CoC Clan War Leagues - where the best clans Clash

What is Clan War Leagues in Clash of Clans?
It is a current addition - a seasonal competition between clans, where the rewards are League Medals, loot, and never-ending glory. There are seven clans in each round that clash with each other in seven head-to-head wars. The winner will climb, the loser will fall, and the teams in the middle will remain in their place.
Clan War Leagues gameplay
The Leagues begin once the clan leader decides to. There is a two-day sign-up period that can but doesn't have to, be utilized. It is because there might be a regular 2-days Clan War going on, and the clan has to wait for it to end.
The clan leader can sign in the whole 50-person clan to a CWL during the sign-up period, but the size of an attacking group will be either 15 or 30. There can be a first squad and subs. Whoever deserves to go in and makes reliable attacks, can expect himself to be a part of the leading team.
Only one attack
During CWL, each of the 15 or 30 players have only one attack. It makes the Clan War Leagues much harder than a regular war, because not only you can't go for a six-pack, but also there are no scout attacks. You have to prepare your strategy knowing that if you trip, there will be no one to correct the base you've attacked.
Here we have a piece of advice to clan leaders - pick carefully. You want your active members participating, while others are passively getting the rewards. If the player you selected fails to make an attack, there will be no way to correct it as well. You will end up at least three stars short. You have three weeks of preparation before the sign-up period. Start a couple of Clan Wars, see how are your subordinates performing, if they are consistently bringing at least two stars or failing easy attacks, etc.
Keep in mind that the matchmaking is working a little differently than in Clan Wars, which we'll be talking about next.
The matchmaking
If your clan never before participated in the Clan War Leagues, the matchmaking will be similar to this of a regular Clan Wars. The total strength of your clan will be determined based on the power of the top 15 players in your clan.
If you have already participated in the CWL, then you will be randomly matched against other clans in this League Tier. This system is punishing the weaker clans by pairing them up with much stronger ones, who failed to get higher. This way, sometimes, when your top players are TH10s and TH11s, you may be matched against a clan that has at least half of its players at TH12. Is there anything you can do about it? Not really. It's like world soccer cup matchmaking, where the weak team is in the group with the likes of Argentine, Brasil, Germany, or Spain. All you can do is do your best and try to score as many stars as you can. And if - and this is a big "if" - the enemy team fumbles, you may actually win the war.
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It is what we meant in the paragraph above - pick your squad carefully. In CWL, you may be paired up with clans much weaker or much stronger than you. It means that sometimes your clanmates will be forced into attacking Town Halls with levels higher than they are. It's hard and frustrating, but that is how things work here. They need to be prepared for a challenge and stand up to it. If they fail to bring even one star, it may mean that they need a little more practice. After all, the bench can earn the League Medals as well.
Promotion and demotion
The question may occur - who goes up in the tier ladder and who goes down? It's pretty simple. The top two teams, who accumulated the highest number of stars in their attacks will be promoted, and bottom two teams will fall to a lower tier. The situation changes for Bronze III and Crystal I - Champion II. For the former, you can't obviously fall lower than Bronze III, which means that your clan will stay in the same League. As for Crystal I - Champion II, there can be only one clan promoted to a higher tier, and three to be relegated. So if you are in Champion II and you fail to place at least 4th in the Clan War League, you will fall to Champion III.
The only factor determining whether you move up or down is the total accumulated stars from all seven rounds. It doesn't matter all that much to win every war. Actually, in theory, there is a possibility, that your clan will fail to win any war, and you will still go up. So if you fumble, and you lose one war, don't cry about that. As long as you try hard and score as many stars as possible, it's okay.
Of course, it's better to win every war for the bonuses, but let's face it - you will not win every war (cf.: matchmaking).
