WoW Classic Enchanting guide - fastest way to go from 1 to 300

WoW Classic Enchanting guide
Bartosh 08.09.2019 0

For those, who reach much desirable level 60 in Vanilla and have epic gear in every slot, there is not much more to do in order to grow in power. Sure, they can (and should) raise the skill cap and tactic prowess, but they also have one ace in the hole - Enchanting.


It is not an easy nor cheap profession, but if managed correctly and skilled efficiently, it can repay big time in both power and gold.


Table of content:

What is Enchanting Profession in WoW Classic?

What do I need to begin Enchanting?

How does Enchanting work in WoW

Which profession to take with Enchanting - overview

What can you enchant in Vanilla


WoW Classic Enchanting teachers

WoW Classic Enchanting leveling - 1 to 300 leveling guide


How to get Enchanting Materials?


How much does it cost to skill up Enchanting from 1 to 300?



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What is Enchanting profession in WoW Classic?

Enchanting is a Warrior class among professions. Painful to skill up, expensive, difficult, bringing you to tears sometimes. But once you have it maxed out, it shines, and everybody wants a piece of it. Much like everybody wants Warrior’s tanking services, many players demand Enchanting services. Yes, Enchanting is an investment, but the return and utility are worth it.

How does Enchanting work in WoW

World of Warcraft Classic basically has to follow some laws of physics. Even Rogues are not allowed to come out of nowhere.


You cannot create anything from nothing, so for enchanting, you will need specific materials. Gathering those is not expensive itself, as basically you will spend little to no money on buying them. The cost comes from not selling drops. Instead of collecting a hefty sum of money for your dungeon loot, you will need to disenchant some of the most valuable items for reagents.


Enchanting is a really expensive profession to level up. Before you start, you might want to get a healthy supply of WoW Classic Gold.


Materials are listed on a recipe, which you have to buy or learn from a trainer - it’s like a shopping list, but the shopping list doesn’t cost money itself. Some of the most gold-worthy recipes will take a while to farm out. Thus you may want to own a farming Druid or Hunter character, as many methods will take a lot of herbs and skins to afford.


Which profession to take with Enchanting - overview

WoW Enchanting

Many players say that Enchanting and Tailoring are like Mining and Blacksmithing - possible if apart, but not that useful. There are way too many upsides of having both of these, to refuse to learn them.


Let’s approach it this way - who wants Enchanting? Caster class - Mage, Warlock, Priest.

What type of armor do Mage, Warlock, and Priest wear?




This way, these classes will be able to supply themselves and be somewhat self-sustainable. Moreover, items crafted with Tailoring can get you some Enchanting materials when disenchanted, and disenchanting will give you cloth for Tailoring.


What’s more, all of these classes do not have any troubles leveling to 60. They will get there relatively fast and painless. And it is exactly the end game, where Enchanting shines, according to all class guides. Many players will seek additional power and pay a lot of gold to have their armor pieces, boots, or weapons magically enhanced. It is where your sacrifice repays.


No question, that these two are complementary for each other. It is a kind of WoW Classic imperfect version of perpetuum mobile.


But if you don’t want to thread needles and be Azerothian Christian Dior, you may as well go for Leatherworking and Blacksmithing secondary. These two also create gear that can be disenchanted; however, you will not be able to wear them as Mage, Priest, or Warlock


Besides, you can't go wrong with a gathering profession.

What can you enchant in Vanilla

Most of the gear you can equip yourself with can be… should be enchanted. It means you can enchant:

- Head,

- Shoulders,

- Back,

- Chest,

- Wrist,

- Hands,

- Legs,

- Feet,

- Shield,

- Finger,

- Melee weapon,

- Two-Handed weapon,

- Ranged weapon,

- Fishing pole.


There are no enchantments for:

- throwing weapons,

- wands,

- relics,

- trinkets,

- tabards,

- shirts,

- neck pieces, 

- waist armor,

- Off-hand items.


Enchanting is more of a luxury thing, really. We can read in leveling guides, that during leveling stages, you will be using drops most of the times, as with subsequent levels better equipment will become obtainable. Generally, there is not much point in enchanting a piece of gear, which you will swap later on for something even better unless you need it for a quest. Gold in WoW Classic does not lie down on the ground, so you have to be smart about your expenses. 


Enchanting is something more conventional for end game and near end game. When you already have your set filled with Best in Slot items, THEN only way to further expand your might is to enchant them. Not enchanting Best in Slot items is waste of power. In PvP, you will meet people who aren’t low spenders and paid the the money needed for an Enchanting enhancement. In PvE higher stats can be game-changing. 


Few points here or there may not seem impactful but trust us - at the very top of the play every piece of advantage matters. Say in a raid you died, and your party got wiped at 3%. Say that if you had your enchant and some bonus armor/resist/health you could have had survived 30 seconds longer tanking the end boss. Just enough for Mages to take him down. 


