Clash of Clans TH13 - what do we know about CoC update?

We are getting closer and closer to the end of the year 2019. How was it for you? Was it good? Bad? Are we going to miss it, or praise the God that it came to an end? Was it rather successful or not? And what will 2020 be like? We don’t know yet.
What we do know, is that by the end of 2019 there is a big update coming in hot to Clash of Clans. SuperCell has confirmed, that the brand new Town Hall level 13 is going to be released somewhere in December 2019.
What do we know about the TH13?
Actually, the only certain thing about TH13 is that it’s coming. Of course, SuperCell does not want to spoil any surprises concerning the new release, so we will get to know everything closer to the update.
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Now that ESL One in Hamburg is a part of the past, and the World Championship in Clash of Clans has ended (congrats NOVA), we can have more significant changes.
New Clash of Clans hero
The fact is that the new hero will not be implemented in the upcoming December update due to some complications, but it will happen. There are many theories, conceptions, and suspects about what would the new hero be like, but nothing is confirmed, nor denied.
The most probable suggestion is that it will be a female character since now we have two males already and one female. Also, the succession of heroes release was male -> female -> male. So yes, the new hero being female conception may not be far from the truth.
New Siege Machine
There have been opinions, that fresh, ground siege machines will be added to the Workshop, but it's yet to be confirmed.
New signature defense
It is not going to be a Giga Inferno, nor the Giga Eagle. The first reason is that by that you'd lose the TH12 signature defense, which is implemented into the Town Hall. The second reason is that both Eagle Artillery and Inferno Towers were already signature defenses of TH11 and TH10, respectively. It's got to (or it should, rather), be something different. We don't know yet, what theme will it be. Town Hall 9 was something medieval-like, Town Hall 10 was about the lava, ancient angelic was the name of the Town Hall 11, and Town Hall 12 is electric. As we've talked earlier in our Clash of Clans Heroes Guide article, the most likely TH13 theme is the winter, snowy kind of thing. Is it going to be the case? We don't know that. Yet.
!!!12-02-2019 - Town Hall 13 reveal Update!!!
Four hours ago there was a video released, showing us, how exactly will the new Town Hall 13 look like. And it is pretty amazing.
It is confirmed, that the new Town Hall level defense will be built into it, and technically it will replace the Town Hall 12 Giga Tesla. It will act like a multi-target Inferno Tower. There will be five levels of the defense, just like the Th12, with increasing damage, going up to 300. It still drops the Giga Bomb, dealing immense amounts of damage, and due to the changes to the Giga Tesla (becoming Giga Inferno), you may keep the Warden nearby. Moreover, it will slow the attacking units down, making it even harder to avoid the blast.
Regardless, a huge shoutout to Galadon, who predicted the Giga Inferno some time ago. He guessed it right, whether he had some information from the developers, or not.
The map size remains the same
There was a confirmation based on the post on Reddit, that the size of the Home Village map is not planned to be expanded (sadly, we don't have a link). The Clash of Clans community wonders about the location of certain buildings. With new content added in the upcoming update, it may be a little tricky to fit the additional structures in the same space.
What’s more, it can mean that some units, that deal AoE damage, will become slightly overpowered. More buildings squeezed into the same area means that inherently they will stand closer to each other. It benefits Bowlers, Valkyries, and E-Drags by a huge margin.
No Dark Elixir Walls
The idea has been coming out a couple of times already, but it was officially denied by SuperCell. There will be no possibility of upgrading the Walls with the Dark Elixir. It means, that if you have your heroes maxed out, and you sit on a bajillion of DE, you can save it for your retirement. You will be able to use it only on training DE troops. The upside of such a situation is that you will not be forced to waste the Elixir to farm Elixir and Gold.
Also, there will be no resources exchange. The SuperCell didn’t reply to many complaints about a huge discrepancy between Gold and pink Elixir's demand to finish all of the upgrades, with Walls being absurdly expensive.
In general, it makes sense. Since gems are easily obtainable for free in the game (you can read it in our CoC farming guide), SuperCell does not want to cut off their primary income source. Although we know, that some other games allow us to purchase the premium account or playing time for its in-game currency, like OldSchool RuneScape, World of Warcraft, or EvE Online.
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No Gold Pass for gems
Millions of players throughout the world would crave to see the option to buy the Gold Pass for gems. Gold Pass is the Clash of Clans version of membership, premium account, or so. It gives a considerable boost to building, training, and research speed. On top of that, it makes your upgrades and lab work cost less resources. It may not seem much, but at TH12 saving 20k Dark Elixir for each Archer Queen upgrade is always a nice little something. No wonder many players desire to have it.