Just like in a regular Clan War, in Clan War League, you receive an instant loot bonus for destroying the resource buildings during the attack, and a war win loot bonus. However, in Clan War Leagues, you can also obtain priceless League Medal rewards. These are the currency used in a League Shop to purchase various items. Let's look at them:
Item |
Price in League Medals |
Notes |
2,500,000 Gold |
25 |
2,500,000 Elixir |
25 |
Training Potion |
10 |
Boosts the troops training, spells brewing, and heroes regen for 1h |
Resource Potion |
10 |
Boosts Collectors, Mines, and Drills for 24h |
Research Potion |
20 |
Boosts the Laboratory for 1h |
Builder Potion |
30 |
Boosts the Builders for 1h |
10 x Wall Ring |
50 |
Upgrades a Wall piece |
Hammer of Fighting |
120 |
Instantly upgrades a troop (7 days cooldown) |
Hammer of Building |
120 |
Immediately upgrades a building (7 days cooldown) |
Hammer of Spells |
120 |
Instantly upgrades a spell (7 days cooldown) |
Hammer of Heroes |
165 |
Instantly upgrades a Hero (7 days cooldown) |
The Warrior Statue |
100 |
Statues serve no other purpose other than pure showboating. |
The Challenger Statue |
250 |
The Contender Statue |
500 |
The Master Statue |
1000 |
The Champion Statue |
2500 |
The number of medal rewards that players receive depends on their performance individually and as a clan. The values are shown in the table below:
War League |
Position in League |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Bronze III |
34 |
32 |
30 |
28 |
26 |
24 |
22 |
20 |
Bronze II |
46 |
44 |
42 |
40 |
38 |
36 |
34 |
32 |
Bronze I |
58 |
56 |
54 |
52 |
50 |
48 |
46 |
44 |
Silver III |
76 |
73 |
70 |
67 |
64 |
61 |
58 |
55 |
Silver II |
94 |
91 |
88 |
85 |
82 |
79 |
76 |
73 |
Silver I |
112 |
109 |
106 |
103 |
100 |
97 |
94 |
91 |
Gold III |
136 |
132 |
128 |
124 |
120 |
116 |
112 |
108 |
Gold II |
160 |
156 |
152 |
148 |
144 |
140 |
136 |
132 |
Gold I |
184 |
180 |
176 |
172 |
168 |
164 |
160 |
156 |
Crystal III |
214 |
209 |
204 |
199 |
194 |
189 |
184 |
179 |
Crystal II |
244 |
239 |
234 |
229 |
224 |
219 |
214 |
209 |
Crystal I |
274 |
269 |
264 |
259 |
254 |
249 |
244 |
239 |
Master III |
310 |
304 |
298 |
292 |
286 |
280 |
274 |
268 |
Master II |
346 |
340 |
334 |
328 |
322 |
316 |
310 |
304 |
Master I |
382 |
376 |
370 |
364 |
38 |
352 |
346 |
340 |
Champion III |
424 |
417 |
410 |
403 |
396 |
389 |
382 |
375 |
Champion II |
466 |
459 |
452 |
445 |
438 |
431 |
424 |
417 |
Champion I |
508 |
501 |
494 |
487 |
480 |
473 |
466 |
459 |
These values are not guaranteed. It's not like that you don't attack at all, but get the full reward. For:
- 0 stars - 20%,
- 1 star - 30%,
- 2 stars - 40%,
- 3 stars - 50%,
- 4 stars - 60%,
- 5 stars - 70%,
- 6 stars - 80%,
- 7 stars - 90%,
- 8 stars - full reward.
Each CWL, the clan leader, can award some players a bonus. The higher the League, the higher the reward.
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How to use Clan War Leagues medals efficiently?
League Medals are a precious and scarce resource, which is why you need to learn how to use them to its fullest once you earn them.
Everything depends on the Town Hall level that you have and the stage of progression you’re in (you will need different things at the beginning and the end of Town Hall). Let’s say that you have just come to TH9, and you have a hell lot of Heroes levels for the upgrade. You may want to focus on it. If you have trouble farming the sufficient amounts of Dark Elixir, you may want to buy a Hammer of Heroes. Not only will it speed up the leveling process, but it will also save you a large chunk of DE.
However, if you are closer towards the end of TH9 hero grind, you may want to focus on Laboratory research more. What’s the answer? We’ll break it down fast step by step and reward by reward.
2,5 mil Gold/Elixir - it’s pretty much useless. You are always able to farm up these resources, and if you are not, or you lack free time… Naaa, it’s still useless.
Training Potion - these come for free from the Gold Pass, season rewards, periodical events, or even the gem shop (left of the village). Totally not worth it.
Resource Potion - the same thing as with the resources, although Resource Potion can speed up the Dark Elixir Drills. Still, Not worth it.
Research Potion - an excellent tool for speeding up the maxing process. Lab researches take far more time (around four years in total from TH1 to TH13) than buildings (slightly above two years) in general. This potion saves you time, which usually you cannot buy. We’d say it’s worth it.
Builder Potion - another excellent tool for increasing the upgrade speed. It’s more expensive than the Resource Potion but less useful. All in all, maxing out the buildings will take you less time than maxing out the Lab. For two Builder Potions, you can have three Research Potions. We’d say the former is a slightly better one, but you can’t go wrong with either of these.
10 x Wall Ring - useless. You will get a ton of these from events, Gold Pass, and besides, you should have no problem with maxing out the Walls if you are following the correct upgrade order and farming pattern.
