble white knight, the Dark Avenger is an expert of the dark arts. He has all the core tank abilities like the passive masteries, stun and taunts, but he can also drain health from his opponents and corpses, reflect a portion of received damage, inflict fear onto enemies and most importantly he has access to a skill called Summon Dark Panther.
The Dark Panther is a significant extra damage source that allows for decently quick solo farming, what is a rarity for tanks. It also makes Dark Avenger pretty strong in 1v1 fights, since it kind of makes them 2v1. You don’t sacrifice much for it, because you can still easily role play as the tank. You have all the defensive passives and taunts, as well as being Human you have high CON value, which results in more HP.
Dark Avenger’s path
Human Fighter->Human Knight->Dark Avenger->Hell Knight
Temple Knight
Temple Knight is the Elven tank class. As you can see in the table they have the highest dexterity. It might not be the most useful for a tank, but extra movement speed and attack speed are always nice things to have. Unfortunately your attacks don’t do much.
Temple Knight, similarly to Paladin (or maybe even more so) is a pure tank. He also has a healing ability. Another very interesting skill is Aegis that allows their shield to protect against the attacks from every direction. It’s very useful for late game farming with some AoE damage dealers. High movement skill is also useful while collecting big amounts of monsters in those situations.
He also has access to cubics, the small uncontrollable helpers that he can cast on himself or an ally. Temple Knight can summon a Storm Cubic, Attractive Cubic and Life Cubic that respectively, deal damage, taunt enemies and heal allies.
Temple Knight is a great tank for the later levels. They work really well in big parties with strong damage dealers and in big scale PvP. In small groups their negligible damage output may become an issue and solo farming is terribly slow. If you’re going to play solo a lot, you should definitely think about another class.
Temple Knight’s path
Elven Fighter->Elven Warrior->Temple Knight->Eva’s Templar
Shillien Knight
Shillien Knight is a Dark Elven tank class. The low constitution is suboptimal for absorbing lots of damage, but with a good healer they can still easily role play as the main tank. Of course they also have access to all the core tank abilities.
Shillien Knights are strong duelists and in contradiction to Dark Avengers, they rely on themselves to deal the damage. They can do that thanks to high strength and dexterity, as well as a strong 1v1 skill set.
They can inflict bleeding and poison and some debuffs onto their enemies, drain health with their skills and their cubics as well as hit them with a Lightning Strike. At the same time they also have an access to Aegis.
Shillien Knights are really strong duelists, decent solo farmers and they still remain capable tanks as long as you keep in mind the limitations of your health bar.
Archers are the ranged physical damage dealers in L2 Classic. Bows have relatively slow attack speed, but high damage. They rely on accuracy and critical hits to optimize their damage. Archers might be quite difficult for first characters, since they use arrows, a lot of Soulshots and they might encounter some mana issues. The basic archer’s abilities are Rapid Shot, Stun Shot and Double Shot as well as the passives: Light Armor Mastery and Bow Mastery.
The human archer is the well rounded choice (as it will be with every other role). High constitution is not exactly a must for an archer, but more hp is always a good thing. In the later levels you will be able to sacrifice some of the CON to get more DEX or STR using dyes.
The highest CON also allows them to carry the highest amount of arrows, what can sometimes be a problem for other classes. Hawkeye is pretty good in PvE, works well both in small groups and the full parties. Farming solo as archers is not that great, because you at least need some buffs. He has access to Burst Shot which is an AoE ability and some accuracy buffs. This class is definitely a good choice for new players, who want to try this playstyle.
Hawkeye’s path
Human Fighter->Rogue->Hawkeye->Sagittarius
Silver Ranger
Silver Rangers have the highest dexterity, which seems like a great option for archers. The biggest problem with that is the fact that they have to shoot more arrows to kill an enemy. This makes them the most expensive archers as well as the ones with the biggest weight capacity problems.