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These are pseudo-enchants. Using them does not require enchanting, and grants bonus stats as well. Augments and enchants don't stack, however, which means, that enchanting gear will remove and previous enhancement. Augments are available from different sources - quests, faction quartermasters, blacksmiths and engineers, leatherworkers and tailors. So if enchanting is too unavailable for you, augments are the way to go.


Augments are placed in specific slots:

- Arcanum - Head,

- Armor Kits - various,

- Fishing Line - Fishing Pole,

- Guards - Head, Legs,

- Lesser Arcanum - Head, Legs,

- Mantles - Shoulder,

- Scope - Ranged Weapon,

- Shield Spike - Shield,

- Spurs - Feet,

- Weapon Chains - Melee Weapon,

- Zul'Gurub - Head, Legs.


Available augments are listed down below:

- Arcanum - grants an enhancement to leg or head item. They drop from Libram in Dire Maul. After turning those in to Lorekeeper Lydros in the Dire Maul library, Zanza the Restless can upgrade those into Savage Guard (+10 Nature resistance).


In order to even speak with Zanza the Restless, you need a certain reputation level with Zandalar Tribe.

Available Augments would be:

* Arcanum of Focus - +8 Healing and Spell damage,

* Arcanum of Protection - +1% Dodge,

* Arcanum of Rapidity - +1% Haste.


- Armor Kits - these augments provide armor boost at lower levels too. They have player level and item level restrictions to prevent hardcore twinking from happening.


Available kits:

* Light Armor Kit - +8 Armor (level 1+),

* Medium Armor Kit - +16 Armor (level 5 minimum),

* Heavy Armor Kit - +24 Armor (level 20 minimum)

* Thick Armor Kit - +32 Armor (level 30 minimum),

* Rugged Armor Kit - +40 Armor (level 40 minimum),

* Core Armor Kit - + 5 Dodge Rating (level 50 minimum).


- Fishing Line - every self-respecting Fisherman knows that there is always room for upgrading your fishing potential. So is in this case. By completing Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish quest, you can obtain High Test Eternium Fishing Line, which grants your fishing rod +5 Fishing. 


- Guards - you can obtain them from Argent Dawn after using Scarlet Crusade Insignias (Ice and Shadow Guard) or by asking Zanza the Restless to upgrade Arcanum Augments (Savage Guard).

* Ice Guard - +10 Frost Resistance,

* Savage Guard - +10 Nature Resistance,

* Shadow Guard - +10 Shadow Resistance.


- Lesser Arcanum - allows you to enchant head or leg piece. Libram world drops can provide them. They need to be delivered to Mathredis Firestar (Burning Steppes). You require a libram, Black Diamond, 30 gold, and a couple of quest items.


Lesser Arcanum are:

* Lesser Arcanum of Constitution - +1 Health,

* Lesser Arcanum of Resilience - +20 Fire Resist,

* Lesser Arcanum of Rumination - +150 Mana,

* Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity - +125 Armor,

* Lesser Arcanum of Voracity - +8 Agility, Intellect, Spirit, Stamina or Strength.


- Mantles - available to put on your shoulders, giving you resistances to particular magic school. You are granted the possibility of purchasing them for 10 gold. Revered reputation with Argent Dawn is required, as well as turning in no less than 10 Valor Tokens. The only exception is Chromatic Mantle which costs 40 gold and requires turning in 25 Valor Tokens with Exalted.


* Arcane Mantle of the Dawn - +5 to Arcane Resistance,

* Flame Mantle of the Dawn - +5 to Fire Resistance,

* Frost Mantle of the Dawn - +5 to Frost Resistance,

* Nature Mantle of the Dawn - +5 to Nature Resistance,

* Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn - +5 to all resistances.


- Scope - these are ranged weapons enhancements crafted by Engineers applicable to bows, crossbows, and guns.

* Crude Scope - +1 Damage. Available from level 5. Obtainable from Apprentice Engineering Trainer,

* Standard Scope - +2 Damage. Available from level 10. Buyable from Journeyman Engineering Trainer,

* Accurate Scope - +3 Damage. Available from level 20. Can be bought from Mazk Snipeshot (20 silver),

* Deadly Scope - +5 Damage. Available from level 30. You can buy it from Yuka Screwspigot or Knaz Blunderflame (30 silver),

* Sniper Scope - +7 Damage. Available from level 40. Drops from level 40+ humanoids or Dragons,

* Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope - +30 Ranged Hit Rating. Drops from Molten Core bosses.


- Shield Spike - it is an upgrade to a shield which makes the shield deal damage every time a hit is blocked. It required blacksmithing on the appropriate level. In Vanilla, you had three of them:

* Iron Shield Spike - 8-12 Damage,

* Mithril Shield Spike - 16-20 Damage,

* Thorium Shield Spike - 20-30 Damage.


- Spurs - you can have Mithril Spurs attached to your feet item (requires Blacksmith). It gives you +4% mounted speed.