However, not so many players are willing to pay for it. How much does the CoC Gold Pass Cost? It is an expenditure of around $4,99, witch a reasonable exchange rate in other countries.
Old Heroes skins are coming back
It is a matter that was brought up by the community many times. Some of them have started their adventures with Clash of Clans too late. Some couldn’t afford to buy the Gold Pass in order to get the skin. Some were just greedy and passed on it, and now they regret.
Worry not!
The oldest skins will come back. No one knows when, and how, and how much will they cost, but they will be obtainable once more. Don’t sleep over it this time.
The Global Chat is not coming back any time soon
There has been a confirmation directly from the Clash of Clans Community Manager, Darian Vorlick, in the video interview for Galadon. The Global Chat, although a great tool of communication or recruitment, has fallen a victim of typical, toxic, online gaming activities. Instead of casual talking, spamming, or even bantering and taunting, there has been a lot of griefing, negativity, and even law-breaking abuse.
Darian from SuperCell has stated, that each and every unlawful menace posted on the Global Chat had to be verified by the authorities, and it had caused a lot of troubles worldwide. Most of them were merely some ridiculous, internet trolling, but still - the billion dollar company cannot afford to take a risk, that someone will get harmed. It is why they had to shut it down, and they are not planning to bring it back.
To fill the recruitment tool void, there has been a new recruitment system introduced, and for now, it has to suffice.
The biggest unknowns of Town Hall 13
We have seen the posts, videos, ads, trailers, and teasers. We seek every piece of new information, but for now, there are more questions than answers. We'll try to speculate the possible answers, that even Google fails to serve.
Why did the builder go beyond the map on a teaser?
We saw the little fellow leaving the base and heading towards the woods. Why would he do that? We have already witnessed him leaving entirely, but eventually, he returned. What is happening here? Is he bullied again?
The most probable reason for him going away is that he has worked somewhere else. Now, 7 years after the release, there are thousands of maxed out Clash of Clans accounts. Players are sitting on their Town Halls 12 with Heroes at max levels 65 (Barbarian King and Archer Queen) and 40 (the Grand Warden) with nothing left to do other than fighting for the top spot in Legends League. They even have their Walls maxed! All five builders are sleeping day and night, and they have pressure sores. Why not use them elsewhere, for example, in a less developed village?
What is the flying thing above the Hog Rider’s head?
Everyone, who saw the teaser, had to notice that there is something in the air, and it’s not the love, for sure. We could miss it or ignore it, if not for the enormous, red, and a quite straightforward arrow pointing at it. What would that be? A new troop? Another Siege Machine? Or just a joke, a smokescreen to drag our attention away from the clue? Whatever that is, with an update coming in, it will be jaw-dropping, whether it’s legit or not.
What is the upcoming th13 color theme?
Starting with the Town Hall level 9, SuperCell has dropped the idea of idyllic, thatched building, and went straight into a dark, grim, medieval theme. Then with a release of Town Hall 10, it was swapped to a red-hot, molten-like infrastructure. Town Hall 11 was a white, seemingly calm, heaven-like level. TH12 is quite obvious - a tribute to one of the greatest minds of all time, Nicola Tesla, and the electricity, all of it in the blue coating. Many players and commentators speculate, that the new coming TH13 will be green. Maybe it will have something to do with the woods? Maybe we will have some Lorien elves coming in? Maybe it is precisely why the Builder went into the forest - to find and bring his fellow Treant friends to the home base?
UPDATE! - as we've mentioned earlier, the color motive for Town Hall 13 is dark turquoise.
With Clash of Clans Town Hall 13 release any time soon, just like all updates, players all over the world are eager to see what new content is it going to bring in. New troops? Additional spells? Interesting loot mechanics? Innovative buildings? What is it going to be? What does it mean for our base in the future? How will the pro play react? Whatever comes, we 100% sign up for this.
It was confirmed, however, that the SuperCell is planning to release live a new Town Hall every 18 months now. More updates, more content, more spells cooking, buildings crushing, troops training, and loot stealing every day. It is good information, that the company is not leaving the Clash of Clans by itself, and it's continuously making the effort to improve and release something fresh.
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Is Town Hall level 13 coming into the Clash of Clans?
Yes, it was confirmed by the SuperCell community manager.
When will be the TH13 update released?
For now, we know that it will be in the following month - December 2019. The precise date is not published.
Is there going to be more Clash of Clans updates?
For sure. Clash of Clans CM decided to confirm more than one update to come.
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