At the same time they are really strong in the late game PvP, because the higher attack speed allows for landing faster stuns and doing a lot of damage in the long fights. Silver Ranger has a unique skill Rapid Fire that increases their damage and attack speed, but reduces their range. They also have access to the AoE Burst Shot.
This class definitely has its advantages, but it’s definitely not recommended for a first character on a server. Usage of arrows and Soulshots can ruin an inexperienced player.
Silver Ranger’s path
Elven Fighter->Elven Scout->Silver Ranger->Moonlight Sentinel
Phantom Ranger
The Dark Elven archer is the glass cannon choice. The lowest constitution makes them really squishy, but the weight capacity is not that much of a problem, since they hit really hard and don’t need that many arrows to kill the target.
They consume the least Adena out of all the archer classes and can do wonders with just some physical attack, accuracy and critical buffs. They are great damage dealers for small and big parties. At level 59 they get access to a powerful finishing skill called Fatal Counter and a level later they get a great self buff called Dead Eye.
Phantom Ranger’s path
Dark Elven Fighter->Assassin->Phantom Ranger->Ghost Sentinel
The melee high damage, crit reliant characters in Lineage 2 are usually referred to as daggers, because of the weapons that they use. A lot of their damage output lies in managing to hit their enemies from behind using Backstab and then following up with Deadly Blow and some basic attack critical hits. Their skills don’t have a 100% hit rate, but instead it’s calculated with DEX, which means the higher dexterity, the more successful blows. They also use this stat for evasion and movement speed. When leveling up they can make a great use of critical ratio and critical damage buffs.
The rest of shared part of their kit consists of Light Armor Mastery, Dagger Mastery, ability to open treasure chests with Unlock (which can prove really useful for making some extra Adena), invisibility, the ability to sneak behind the enemy with Shadow Step as well as some crit and evasion buffs, as well as accuracy debuffs for the enemies. Daggers in general can offer really high single target damage, but they lack any form of AoE, which significantly limits their farming potential. They excel at 1v1 combat, but struggle in big fights.
Treasure Hunter
The human dagger user is again the most balanced choice of the three. Higher HP pool is arguably more important for a melee character. Lowest DEX is definitely suboptimal, because it gives basically every statistic that dagger users need.
Treasure Hunter’s path
Human Fighter->Rogue->Treasure Hunter->Adventurer
Plains Walker
This is the highest DEX dagger user in the game, but low STR and lack of a passive critical damage amplifier make their damage a little bit lackluster. At the same time, Plains Walkers have the highest blow ratio that allows them to land their skills more consistently.
The highest movement speed is also really important thing for daggers, as well as the highest evasion, that lets them survive more fights. Plains Walker is definitely a viable choice, even though their damage during a single combo is the lowest in the role.
Plains Walker’s path
Elven Fighter->Elven Scout->Plains Walker->Wind Rider
Abyss Walker
Dark Elven dagger, as with most other roles, has the most damage in their abilities, but also is very easy to kill. Abyss Walker has access to Hex and Power Break what increases their dueling potential even more.
Some other unique, but a little less useful skills are Bleed, Poison and Drain HP. In opposition to their ranged friends, they don’t have access to any exclusive powerful finishing skill. The fact that they have the least HP combined with being melee and lack of any extra tools makes Abyss Walkers a risky choice.
Abyss Walker’s path
Dark Elven Fighter->Assassin->Abyss Walker->Ghost Hunter
Nukers (DPS mages)
Nukers are probably the most standard and the safest damage role in the game. They have both the ability to deal a lot of damage to single targets as well as some strong AoE spells for different occasions. They all share the Robe Mastery passive and obviously that’s the type of armor they wear. Their biggest problems are low durability and mana issues. Most of them will excel at farming in small or big groups, but some of them can do quite well solo.
Sorcerer uses fire magic to strike their foes. They’re the best AoE mage, since they have access to two nuking spells that can hit multiple targets. Blazing Circle is available since level 40 and keeps leveling up along the game and at level 58 you can unlock Rain of Fire. Furthermore, they have high Constitution and Intelligence, what results in more HP and powerful spells. Sorcerer’s biggest issue is mana management. Luckily from levels 20-40 you have access to Kat the Cat, a servitor that recharges some of your MP.
