11.04.2019 0
The Rise of Azshara is getting closer and we know what’s in it. Two brand new zones, a new raid, dungeon, and many more changes will arrive at the world of Azeroth. Get ready to visit Nzjatar and Mechagon in new World of Warcraft patch!
11.04.2019 0
Tides of Vengeance is the latest and first major update for Battle for Azeroth expansion, it's release brings forth new Warfront, new Heritage armors, Faction assaults and more.
11.04.2019 0
Its payback time! Patch 7.3, the third content patch of World Of Warcraft: Legion, sends heroes of Azeroth to fight their arch-nemesis The Burning Legion on their own homeworld of Argus. 
11.04.2019 0
It seems that there were some serious problems in the paradise as Elysium server shuts down shrouded in a fraud scandal.
11.04.2019 0
With Legion expansion reaching its end many wonder what comes next. Thanks to one Reddit user and a brief slip-up on Blizzard's side we got a glimpse of what comes next.
11.04.2019 0
BlizzCon, as usual, delivered lots of reveals but Battle of Azeroth came as the biggest shocker.
11.04.2019 0
One of the harshest punishments in World of Warcraft history has been carried out as a 38-year-old gamer has been sentenced to a year in prison in the US for performing a DDoS attack that struck down on the MMORPG servers in Europe. 
11.04.2019 0
As the new World of Warcraft expansion release is closing in, Blizzard keeps releasing sneak-peeks of what to expect. This time we take a look at Alliance starting zone: Drustvar.
11.04.2019 0
Pre-Expansion patch is going live on Wednesday. 8.0 will be an official end of the Legion expansion with some activities and achievements being no longer available. Make sure to use those last few days to get most out of Legion because Battle For Azeroth is just around the corner!
11.04.2019 0
By taking away our legendaries and artifacts Blizzard hard to fill that utility void with some kind of mechanics. In Battle for Azeroth, we are getting new azerite trait system.