- Weapon Chains - these augments give the player 100% certainty that the augmented weapon will not be disarmed. There is only one - Steel Weapon Chain. Can be created and attached by Blacksmith.


- Zul'Gurub - these are class-specific, powerful Leg or Head Augments available from Zanza the Restless in Zul'Gurub. For each of them, you will need Primal Hakkari Idol (dropped by Bloodlord Mandokir and Jin'do the Hexxer) and Punctured Voodoo Doll (can be found in Jinxed Hoodoo Piles).


Augments are:

* Druid - Animist's Caress (+10 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +24 Healing),

* Hunter - Falcon's Call (+10 Stamina, +1% Hit Rating, +24 Ranged Attack Power),

* Mage - Presence of Sight (+1% Spell Hit, +18 Healing, and Spell Damage),

* Paladin - Syncretist's Sigil (+10 Stamina, +7 Defense, +24 Healing),

* Priest - Prophetic Aura (+10 Stamina, +24 Healing, +4 mana per 5 seconds),

* Rogue - Death's Embrace (+1% Dodge, +28 Attack Power),

* Shaman - Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace (+15 Intellect, +13 Healing, and Spell Damage),

* Warlock - Hoodoo Hex (+10 Stamina, +18 Healing and Spell Damage),

* Warrior - Presence of Might (+10 Stamina, +7 Defense Rating, +15 Shield Block Value).


As you can see, all of these have bonuses useful for each class - Mage gets more DPS, Priest has better Healing and Warrior has upgraded defenses. These are not some random buffs, like Defense for Mage or Intellect for Warrior.


Some of the high-end augments are very sought after and demanded due to the bonuses they give. Some players even pass on enchantments in these cases.

Wow Classic Enchanting teachers

WoW Enchanting teacher

The universal rule is that there are thresholds of the learning curve:

Apprentice - 1-75,

Journeyman - 75-150,

Expert - 150-225,

Artisan - 225+.


You skill up by performing a specific activity that involves the profession. Gathering herbs will improve your Herbalism, clapping anvil will give you Blacksmithing experience and fishing - yes, you guessed it - will provide you with Fishing skill levels.


First two levels trainers - Apprentice and Journeyman - can be easily found in any big city in Azeroth. If you still have troubles finding them, you can ask a guard to help you out. Remember, until you learn Journeyman Enchanting, you can't make progress.


You have a list of all WoW Classic Enchanting trainers:












Alanna Raveneye 

The Oracle Glade (Teldrassil)

Teg Dawnstrider 

Dawnstrider Enchanters hut (Thunder Bluff)

Thonys Pillarstone

The Great Forge (Ironforge)

Vance Undergloom 

Brill (Trisfal Glades)

Betty Quin

The Mage Quarter (Stormwind City)


The Drag (Orgrimmar)

Lalina Summermoon

The Craftsmen's Terrace (Darnassus)

Malcomb Wynn

The Apothecarium (Undercity)


Lucan Cordell

The Mage Quarter (Stormwind City)

Mot Dawnstrider 

Dawnstrider Enchanters hut (Thunder Bluff)

Gimble Thistlefuzz

The Great Forge (Ironforge)


The Drag (Orgrimmar)

Xylinnia Starshine

Feathermoon Stronghold (Feralas)

Lavinia Crowe

The Apothecarium (Undercity)


As soon as this table is no longer useful for you, and you’ve reached level 150, you will need to learn expert Enchanting. Your teacher would be:


- Alliance: Kitta Firewind in the Tower of Azora (Elwynn Forest),



- Horde: Hgarth in the Stonetalon Mountains



The path to Hgarth in Stonetalon Mountains is a display of Blizzard developers’ creativity, as it’s not so obvious to find. Whoever missed the road to the Valley of Mines first time playing Gothic II, will understand. To spare you some frustration, we point the exact entrance right here. It's near Sun Rock Retreat, navigation should not be a problem.


wow classic enchanting path to hgarth map


Once you reach level 35 and 200 skill in Enchanting, you can go and learn Artisan enchanting. You can, which does not mean that you have to. The trick is that the only Enchanting trainer able to lead you this way is Annora. Her residence is the Uldaman dungeon. To talk to her you need to clear trash mobs around her first, so it is not nearly a ‘go-and-do’ type of thing.


It is recommended by most guides and players to go to her only once in order not to waste time. However she teaches some valuable recipes, so for you to go there only once and achieve everything at one blow, you will need some resources with you.


Annora can teach you:

- Artisan Enchanting - 5 gold,

- Enchant Chest - Superior Mana (230 skill) - 54 silver,

- Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit (230 skill) - 54 silver,

- Enchant Boots - Agility (235 skill) - 58 silver,

- Enchant Two-Handed Weapon - Greater Impact (240 skill) - 62 silver,

- Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength (240 skill) - 62 silver,

- Enchant Chest - Stats (245 skill) - 62 silver,

- Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking (245 skill) - 62 silver,

- Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste (250 skill) - 65 silver,

- Enchant Leather (250 skill) - 1 gold,

- Enchant Thorium (250 skill) - 1 gold.