While still having some standard debuffs and crowd control abilities that all mages have, they also have the ability to cancel their target’s buffs and they are the only DPS mage that continue leveling up Concentration after second class transfer, it’s an important buff for nukers and Sorcerers have access to that without needing a buffer’s help.
Sorcerer’s path
Human Mystic->Human Wizard->Sorcerer->Archmage
Necromancers are not exactly pure nukers, but they still deal a lot of damage with their spells. What makes them unique is an access to servitors, similar to summoner classes. Their single target nuke is Death Spike, which makes farming more expensive, since it consumes Cursed Bones. At level 46 you get access to Corpse Burst, necromancer’s main AoE damage source, but you need to explode a corpse to cast it, so it’s most efficient while farming large groups of monsters at the same time.
Due to the extra costs and some unique aspects of their playstyle, we wouldn’t recommend necromancer for inexperienced players. At the same time, some very strong curses and crowd control spells, as well as the life steal from Vampiric Claw, combined with the servitors and Transfer Pain make necromancer the strongest nuker in 1v1 and small group fights.
Necromancer’s path
Human Mystic->Human Wizard->Necromancer->Soultaker
The Elven mage uses the power of water to strike enemies. Thanks to their base stats, spellsingers have the highest casting speed of all nukers. Until level 58 you’re mostly a single target DPS (a very strong one though), at that point you get access to Aqua Splash, your AoE nuke.
Spellsinger is fairly similar to sorcerer, because they both have mana recharging servitors from their previous class – in this case it’s Boxer the Unicorn and both can cancel opponent’s buffs. Some of spellsinger’s spells can slow the enemy, what combined with their high casting speed makes them very strong in PvP, especially against melee targets who can be kited.
Spellsinger’s path
Elven Mystic->Elven Wizard->Spellsinger->Mystic Muse
Spellhowlers use dark magic and power of wind to destroy their enemies. Higher Intelligence of all mages makes their spells the most devastating. They can manage their mana pretty well thanks to the combination of Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain. Spellhowlers are one of the most efficient PvE farmers, they unlock their AoE spell - Tempest at level 46.
Their other problem is PvP, the lowest Constitution in the game makes them an easy target, they’re definitely a glass cannon class. At the same time they have access to Silence, the most powerful anti-mage curse in the game. All in all, it’s mostly a good class for farming.
Spellhowler’s path
Dark Elven Mystic->Dark Wizard->Spellhowler->Storm Screamer
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Bruisers are strong melee fighters that are hard to kill, but also deal meaningful damage. They use heavy or light armor and different kinds of weapons.
Gladiators are strong melee fighters who wear heavy armor and wield dual swords to optimize damage and use their abilities. As a gladiator, you also want to have a powerful blunt weapon, to make use of your Hammer Crush stun. This class has an extra mechanic called Momentum, with Sonic Focus as a way to charge it. Some of their other skills consume it to increase their power.
Gladiators can decrease their target’s physical defense with Triple Slash, they can stun them from range with Momentum based Sonic Blaster and at level 53 they get access to Triple Sonic Slash, a powerful melee damage ability that also consumes Momentum. Gladiators are strong duelists and solo farmers, but their usefulness in a party is limited, since they’re neither tanks nor pure DPS characters.
Gladiator’s path
Human Fighter->Warrior->Gladiator->Duelist
Warlords are the second human bruiser class. They’re somewhat a contradiction to gladiators, because of their proficiency in AoE damage. Their weapons of choice are polearms that with Polearm Mastery allow for hitting multiple targets with your auto attacks.
Warlord is a class created for farming big groups of monsters solo (it is best with help of a support, but no big parties). They wear heavy armor, have access to AoE stun, mass physical attack debuffs and self healing. Combined with some buffs (especially life steal) they’re extremely powerful farmers.