Hammer of Fighting - instant research is exceptional. Not only it saves you resources, but most of all - the time. Some researches can take a very long time to finish, so this one is definitely worth it.
Hammer of Spells - the same pair of shoes as with the Hammer of Fighting. It saves a considerable portion of time and resources.
Hammer of Building - another great tool, although not that useful as the previous two. It upgrades the building instantly, which can be beneficial when, for example, you can’t allow yourself to wait two weeks for a major upgrade. Otherwise, we recommend taking the previous two.
Hammer of Heroes - it’s a handy thing in terms of saving resources. However, if you can farm sufficient amounts of Dark Elixir, we recommend taking the equivalent of Builder Potions.
Challenger/Contender/Master/Champion Statue - if you are taking the game seriously, we do not advise buying these unless you have a maxed base. The statues serve no other purpose than just showing off. Also, they require being in a certain CWL League, which not necessarily means you’re a good player. It only means that your clan is good, and you can be that funny little TH7 in the tail of it.
There are three significant factors we’ve mentioned here which have to be taken into consideration. The first thing is that for potions, you need resources. For resources, you need to farm. And for farming, you need time. Hammers do not need it.
The second thing is the Hammers cooldown. You can’t use one more frequently than once a week. It gives you a maximum of four Hammers per season, granted that you have enough League Medals to buy them. Potions do not have a cooldown. Using a potion during the uptime of a previous one will end the former buff, which is a waste, obviously. However, once the first potion runs out, you can pop another one right away.
The third thing is the hero downtime. If you are not using the Hammer, it will still take a couple of hours or days for the upgrade to be finished, even if you potion-buff your Builders all the time. For those of you, who use their Heroes to farm or tend to war a lot, the potion way is not the best option.
“Should I go for a Hammer or a potion instead?” you’d ask. We do not give you a clear-cut answer to this question since there isn’t one. We can only guide you, and the decision is up to you. You have to answer yourself: “Do I have enough spare time to farm? Or maybe I’m lazy?” It’s a matter of min-maxing. Whatever that is that will benefit you more, you should go for it.
The differences between CWL and Clash Wars
Clan War |
Clan War League |
Frequency |
Every two days |
Once a season |
Duration |
47 hours |
8 days |
Number of attacks |
2 per participant |
1 per participant |
Number of participants |
5/ 10/ 15 / 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 50 |
15 / 30 |
The primary difference between a regular Clan War and the Clan War League is the number of attacks at your disposal.
Clan War League lasts for eight days, as opposed to 47 hours period.
You can take part in Clan War Leagues only once a season, while you can start a regular Clan War just the moment the previous one has concluded.
In a regular war, you have the possibility to choose several member brackets. In CWL, you can only have 15 players fighting in the war. The clan leader is allowed to select all of the clan members to the CWL, but still, only 15 of them will have the attack.
Clan War Leagues tips and strategy
The standard tactic in both regular Clan Wars and Clan War Leagues is to attack your mirror. It is a good strategy, provided that you are facing a clan of equal or lesser power than yours. The problems begin whenever you are paired up against a stronger clan. In such a case, attacking your mirror might be suboptimal since once in a while as a TH10, you may face TH11 or even TH12. Sometimes these villages will be rushed, and you may score a two-star 50-ish% win. Sometimes they will not be rushed, and you will score… nothing.
It is why another common tactic is to attack “1-down” - an opponent a number lower than our mirror. In theory, it should allow the clan to get more stars, and as we know, stars are everything in Clash of Clans wars. This strategy is widespread, especially in situations where the strength and advancement discrepancy between competitors is grossly high.
Clan War Leagues is not mandatory, but it is an awesome opportunity to grab a hell lot of loot and rewards unavailable elsewhere - League Medals. These rewards are exceptionally worthwhile, and sneezing on them is not a good idea.
Clan War Leagues is another addition from SuperCell to diversify the Clash of Clans gameplay. It’s no longer about farming, Legends League, Clan Wars, pushing trophies, and attacking other players. You have Builder Base, Clan Games, Clan War Leagues, world championship, even a Clash-A-Rama cartoon! It’s good news that the developer, namely SuperCell, does all efforts to keep Clash of Clans players engaged.
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What is the CWL in Clash of Clans?
CWL (Clan War Leagues) is the feature added by SuperCell in 2018 to the game of Clash of Clans. It groups eight clans in a bracket to compete against each other for various rewards.
How many medals do you get in Clan War Leagues?
The number of League Medals reward is based on your performance, the numbers of wars won, and a clan leader’s personal favor. It is crucial to do well during the CWL.
Who can participate in Clan War Leagues?
It is open for every clan that can assemble at least 15 members to fight.
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