It makes a total of 11 gold 79 silver for Annora to teach you everything. Also, you will require and around 200 Vision Dust to get you to skill level 250 to learn every recipe. You can also skip this, and return to Uldaman later on once again. Or twice. Who knows, maybe you will find Miner's Hat of the Deep?


WoW Classic Enchanting leveling - 1 to 300

In order to enchant anything you need materials, and to go all the way to 300 you will need a lot of them. We list them down below.



- Arcanite Rod - x 1, 

- Black Pearl - x 1,

- Copper Rod - x 1,

- Dream Dust - x 338, 

- Golden Rod - x 1, 

- Golden Pearl - x 1, 

- Greater Astral Essence - x 2, 

- Greater Eternal Essence - x 4, 

- Greater Magic Essence - x 21, 

- Greater Mystic Essence - x 2, 

- Greater Nether Essence - x 24, 

- Illusion Dust - x 82, 

- Iridescent Pearl - x 1, 

- Large Brilliant Shard - x 2, 

- Lesser Astral Essence - x 10,

- Lesser Magic Essence - x 11,

- Lesser Mystic Essence - x 30,

- Shadowgem - x 1, 

- Small Brilliant Shard - x 4,

- Soul Dust - x 67,

- Strange Dust - x 206, 

- Truesilver Rod - x 1,

- Vision Dust - x 171.


How to get Enchanting Materials?

Obviously, you can buy them. However, to do this, you would need a couple of years of farming gold or buy gold. If you don’t have wealthy parents support or a good full-time job, and you’ve spent your last money on a subscription, then you might want to go cheaper way.

Most of the materials can be easily acquired through Disenchant spell. Make sure you have some in reserve, as sometimes the enchant might get yellow, not orange, and you can miss one or two skill ups. It is especially painful at 225-300.

For this purposes You will also need couple of formulas (Formula Enchant - Bracer, Formula Enchant - Cloak etc). Sometimes

How to obtain Dust:

- Dream Dust - Green Armor iLevel 1-20

- Illusion Dust - Green Armor iLevel 21-30

- Soul Dust - Green Armor iLevel 31-40

- Strange Dust - Green Armor iLevel 41-50

- Vision Dust - Green Armor iLevel 51+.


Disenchanting Armor gear has the highest chance of dropping the desired reagent.

How to get Essence

- Lesser Magic Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 11-15

- Greater Magic Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 16-20

- Lesser Astral Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 21-25

- Greater Astral Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 26-30

- Lesser Mystic Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 31-35

- Greater Mystic Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 36-40

- Lesser Nether Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 41-45

- Greater Nether Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 46-50

- Lesser Eternal Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 51-55

- Greater Eternal Essence - Green Weapon iLevel 56+.


Disenchanting Weapons is your way, as they have the highest rate of dropping the Essence.

How to make Shards

- Small Glimmering Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 21-25

- Large Glimmering Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 25-30

- Small Glowing Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 31-35

- Large Glowing Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 36-40

- Small Radiant Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 41-45

- Large Radiant Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 46-50

- Small Brilliant Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 51-55

- Large Brilliant Shard - Rare Equipment iLevel 56+

- there is also a chance of dropping Nexus Crystal from Epic Equipment and sometimes from Rare Equipment iLevel 56+.



Disenchanting Rare and Epic items guarantee the highest chance of obtaining Shards, which makes them the most expensive and valuable.



If you have Tailoring profession chosen, you can always sustain yourself with Dust by Disenchanting clot armor pieces of your own making.