It takes a while to get used to the playstyle – you have to aggro multiple melee monsters and position in a way that they can’t surround you completely (preferably standing back to a corner), but overall it’s really cost effective quick way of getting experience and Adena. At the same time Warlord is one of the worst classes for PvP (even though they stuns can definitely turn out useful in those situations).
Human Fighter->Warrior->Walord->Dreadnought
Orc classes are quite unique and destroyer is a great example of that. Orcs have high Strength and the highest constitution in the game. The drawback is that they are very slow, especially without any speed boosts.
Their optimal set up is heavy armor with two handed sword and switching to blunt for stuns. They also can farm with polearms, since they have the passive mastery skill, but warlords are better at that. Destroyers’ power is focused in two 60 second buffs with 5 minute cooldown – Frenzy and Zealot, they can only be cast below certain health thresholds. With both of those buffs active, destroyers are extremely overpowered, but without them, they’re easy to kite especially with some slows. Destroyers are very useful in small groups PvE and during raids.
Destroyer’s path
Orc Fighter->Raider->Destroyer->Titan
The other Orc fighting class has a slightly different playstyle. Tyrants wear light armor and use fist weapons. They don’t have to switch weapons to use their stun, they have high attack speed and some skills to buff even further. Similarly to gladiators, they have access to Momentum (with less skills to use it though). They also have self buffs called totems, you can only have one active at a time, but they’re pretty powerful.
Tyrants excel as single target melee DPS. They’re significantly tankier than daggers and very strong in 1v1 and small skirmishes. They offer some AoE damage, but it’s much worse than single target. Thanks to light armor they move faster than destroyers and at the same time have some skills to boost movement speed.
Tyrant’s path
Orc Fighter->Monk->Tyrant->Grand Khavatari
This is a role of mages who rely on their servitors to do most of the dirty work. They have a choice of few pets that they can summon and an access to buffs and heals that work exclusively on their servitors. They also can summon cubics, the uncontrollable servitors that fly next to the character and help in combat. This role is mostly played as solo PvE characters, since they’re very self-sufficient, but not that useful as party members.
There are two styles of playing summoners, first one is to play as a mage and use the single target nuke as well as your servitor to deal damage. The second one is to wear light armor and some good melee weapon to play as a frontline alongside your pet. Those playstyles might differ in effectiveness in different points of the game, but a lot of it is personal preference.
The Humans can summon anthropomorphic cats as their servitors. They all have different strengths and weaknesses. Warlock’s single target nuke deals fire damage.
Kat the Cat – pretty tanky, decent damage, but most importantly recharges your mana
Kai the Cat – strongest damage dealer of the three
Mew the Cat – a caster servitor, not worth leveling up
Feline King – powerful servitor unlocked at level 77, after getting the third class. He can root his target and deal AoE damage
At the same time you have access to cubics:
Binding Cubic – paralyzes enemies
Storm Cubic – deals wind damage to enemies
Warlock’s path
Human Mystic->Human Wizard->Warlock->Arcana Lord
Elemental Summoner
This is the Elven summoner class. Servitors they can summon are unicorns. Their nuke spell deals water damage and they have access to a healing cubic.
Boxer the Unicorn – similar to Kat, well rounded pet that recharges owner’s mana
Merrow the Unicorn – highest speed and highest damage servitor, has an AoE damage skill
Mirage the Unicorn – the caster pet with a single target damage spell, not that useful
Magnus the Unicorn – powerful third class servitor, has a strong stun and AoE damage spell
The available cubics are:
Aqua Cubic – inflicts damage over time
Life Cubic – heals the owner and their party
Elemental Summoner’s path
Elven Mystic->Elven Wizard->Elemental Summoner->Elemental Master
Phantom Summoner
The Dark Elven summoner class has the ability to summon wicked spirits. They also can nuke with wind damage and summon cubics that stun or debuff enemies.