Skill level




1 x Runed Copper Rod

1 x Copper Rod

1 x Strange Dust

1 x Lesser Magic Essence


76 x Enchant Bracer - Minor Health

76 x Strange Dust




Skill level




32 x Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflection

10 x Lesser Magic Essence

10 x Strange Dust


15 x Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina

45 x Strange Dust


1 x Runed Silver Rod

1 x Silver Rod

6 x Strange Dust

3 x Greater Magic Essence

1 x Shadowgem


4 x Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina

12 x Strange Dust


18 x Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility

36 x Strange Dust

18 x Greater Magic Essence


10 x Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina

10 x Lesser Astral Essence

20 x Strange Dust


20 x Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina

40 x Soul Dust





1 x Runed Golden Rod

1 x Golden Rod

1 x Iridescent Pearl

2 x Greater Astral Essence

2 x Soul Dust


10 x Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina

20 x Soul Dust


5 x Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina

5 x Lesser Mystic Essence

5 x Soul Dust


15 x Enchant Bracer - Spirit

15 x Lesser Mystic Essence 


20 x Enchant Bracer - Strength

20 x Vision Dust


1 x Runed Truesilver Rod

1 x Truesilver Rod

1 x Black Pearl

2 x Greater Mystic Essence

2 x Vision Dust


7 x Enchant Bracer - Strength

7 x Vision Dust


20 x Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense

60 x Vision Dust





Skill level




10 x Enchant Gloves - Agility

10 x Vision Dust

10 x Lesser Nether Essence


12 x Enchant Chest - Superior Health

72 x Vision Dust


24 x Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength

48 x Dream Dust

24 x Nether Essence


29 x Formula: Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina

290 x Dream Dust


1 x Runed Arcanite Rod

1 x Arcanite Rod

1 x Golden Pearl

10 x Illusion Dust

4 x Greater Eternal Essence

4 x Small Brilliant Shard

2 x Large Brilliant Shard


9 x Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense

72 x Illusion Dust


Of course, the scenario in which you simply buy this and disenchant that and you're level 300 Enchanter, is hard to pull off. It can go both ways, as you cannot choose drops. Either you have more than enough materials, or not enough. Don't 100% stick to this guide, adapt. Overcome. During your leveling stages, questing, dungeon running you will find many more items, especially enchanting formulas, viable for training. Looting a Formula Enchant Bracer Lesser Strength, Enchant Weapon Healing Power, Formula Enchant 2H Weapon, or any other enchanting recipes, that you can craft, is ok. You should use them if you have materials for it, and it will give you a skill up increase.


How much does it cost to skill up Enchanting from 1 to 300?

WoW enchanting skill

It is nothing of a hard data or academic discussion, as there is probably no way to count the exact number. It is more like free estimation just for fun. You can find the spreadsheet following the link down below.


The price of Enchanting


For the sake of the most accurate calculation possible, we took some assumptions:

- Rods are bought,

- item sell prices are Vendor prices. We had no possibility to acquire Auction House prices at the moment, and still, it is hard to take one correct assumption, as Auction House prices are constantly changing. We can be pretty much sure, however, that they will be much higher than Vendor prices,

- we took random item fitting for disenchantment. Obviously, the real drop rate is different, and everybody will disenchant whatever currently is at hand,

- we don’t include situations, where someone brings you the materials to enchant something for them; in this spreadsheet, you are on your own,

- it also does not include the price of formulas and learning them. Just for the numbers not to be too much overwhelming.


The ultimate result is around 555 WoW Classic gold. It may not seem impressive at first, but…


Epic mount cost was 1000 gold, which in Vanilla was equal to buying Ferrari in real life.


Black Market price of WoW Classic gold is currently (two days after release) around USD 18 for 1 gold. For comparison - this is almost a price of WoW Token, which presently gives 160k gold in the US.


160 k gold. For 1 WoW Classic Gold.


Pretty insane. 160k gold times 555 - this is a price of Classic WoW enchanting compared to retail. Nearly 90 million retail World of Warcraft gold. 9 gold caps in Battle for Azeroth. It takes into account the US region. In China, they have to pay twice as much for an in-game WoW Token. So they’d have 18 gold caps.


What’s more, 555 x $18 USD = $9 990 USD. We’ll leave it completely for you to imagine, what could you have in real life for 10k American Dollars. We will stick to Enchanting. It is the only thing we truly desire.



That is it for our Enchanting leveling guide. Simply put, Enchanting makes your gear even better. And basically, we could end this paragraph just by saying so. There is nothing wrong in going for more power (unless you have ill imperialistic tendencies with continents on the menu). Enchanting gives you tools to reach beyond regular gear.


Enchanting, just like Skinning, Tailoring, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, and many more was added to serve the purposes of better gameplay. It allows you to gain an advantage in one place for the price of lacking something else. It is totally on you to make the right choice, that goes well with your race, class and future goals. From our point of view, Enchanting is one of the best professions in the game, especially in end game content. Is it worth it to sacrifice time and money to skill up Enchanting? Definitely yes. You'll hear it everywhere from Wrath of the Lich King to BfA.

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Do you agree with us? Please, share your thoughts. Visit our Facebook and Twitter, contact us by any means, as we pay major respect to our community feedback. Check out our other WoW Classic content, especially Addons guide. If you want to trade in-game goods, sign up, and submit an offer. It's free! Have fun. Also, make sure to read out other profession guides: Alchemy, Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, Tailoring. 


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What is Enchanting in World of Warcraft classic?

It is a crafting profession, which allows one to magically enhance items, weapons, gear to give better stats.


What do I need to start Enchanting?

You need a rod (a magic wand), materials, recipe, trainer, and enough proficiency in Enchanting to craft anything. And gold. A lot of gold. Even more.


Also, which may sound a little childish, you need a purpose to do it. At first levels, you do it to skill up. Later on, you either want to upgrade your item or earn well-deserved gold for enchanting services.


What are the best professions going with Enchanting?

8 out of 10 it will be Tailoring, as you will be able to equip yourself with the gear of your crafting as well as disenchant it for materials.


If you don’t feel like it, or you chose class other than cloth-only, you may as well go for Leatherworking and Blacksmithing. You can't go wrong with Alchemy as well, but within the community it is rather rare choice to pair with Enchanting. Cooking and Skinning are not very good with it.