Shadow – the go-to servitor, good melee damage and some life steal
Silhouette – the single target caster with life steal spell
Soulless – highest speed and highest damage with AoE Parasite Burst that explodes a corpse, has a curse that decreases your hp.
The cubics you can summon are:
Phantom Cubic – decreases enemy physical attack, defense and attack speed
Spark Cubic – stuns enemies
Phantom Summoner’s path
Dark Mystic->Dark Wizard->Phantom Summoner->Spectral Master
There’s a bunch of different classes that can support their allies in Lineage 2. First we’re going to take a look at pure supportive classes that have very powerful buffs and/or heals but offer very little besides that. They all have access to a skill that lets them nuke undead monsters.
The Human buffer class that has the most well-rounded buff set. Their biggest drawback is lack of a magic attack buff what decreases their synergy with nukers. On the other hand Prophets have basically all the buffs necessary for physical damage dealers. They can level all kinds of armor masteries. Light or heavy might improve your melee combat ability, but robes increase your mana and casting speed, which might prove very useful, especially when buffing a whole party.
Prophets don’t get any healing spells, so if you want to heal your party, you have to rely on the 20-40 level cleric skills and they will get outscaled pretty quickly. At level 76 you get access to Prophecy of Fire, a very powerful buff for physical damage dealers and tanks.
Prophet’s path
Human Mystic->Cleric->Prophet->Hierophant
This is the only pure healer class in Lineage 2 Classic. It offers next to none buffs, but has the biggest variety of healing spells as well as two resurrections. They also can debuff their enemies with increased mana consumption and remove debuffs and crowd control effects from their allies. Bishop is definitely a class that becomes the most useful in the endgame, when the most efficient healing is really needed, in mass PvP or during raids.
Bishop’s path
Human Mystic->Cleric->Bishop->Cardinal
Elven Elder
The Elven support is a decent buffer with mostly defensive spells as well some healing abilities. They also can recover allies’ mana with Recharge. Not the greatest choice for the only buffers in a party, because lack of some damage buffs will make you kill the monsters slower. At the same time, they bring a lot of utility and can keep their party health and mana bars topped up while farming. After turning into Eva’s Saints they get access to Prophecy of Water, a very powerful buff for mages.
Elven Elder’s path
Elven Mystic->Elven Oracle->Elven Elder->Eva’s Saint
Shillien Elder
The Dark Elf as always is somewhat opposite to the Elf. Shillien Oracle offers mostly offensive buffs. Some of the unique ones for them are Empower and Vampiric Rage. They also can remove crowd control effects and debuffs from their allies, as well as decrease some of the enemies’ statistics. Similarly to Elven Elders, they can play the role of healers until very late game, but their buffs are more important for farming. Their third class gives them access to Prophecy of Wind, a great buff for critical hit users.
The off-supports
Lineage 2 Classic also has some of the classes that at the same time offer some buffs and utility for their team, but also are pretty useful in combat.
Sword Singer
This is the Elven fighter-support. They wear heavy armor and wield swords and shields. They’re pretty tanky, but their damage is underwhelming. To compensate that, they can offer songs, buffs for their whole party that can increase critical ratio, movement speed and a lot of defensive stats. They also have access to a heal and some slows and roots.
Sword Singers are more capable of solo farming than most support classes, but it still going to be really slow. When advanced into third class, at level 79 they get access to Song of Silence, an AoE spell that prevents the enemies from using skills. It’s important to know that, you’re gradually going to unlock subsequent songs and the progression might seem a little slow.
Sword Singer’s path
Elven Fighter->Elven Knight->Sword Singer->Sword Muse
A few factors make Dark Elven Bladedancers the best support class for solo leveling. They wear heavy armors, but they use dual swords as their weapons, what combined with highest Strength in the game gives them both decent tankiness and high damage output. At the same time their dances are mostly offensive buffs what significantly accelerates farming. You also can inflict bleeding and slows on your targets, as well as physical attack and defense debuffs.
At the same time, it’s still better to farm in a party, since you can buff all of its members at once. Similarly to the Elven counterpart, you won’t get all your dances at once and you have to gradually unlock them, but your higher damage output makes it easier, even if you can’t find a party. As the Spectral Dancer at level 79, you get access to Dance of Medusa, an AoE petrifying spell.
Bladedancer’s path
Dark Fighter->Palus Knight->Bladedancer->Spectral Dancer
Warcryer and Overlord
Warcryers and overlords are Orc mages who have the ability to buff their whole party (warcryer) or all the nearby clan members (overlord). Having the highest Strength and Constitution out of all mystic characters, they’re pretty useful as physical damage dealers. They have access to all the armor masteries and can use pretty much every weapon, what makes them very versatile.
They both can stun enemies with their blunt weapons and both have a strong life steal spell. While overlord has more curses and debuffs available in his kit, warcryer has Freezing Flame, the most powerful damage over time ability in the game, what is very significant if you want to farm solo.
Overlord’s set of buffs is slightly better for mages, while warcryer has a better synergy with fighters. After third class transfer they get access to strong universal buffs: Chant of Victory and Victories of Pa’agrio.
Even though the classes are pretty similar, warcryer is far better choice for a starting players, because their buffs work on any party members and do not require being in a clan. Both Orc mages are really strong in small scale PvP, but Overlords really start shining in the endgame, when they have access to all their buffs and can use them in huge scale clan PvP.
Warcryer’s and overlord’s paths
Orc Mystic->Orc Shaman->Warcryer->Doomcryer
Orc Mystic->Orc Shaman->Overlord->Dominator
Dwarf classes
Dwarves are the economy focused race in Lineage 2 Classic. Every clan needs at least one of each class, but probably even more. They’re both melee fighters (there are no Dwarf mages in Classic). They have light and heavy armor masteries and can use polearms, swords or blunt weapons. Their combat capability is kind of limited, but not completely useless. They can stun their enemies and are overall pretty tanky.
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter is also known as “spoiler”, due to his defining ability called Spoil. Casting Spoil on a monster and then using Sweeper after it dies grants you extra loot, which especially important when farming materials. It often also has a small chance of dropping some rare items like recipes or even whole pieces of equipment.
Even if you get some items that you don’t need, you will always be able to sell them for some Adena. It’s definitely worth to have a spoiler as a party member, especially in the higher levels. They don’t deal a lot of damage, but they significantly increase the amount of loot you’re going to get. Bounty Hunters are kind of like other MMO gathering classes, but instead of mining or harvesting plants, they get extra items from monsters.
Bounty Hunter’s path
Dwarven Fighter->Scavenger->Bounty Hunter->Fortune Seeker
This is the crafting class in Lineage 2. They can break down stuff into crystals and use different kinds of recipes to create items. It’s important to note, that there’s some luck involved, because not many L2 recipes have 100% success ratio, they will often have 60% or 70% so if you’re unlucky, you might lose your materials. They're the only class that keeps developing a passive skill Create Item which allows them to craft stronger gear on higher levels.
Another unique aspect of warsmith are his servitors – Mechanic Golem and Siege Golem at level 49. The first one is a pretty standard servitor, but the second one is a giant machine used exclusively in castle sieges. It’s another reason why every strong clan needs a developed warsmith.
Warsmith’s path
Dwarven Fighter->Artisan->Warsmith->Maestro
Lineage 2 Classic Classes
As you can see, Lineage 2 Classic offers a lot of different playstyles. Remember that Lineage 2 is a game that’s strongly based on teamwork and interactions between players. Leveling both Dwarves as well as multiple supports might not be the greatest idea.
Your goal should always be playing with other people and sharing those responsibilities, so you have more time to play on your main – the character you should enjoy playing the most. That’s why we recommend basing your choice mostly on the preferred playstyle and pure enjoyment of the game. We hope this guide will help you with making the right decision!