What is the best Vanilla class for Enchanting?

The one that doesn’t need gold.

Just kidding, but any class can go for Enchanting. However, cloth-wearers - Mages, Warlocks, and Priests - have the most benefits from it, as they can supply themselves.


Where can I learn Artisan Enchanting?

There is only one Artisan teacher. It's Annora residing in Uldaman dungeon, one of the toughest dungeons located in Azeroth. She teaches also some high end recipes, so take around 12 gold with you, to do it with one run.


How to skill up Enchanting fast?

Have your materials ready, keep planning your next move. Try to use items that you’ve already crafted to minimize the time and gold costs. Be prepared for poverty in low to mid-levels as an enchanter. 

How much does it cost to level Enchanting in WoW Classic fully?

A lot. If you take into account not selling drops to Vendors, we could risk a statement, that for the total cost of 300 Enchanting skill you could buy an epic mount. Or even two. 


In real life with some luck, you could buy a house for it. A small one, but... Every enchanter deserves a respect.

What enchants are in Classic WoW





Brilliant Mana Oil

Formula: Brilliant Mana Oil

2 x Large Brilliant Shard

3 x Purple Lotus

1 x Imbued Purple Vial

Brilliant Wizard Oil

Formula: Brilliant Wizard Oil

2 x Large Brilliant Shard

3 x Firebloom

1 x Imbued Vial

Enchanted Leather


1 x Lesser Eternal Essence

1 x Rugged Leather

Enchanted Thorium Bar


1 x Thorium Bar

3 x Dream Dust

Greater Mystic Wand


1 x Star Wood

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence

1 x Soul Dust

Greater Magic Wand


1 x Simple Wood

1 x Greater Magic Essence

Lesser Magic Wand


1 x Simple Wood

1 x Lesser Magic Essence

Lesser Mana Oil

Formula: Lesser Mana Oil

3 x Dream Dust

2 x Purple Lotus

1 x Crystal Vial

Lesser Mystic Wand


1 x Star Wood

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence

1 x Soul Dust

Lesser Wizard Oil 

Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil

3 x Vision Dust

2 x Stranglethorn Seed

1 x Leaded Vial

Minor Mana Oil

Formula: Minor Mana Oil

3 x Soul Dust

2 x Maple Seed

1 x Leaded Vial

Minor Wizard Oil

Formula: Minor Wizard Oil

2 x Strange Dust

1 x Maple Seed

1 x Empty Vial

Runed Arcanite Rod


1 x Arcanite Rod

1 x Golden Pearl

10 x Illusion Dust

4 x Greater Eternal Essence

4 x Small Brilliant Shard

2 x Large Brilliant Shard

Runed Copper Rod


1 x Copper Rod

1 x Strange Dust

1 x Lesser Magic Essence

Runed Golden Rod


1 x Golden Rod

1 x Iridescent Pearl

Runed Silver Rod


1 x Silver Rod

6 x Strange Dust

3 x Greater Magic Essence

1 x Shadowgem

Runed Truesilver Rod


1 x Truesilver Rod

1 x Black Pearl

2 x Greater Mystic Essence

2 x Vision Dust

Smoking Heart of the Mountain

Formula: Smoking Heart of the Mountain

1 x Blood of the Mountain

1 x Essence of Fire

3 x Small Brilliant Shard 

Wizard Oil

Formula: Wizard Oil

3 x Illusion Dust

2 x Firebloom

1 x Crystal Vial





Enchant Boots - Agility


2 x Greater Nether Essence

Enchant Boots - Greater Agility


8 x Greater Eternal Essence

Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina

Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina

10 x Dream Dust

Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility


1 x Soul Dust

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence

Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit

Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit

1 x Greater Mystic Essence

2 x Lesser Mystic Essence

Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina


4 x Soul Dust

Enchant Boots - Minor Agility

Formula: Enchant Boots - Minor Agility

6 x Strange Dust

2 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Boots - Minor Speed


1 x Small Radiant Shard

1 x Aquamarine

1 x Lesser Nether Essence

Enchant Boots - Minor Stamina


8 x Strange Dust

Enchant Boots - Spirit

Formula: Enchant Boots - Spirit

2 x Greater Eternal Essence

1 x Lesser Eternal Essence

Enchant Boots - Stamina


5 x Vision Dust





Enchant Bracer - Deflection

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Deflection

1 x Greater Nether Essence

2 x Dream Dust

Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect


3 x Lesser Eternal Essence

Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit

3 x Lesser Nether Essence

1 x Vision Dust

Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina

5 x Dream Dust

Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength


2 x Dream Dust

1 x Greater Nether Essence

Enchant Bracer - Healing Power

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Healing 

2 x Large Brilliant Shard

20 x Illusion Dust

4 x Greater Eternal Essence

6 x Living Essence

Enchant Bracer - Intellect


2 x Lesser Nether Essence

Enchant Bracer - Lesser Deflection


1 x Lesser Mystic Essence

2 x Soul Dust

Enchant Bracer - Lesser Intellect


2 x Greater Astral Essence

Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit

2 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina


2 x Soul Dust

Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength

2 x Soul Dust

Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration

10 x Illusion Dust

4 x Greater Eternal Essence

2 x Essence of Water

Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility


2 x Strange Dust

1 x Greater Magic Essence

Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflect


1 x Lesser Magic Essence

1 x Strange Dust

Enchant Bracer - Minor Health


1 x Strange Dust

Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit

2 x Lesser Magic Essence

Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina


3 x Strange Dust

Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength

5 x Strange Dust

Enchant Bracer - Spirit


1 x Lesser Mystic Essence

Enchant Bracer - Stamina


6 x Soul Dust

Enchant Bracer - Strength


1 x Vision Dust

Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit

3 x Lesser Eternal Essence

10 x Dream Dust

Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina

15 x Illusion Dust

Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength

Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength

6 x Illusion Dust

6 x Greater Eternal Essence





Enchant Chest - Greater Health


3 x Soul Dust

Enchant Chest - Greater Mana


1 x Greater Mystic Essence

Enchant Chest - Health


4 x Strange Dust, 

1 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption


2 x Strange Dust, 

1 x Greater Astral Essence, 

1 x Large Glimmering Shard

Enchant Chest - Lesser Health


2 x Strange Dust, 

2 x Lesser Magic Essence

Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats


2 x Greater Mystic Essence, 

2 x Vision Dust, 

1 x Large Glowing Shard

Enchant Chest - Major Health

Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health

6 x Illusion Dust, 

1 x Small Brilliant Shard

Enchant Chest - Major Mana


3 x Greater Eternal Essence, 

1 x Small Brilliant Shard

Enchant Chest - Mana


1 x Greater Astral Essence, 

2 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption


2 x Strange Dust, 1 x Lesser Magic Essence

Enchant Chest - Minor Health


1 x Strange Dust

Enchant Chest - Minor Mana

Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana

1 x Lesser Magic Essence

Enchant Chest - Minor Stats


1 x Greater Astral Essence, 

1 x Soul Dust, 

1 x Large Glimmering Shard

Enchant Chest - Stats


1 x Large Radiant Shard, 

3 x Dream Dust, 

2 x Greater Nether Essence

Enchant Chest - Superior Health


6 x Vision Dust

Enchant Chest - Superior Mana


1 x Greater Nether Essence, 

2 x Lesser Nether Essence





Enchant Cloak - Defense 

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Small Glowing Shard, 

3 x Soul Dust

Enchant Cloak - Dodge

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

8 x Guardian Stone

Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence, 1 x Elemental Fire

Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense 

Enchanting Trainer

3 x Vision Dust

Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

4 x Essence of Fire

Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance

2 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard,

4 x Living Essence

Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance

2 x Lesser Eternal Essence, 

1 x Heart of Fire, 

1 x Core of Earth, 

1 x Globe of Water, 

1 x Breath of Wind, 

1 x Ichor of Undeath

Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility

2 x Lesser Nether Essence

Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Fire Oil, 

1 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection

Enchanting Trainer

6 x Strange Dust, 

1 x Small Glimmering Shard

Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance

1 x Greater Astral Essence, 

1 x Shadow Protection Potion

Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility

Formula: Enchant Cloak Minor Agility

1 x Lesser Astral Essence

Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection

Enchanting Trainer

3 x Strange Dust, 

1 x Greater Magic Essence

Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Strange Dust, 

2 x Lesser Magic Essence

Enchant Cloak - Resistance

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Lesser Nether Essence

Enchant Cloak - Stealth

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Strength

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

2 x Black Lotus

Enchant Cloak - Subtlety

Formula: Enchant Cloak Subtlety

4 x Nexus Crystal, 

6 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

2 x Black Diamond

Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense

Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense

8 x Illusion Dust





Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism

3 x Vision Dust, 

3 x Sungrass

Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining

2 x Vision Dust, 

3 x Truesilver Bar

Enchant Gloves - Agility

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Lesser Nether Essence, 

1 x Vision Dust

Enchant Gloves - Fire Power

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power

2 x Nexus Crystal, 

10 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

4 x Essence of Fire

Enchant Gloves - Fishing

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fishing

1 x Soul Dust, 

3 x Blackmouth Oil

Enchant Gloves - Frost Power

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

10 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

4 x Essence of Water

Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility

3 x Lesser Eternal Essence, 

3 x Illusion Dust

Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength

Enchanting Trainer

4 x Greater Eternal Essence, 

4 x Illusion Dust

Enchant Gloves - Healing Power

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

1 x Righteous Orb

Enchant Gloves - Herbalism

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Herbalism

1 x Soul Dust, 

3 x Kingsblood

Enchant Gloves - Mining

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Mining

1 x Soul Dust, 

3 x Iron Ore

Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Large Radiant Shard, 

2 x Wildvine

Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill

2 x Large Radiant Shard, 

3 x Dream Dust

Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

10 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

6 x Essence of Undeath

Enchant Gloves - Skinning

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Skinning

1 x Vision Dust, 

3 x Green Whelp Scale

Enchant Gloves - Strength

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Lesser Nether Essence, 

3 x Vision Dust

Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility

Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility

3 x Nexus Crystal, 

8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

4 x Essence of Air

Enchant Gloves - Threat

Formula: Enchant Gloves Threat

4 x Nexus Crystal, 

6 x Large Brilliant Shard, 

8 x Larval Acid





Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance

Formula: Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance

1 x Large Radiant Shard,

1 x Frost Oil

Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Greater Nether Essence,

2 x Dream Dust

Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina

Formula: Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina

10 x Dream Dust

Enchant Shield - Lesser Block

Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Block

2 x Mystic Essence,

2 x Vision Dust,

1 x Large Glowing Shard

Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection

Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection

1 x Lesser Astral Essence,

1 x Strange Dust,

1 x Small Glimmering Shard

Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Lesser Astral Essence,

4 x Strange Dust

Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina 

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence,

1 x Soul Dust

Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Lesser Astral Essence,

2 x Strange Dust

Enchant Shield - Spirit

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Greater Mystic Essence,

1 x Vision Dust 

Enchant Shield - Stamina

Formula: Enchant Shield - Stamina

5 x Vision Dust

Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Greater Eternal Essence,

4 x Illusion Dust





Enchant Weapon - Agility

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Agility

6 x Large Brilliant Shard,

6 x Greater Eternal Essence,

4 x Illusion Dust,

2 x Essence of Air

Enchant Weapon - Crusader 

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader

4 x Large Brilliant Shard,

2 x Righteous Orb

Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying

1 x Small Radiant Shard,

2 x Dream Dust,

1 x Elixir of Demonslaying

Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon

4 x Small Radiant Shard,

1 x Essence of Fire

Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Large Radiant Shard,

2 x Greater Nether Essence

Enchant Weapon - Healing Power

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Healing Power

4 x Large Brilliant Shard,

8 x Greater Eternal Essence,

6 x Living Essence,

6 x Essence of Water,

1 x Righteous Orb

Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill

4 x Small Brilliant Shard,

1 x Essence of Water,

1 x Essence of Air,

1 x Icecap

Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence,

2 x Large Fang,

1 x Small Glowing Shard

Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer

1 x Lesser Mystic Essence,

1 x Elemental Earth,

1 x Small Glowing Shard

Enchant Weapon - Lesser Striking

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Soul Dust,

1 x Large Glimmering Shard

Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing

6 x Large Brilliant Shard,

6 x Essence of Undeath,

6 x Living Essence

Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect

15 x Large Brilliant Shard,

12 x Greater Eternal Essence,

20 x Illusion Dust

Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit 

1 x Large Brilliant Shard,

8 x Greater Eternal Essence,

15 x Illusion Dust

Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslaying

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer

4 x Strange Dust,

2 x Greater Magic Essence

Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking

Enchanting Trainer

1 x Greater Magic Essence,

1 x Small Glimmering Shard

Enchant Weapon - Spell Power

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power

4 x Large Brilliant Shard,

12 x Greater Eternal Essence,

4 x Essence of Fire,

4 x Essence of Water,

4 x Essence of Air,

2 x Golden Pearl

Enchant Weapon - Strength

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength

6 x Large Brilliant Shard,

6 x Greater Eternal Essence,

4 x Illusion Dust,

2 x Essence of Earth

Enchant Weapon - Striking

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Greater Mystic Essence,

1 x Large Glowing Shard

Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking

2 x Large Brilliant Shard,

10 x Greater Eternal Essence

Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon

4 x Large Brilliant Shard,

4 x Essence of Undeath

Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might

Formula: Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might

3 x Greater Mystic Essence,

3 x Vision Dust,

1 x Large Glowing Shard,

2 x Wintersbite

2H Weapon




Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact

Enchanting Trainer

4 x Strange Dust, 1 x Small Glimmering Shard

Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect

3 x Greater Magic Essence

Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit

1 x Lesser Astral Essence, 6 x Strange Dust

Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Impact

Enchanting Trainer

3 x Soul Dust, 1 x Large Glimmering Shard

Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact

Enchanting Trainer

4 x Vision Dust, 1 x Large Glowing Shard

Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Impact

Enchanting Trainer

2 x Large Radiant Shard, 2 x Dream Dust

Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility

12 x Large Brilliant Shard, 6 x Greater Eternal Essence, 14 x Illusion Dust, 4 x Essence of Air

Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact

4 x Large Brilliant Shard, 10 x Illusion Dust

Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit

12 x Greater Eternal Essence, 2 x Large Brilliant Shard

Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect

Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect

12 x Greater Eternal Essence, 2 x Large Brilliant Shard

Published on, all rights reserved. Copyright 2019.

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